Holy shit...uh well hello peoples, If you still are subbed or whatever it's called to get notified when a new chapter gets published, thank you for sticking with me in my very long hiatus, anyway getting off track...sooo..yeah, I should start by saying why I kinda left...and it's really because I just lost interest in it back then and I didnt really know how I wanted to continue this ( and i kinda still dont) but as of recently I've been thinking about this story and I've been wanting to finish it. Now I'm not going to guarantee an update is coming soon, I've been wanting to re-do the beginning, felt like some stuff could have been better (and less cringey) I also think I might just turn it completely into a original story, i dont know why i thought about putting it into the TwoKinds universe, nothing against fanfiction or Twokinds, I've just think in would rather create my own story/world..., So I guess that's it for this update, sorry if anyone was really into the story before I left but now I'm getting back into this, also, I will also say that I have a more original story that I've been coming up with ideas for about a year and a half now, and have been thinking about posting it on the other site, if anyone who has read this is interested in reading it let me know, other than that, I'll be working on rebooting this series