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13  Comics » Two Kinds
8Unto a new beginning » by NamesLaslow The end isn't always just the end, don't you think? Who know's whats after death, whats after life in general. End of one chapter, start of another after all. This is just the start of an entirely new book for this poor random shmuck who's stuck in a vastly different life, all cause of one small accident. A story about a should-be expired soul.
T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 19, words: 97k+, favs: 7, follows: 8, updated: 5/7 published: 3/6
5Stories of Two Fools » by SocialistBukharin Sometimes explanations need to be given through stories. Sometimes these are funny, but also quite dreadful to remember with how complicated things are now. (Or 'Tales about Euchre and his human roommate at Templar School').
T, English, Humor & Friendship, chapters: 4, words: 14k+, favs: 6, follows: 7, updated: 4/28 published: 3/31
Kammalys by MaxBaladi A Story Made By Max Baladi Featuring Flora, Kessah And Tanya And A Big Twist
T, English, Fantasy, words: 1k+, 1/2
7Damaged Knight Remastered » by Wolfsalvo Join Stephen Armen, the Matilda 2 tank commander, as he is fighting a war in North Africa one moment, and an unknown force in the far reaches of Mekkah's north the next. Adaptability is a requirement in wartime. Will Stephen's mettle prove adaptable enough? *Side Story of Fabled World
T, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 2, words: 11k+, favs: 13, follows: 15, updated: 12/3/2019 published: 11/3/2015
2The outworlder » by Bryandude Sequel to Lost boy, new world. Bryan and Fauna are on the run from the templar. Bryan has to deal with his mistakes from his world and twokinds. He is emtionally confused and shattered. They are looking for refuge in Lyn knoll. AU.
T, English, Adventure & Drama, chapters: 10, words: 18k+, favs: 2, follows: 7, updated: 11/25/2019 published: 1/23/2019
Natani and Keith Wake Up by olivediamond Alternate version of page 986. What if Natani had stayed in bed with Keith?
T, English, Romance & Angst, words: 2k+, favs: 1, 11/17/2019
1New beginnings by Cosmic StarDragon *Reworking the story*
T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 250, favs: 3, follows: 3, updated: 8/2/2019 published: 4/4/2015
2TwoKinds: The Marks of Nora » by TheEnderRebel Former Templar, Former Outcast, Murderer. . . made prisoner. A slave to kindness, enforced by the Lady Nora. Macen is but one of many she sought to repent, and yet. . . he may be the first to earn her grace.
T, English, Humor & Fantasy, chapters: 3, words: 9k+, favs: 5, follows: 7, updated: 4/6/2019 published: 2/2/2019
5 A keidrans kindness » by TheEnderRebel Based on the works of Thomas Fischbach. The story of a young captain who survived the siege of the wolf pens at Edinmire, with the help of a Keidran.
T, English, Poetry & Drama, chapters: 4, words: 5k+, favs: 3, follows: 5, updated: 2/2/2019 published: 9/22/2018
6Unknown Lands » by TheTureDireWolf A US Soldier from Texas was on his way to the Philippines to free the people form the Japaneses, but his Ship Achilles was attack by a Japaneses Aircraft carer. Now he finds himself on a unknown island travailing in unknown lands with A unknown species only known as Keidrans. Fight for there freedom from slavery (There may be M rated scenes)
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 5, words: 5k+, favs: 18, follows: 24, updated: 1/23/2019 published: 3/26/2018
Maanpakolainen by Yastreb Tarina Keithin ja Lauran ensimmäisestä kohtaamisesta kun Keith oli karkotettu ja keidranit pelastivat hänen henkensä.
T, Finnish, Hurt/Comfort, words: 1k+, 1/4/2019
1Subject 3 by Ishallcreatestories It tells the story of a man with a family, who finds a young tiger name Flora, who has special abilities. Years later, Flora puts her abilities to the test. With the help of family and friends, they together fight against the common enemy, the government. (Takes place in a world of anthro animals and humans and uses two kinds characters cause I am very original)
T, English, Adventure & Drama, words: 1k+, follows: 1, 12/31/2018
American Creeper » by Ishallcreatestories Roselyn, a white wolf, is a new crime and law professor at a college in Chicago, IL, USA who finds out of a mystery of young women being missing. The more she tries to find who keeps doing this, the graver danger she's in.
K+, English, Drama & Mystery, chapters: 4, words: 3k+, updated: 12/29/2018 published: 12/11/2018
14The two sides of freedom » by Kratos-aurion-10987 A young man, about to set out on his journey. A tiger, about to be sold off into slavery. What mysterious force compels him to aid her? What will become of it?
T, English, chapters: 14, words: 30k+, favs: 15, follows: 15, updated: 12/27/2018 published: 11/26/2016
6Lost boy, new world » by Bryandude A boy named Bryan from our world is some how brought to the world of twokinds. He was a loser and nothing in our world. But in this world, he is better. He tries to survive in this world. [this story is now complete]
T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 9, words: 11k+, favs: 5, follows: 7, updated: 11/24/2018 published: 10/27/2018
Keiser by CptTails Written on a dare from a friend, this short story chronicles the events in Two Kinds that happened the day and night right before Keith met Trace. I hope you all like it, and I may be publishing other Two Kinds related stories in the future.
T, English, Fantasy & Tragedy, words: 539, favs: 1, follows: 1, 8/28/2018
5Strange Land: Hawkeye Down » by Baltowolfdog Incident report: The A-10B, dubbed Hawkeye, has gone missing on a routine flyover of the 38th parallel. Pilots Alex (Axel) Holden and Chris (Iceman) Mooney are both MIA. Last transmission: "This is Hawkeye to Humphreys. We'd like to report a major storm about...80 Klicks north of the base. Over". However, records indicate a significant lack of dangerous weather in the area.
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, favs: 9, follows: 14, 5/22/2018
9Unto Chaos » by Storyteller Balthanax A Mage from another world entirely finds himself stranded in a world where everything he knows is turned useless. What's more, a grave evil approaches in the distance, which could spend the end for all of Mekkan if left undefeated- join the Mage and his Allies as he strides furthermore, Unto Chaos. (I know, I suck at Descriptions- But, I'll be updating this as I go!)
T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 8, words: 19k+, favs: 11, follows: 15, updated: 5/21/2018 published: 1/10/2018
7Change » by gatejumper-13 A young man from our planet is thrown into the wilds of Mekkan, where he will either take his first steps to greatness or plunge into dispair all the while another sits back and watches the games unfold. Human x Keidran, slight AU.
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 5, words: 15k+, favs: 27, follows: 35, updated: 12/2/2017 published: 2/14/2017
9Lost Home, Found Paradise » by Colton989 Stephan Kirkland was trapped in his house, isolated from the outside world. As he takes a ferry towards south, a storm hits him and he falls into the ocean. He wakes up in a small island, only to find out it's populated with keidrans. Now with the chance to go out and experience freedom, he can make friends, try new things, and possibly find love.
T, English, Fantasy & Romance, chapters: 8, words: 11k+, favs: 7, follows: 11, updated: 10/18/2017 published: 8/26/2017
2The Dividing War: A Twokinds Fan-Story » by cj3003 Peace is a virtue that is often taken for granted in a world so filled with war, so when a peace treaty is signed between the Keidran Forest Wolf Tribes and the humans, many people were skeptical. After a decade of uneasy peace between the two factions, an unforeseen threat begins to form. (This is a collaborative book, meaning there is two authors.)
T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 7, words: 32k+, favs: 4, follows: 4, updated: 5/26/2017 published: 6/25/2015
11Where the Stars Still Shine » by gatejumper-13 Lost in an unknown land after being swept out to see a young man finds himself in a place far different from his industrial desert home. Now, with nothing more then his mind and what little was in his pockets, and a steel jerry can, can our stranded hero find a way home, or in failing to do that, a new one where the stars still shine?
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 6, words: 14k+, favs: 17, follows: 25, updated: 12/26/2016 published: 1/24/2016
24Twokinds: Rouges » by MoonCatOfMars CO-WRITTEN When a wounded fox Keidran and a rouge Cheetah Keidran team up, expect the worst to happen. But when they're joined by a 'Feral' white tiger and a nervous wolf, you can't expect anything but chaos. And that's what will ensue. Dipping in and out of the lives of our favourite heroes, they will force innocent chaos of the lives of our heroes, not on purpose, of course.
T, English, Adventure & Humor, chapters: 10, words: 22k+, favs: 11, follows: 15, updated: 7/31/2016 published: 8/16/2015
25The Runner Of Far Away Lands » by AlhrexoTwKi A boy named Alex is found with the blood of his abusive parent's killers blood on his hands. After an accident he wakes up a stranger in a strange land. He meets a fox named Amber. Will a partnership form? Will blood be spilt? Will chaos ensue? Well, for your sake, I suggest you start reading now.
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 24, words: 30k+, favs: 30, follows: 32, updated: 7/14/2016 published: 6/11/2016
4An Accidental Adventure by PresidentLord Excellent An unlikely hero stumbles into the world of TwoKinds.
T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, words: 981, follows: 3, 5/11/2016
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