Chapter 1; Probable Chaos

Author's Note (IMPORTANT TO FUTURE UPDATES) - I -MIGHT- add in some mature content in terms of swearing, nudity, gore, etc- all descriptions that can be skipped over, something I'll try to keep short unless it's important to a situation. Make of it what you will- It won't be for everyone, so it'll be at a T-Rating so that I can prevent such potential from being wasted- heck, I'll put up warnings in AK's before the chapter begins so that you can skip over it, if desired- but, hey, that's what I aim to do here- to make the brush of my virtual quill so enrapturing that you can scarcely look away.
SECONDLY- I also am using my Worgen Mage from World of Warcraft. Prod me in one way or another and I'll throw up a prequel series going over his story- maybe a continuation of what's currently happening with him, and boom, you'll know besides the brief flashbacks or explanations given in the story. And for those that don't know- A Worgen is a controlled werewolf, and a mage is just a wizard. Google can help you out image-wise. Anyways, that's all I have to say-
Unto the End we Stride!

Balfaraz groaned, throat dry and rasped as he slowly opened his eyes. Everything seemed to hurt- he felt drained and exhausted, vision filled with blinking sunspots caused by the direct beam of light angled at his face. Grass gently tickled at his side and back, a fresh wind caressing his hair and shortened beard in a waving fashion that might have been soothing, had he been in this field of his own will.

The mage had formerly been in a sad, quiet desert, fighting a corrupted mirror- he had ended it by fusing it, but- this wasn't anywhere near.

Of course! He must have just slipped through a portal that had caused due to the disturbance of it all. He just needed to figure out where he was so that he could get back to Hearthglen. Pushing himself upwards with a renewed vigor, his back popped as he momentarily stretched, surveyed the rolling hills, and stuck to his gut by following a road path-

Or he would have, if the red blur hadn't immediately tackled him from a bush. The Human Mage went tumbling under the creature- something humanoid, yet resembling a fox's features, fur and fangs bared while claws grabbed at his shoulders. As the creature then made to press it's snarling maw against his throat, he turtle-necked, causing it to just clamp on his chin, puncturing flesh and bone. Refuting the pain, he felt what little mana he had tingle at his fingertips before a light violet color filled his palms, illuminating the creature's stomach and giving way to two mounds under the fur, placed above it's chest- breasts.

Once more pressing ignorance into his will, he slammed the glowing hand against the assaulting creature's stomach- and a shockwave ricocheted outwards from it, sending them flying off of the mage and tumbling into a heap. He stood in a huff, trying to determine if he had been dealt serious damage around his facial areas before facing the fox-creature once more.

"Off, Keidran Lands, Human," the creature spoke in broken common.
"Keidran. Go. Off."
"I kinda woke up here, though."
"Keidran. Off." It grunted.
"...where's the nearest human settlement?"
It pointed in the direction of the slowly-setting sun- good enough for him, the tips of buildings visible over the hill in the cast of approaching afternoon.
Raising his hands in surrender, he turned on his heel and began marching towards the town.

What's a Keidran?

Balfaraz continued on his way as per a normal traveler, eventually reaching the settlement- consisting of four main buildings besides the small residences that hung around the outskirts. There was an inn for travelers, the windows yellow with candlelight from within- a blacksmith's hut, plumes still rising upwards from the various chimneys, indicating recent business- a simple merchant's stand, for trading and vendoring various items- and, lastly, a town hall, operating also- from the size of it, as a guess- as a garrison for the Guardsmen.

All in all, it didn't look to be a bad set-up- his robes had lost their enchantments and had shredded in his presumed appearance, so he could use the new garb- and a room was also a definite must-have, due to the darkening sky, cloaked in a veil of stars that were slowly peeking through the violet of the dark afternoon. Balfaraz was more than willing to make his way forward- exhaustion was knawing at his muscles and hunger at his stomach.

The mage wandered forth into the inn, bustling past a swinging door and looking about momentarily before approaching a portly woman seated behind the main barhead, at the left-front of the inn.

"Welcome to The Troubadour Inn, how can I help you?" Her eyes sparkled in fixation as he approached, momentarily glancing over the mage's ragged clothing.
"Got a spare room up?"
"Only a double-bedder, lad, you still want it?" "Eh, sure, gives me a place to put a few things, right?" She skeptically nodded after a moment, extending her hand.
"Three silvers." Relievedly, he grabbed a handfull of the currency required and set them on the countertop- at least they used a similar currency structure, right?
She nodded. "Up the Stairs and on the end, lad- and, ye want a bath key to throw in with that? It'll be on me, uh- no offense, but yer kinda'..."
"Gilneans are as Gilneans do, aye, I'll take the bath key."
"Giln- bah, nevermind- 2 Silvers, Lad."
Cha-ching, rung and done. Exiting the inn with a nod, he then made his way to the merchant's place-

A thin, wiry man stood with a grin, rubbing his hands as the torn mage entered. "Ah, yes, a customer, aha! You have coin, I presume!"
Balfaraz nodded. "May not look it."
"Indeed! I suppose that would be the reason you have arrived, yes, to take yourself home one of my many fine garbs?"
"Ah, I'll take something. Got anything enchanted?"
The vendor slowly shook his head. "I'm afraid not, sir- but if you're looking for something resistant, might I offer this set of Reinforced Leather Pads?"

The armor in question was a simple tunic and a set of trousers, visible pads and studs bolted into the material- the tunic, on inspection, had a hood sewn into the back of it. The boots were oddly advanced, stiff and rigid, protective- a decent gear, all things considered. "How much for this set, aye?"
"Ah, a fine choice! The cost will be two gold, if you can muster the coin- but, ah, seeing as you've been gracious as a customer, I'll take a golden coin and a handful of silvers should y-"
But the Mage already had the two golden doubloons out, setting them down on the counter. "Keep the regular price, and do a better job of making some deals, too- your place is falling apart a little bit, and could use some repairs when you can get them."

Surprised, the vendor nodded. "Ah, er- yes, thank you for the kindness." "Got a dressing room somewhere?" "Allow me to set up the curtains, ah, yes-"

And the mage then tried on the set of clothes, content that it fit to his standards, and ditched his old shredded robes.

Deciding that this was enough for a day's travels and negotiations, he returned to the inn, bathing and taking his rest.

Something felt off in the morning as he woke with a shaking rumble assaulting his stomach. Time for breakfast- work past the feeling, Balfaraz, you've been doing it since you were a kid...

And upon making his way downstairs, he found himself greeted with a few tables gifted with patrons- but what caught his eye was a familiar figure from earlier.

The fox-creature, the 'Keidran', was standing dismissively, a chained collar around her throat extending to an oaf of a patron, eating messily of a honeyed loaf of bread. The manner he ate with was disgusting- and it was clear the Keidran didn't enjoy it either, leaning quietly against it's bonds and doubling it's efforts upon seeing the mage.

"Shee shomthin' ya like," the fat jailor interrupted. Snapping back to reality, he found the engorged ghoul leering at him before motioning back to the Keidran. "Aye, feisty fucker she was, savage I had to beat the shit out of before she'd stop fightin'." He laughed, the fox's ears remaining slick against it's head. Balfaraz pondered for a moment-

"Actually, yes. Is she for sale?" "Like hell she is," he laughed. "Nah, I'll make a quick buck with this one- voluptous, nice n' curvy, all the type those rich pricks aim for." He ran a hand up and down her stomach, groping at her form-

"Disgusting pig," Balfaraz muttered. "At least allow the thing some semblance of decency."
"There ain't nothin' DECENT about these FUCKERSH. Savages that dwell in caves and hump fer fifteen years before keeling over dead, good fer slaves n' pets, n' 'ats all!" The gluttonous man stood, pointing a thick finger at the mage. "You want to respect her so, see wot she does, eh?"

"I have a better idea," the mage stated with a grin- something boiled in his bones, something he enjoyed-

But a great popping sound rang out through the inn, and a great, furred man with the features of a wolf leapt from the spot Balfaraz once stood, leaping for the fat man.