(First, a disclaimer. Yes, the first chapter of this story may seem quite similar to the Twokinds story between Trace and Flora. That was the inspiration for the starting point, but read on and you will see that it is indeed a different story. In the legality department, as it currently stands, Flora is one of only 2 characters from Tom's work who will be making an appearance in this story. For the time being, I wish to keep the identity of the second one a secret. Flora, the aforementioned character who will be making an appearance later, the Keidran race in all its variations, and the Basitin race are all original ideas of Tom Fischbach. As mentioned in his licensing section on his website, use of these characters and their world is permissible so long as Tom receives the credit for the original idea, and I believe I have just taken care of that.)

The sun was high in the sky, yet a cool air blew on the late summer day. The town was a bustle as many people started to congregate in the town square. A young man with short platinum hair turned his attention there. He had a pack on his back, preparing for a long trip. He made his way towards the center, wondering what was going on. Soon, he got a good look. One by one, people were being brought to the platform in the center and auctioned off as slaves. Some were human, but most were animal like creatures, some resembling wolves, some foxes, and some felines. He knew of them at the least. They were the Keidran, a beast race who were often seen as savages, and the way many of them lashed out, only to be zapped by a mage into obeying supported that theory. He turned away in disgust, until a moment when he looked back up, seeing a tiger being walked up to the platform.

Her attire was little more than a ragged pair of pants and a tattered shirt. She was clean for presentation to the buyers. For a brief moment, he got a look into her eyes. In that brief instance, he saw not the eyes of a beast like he saw with the others. He saw eyes in pain, crying out for help, even though she remained voiceless. The longer he watched her, the more he felt drawn to her. He couldn't begin to explain it. He had no idea what was going on. What mystic forced worked between them, none could say, but he knew one thing for sure. "I have to have her," he said to himself, looking into his pack to get his money as the bidding started. 10,000. 25,000. 30,000. The numbers kept climbing. Seemed this tigress was in quite high demand. The bidding held steady around 70,000. The auctioneer looked around, seeing no other bids. "Going once. Going twice."

As the gavel was lifted, about to be dropped to finalize the sale, the young man called out over the crowd. "120,000!" The auctioneer looked over for a moment in a stunned silence, but no bids rose up to counter that. A moment to regain his composure, and the auctioneer cried out "Sold!" The guard at the tiger's side pulled roughly on the ropes that bound her hands, leading her through the crowd to the young man's side. Presented with the money, the rope and papers to officially make the tiger his were handed to the young man. He looked to her, seeing her wearing a fake smile. She was about to speak, if only to say hello, when he placed a hand over her mouth. He shook his head and led the way out of the town. The crowd said nothing, watching as the two faded into the distance.

When they passed the gate leading out of town, the young man turned to the tiger, looking her in the eye. "Do you understand me? Can you speak?" She simply nodded her reply, unsure if she was actually allowed to speak yet. "Then tell me your name."
"I am whatever you wish to call me, master," she said, clearly having been conditioned to act as nothing more than a mindless slave.
"No, that's the wrong answer," the young man said, causing the tiger to cringe, as if she expected to be struck for it. "You surely had a name before they took it and forced you into...this subservient state. I want to know. What is the true name of the creature who stands before me?"
True surprise spread on her face. She never had known a master like this. One who actually seemed to take an interest in their slave. She didn't want to get on his bad side, though. With a nod, she looked to him. "My name...my name is Flora, sir."
He reached out, taking her hand gently. "Please, none of this sir or master nonsense. My name is Martin, and I would prefer you call me that." He looked to the papers that marked her as his slave. "These papers are proof that I own you. That means I can do with you as I will." A warm smile spread on his face as he held her hand, a slightly fearful look spreading on her face. "Flora, you are your own again. My only command to you as my slave is to enjoy a life of freedom once more."
"But Mast- I...I mean Martin. If I head out there free, they'll just capture me and sell me again."
Martin scratched his smooth chin a moment. "In that case, travel with me. You will be free to do as you wish, and should anyone try to take you, I have the papers that will keep them from doing so. In a way, you're a free tiger again," he said with a smile. He turned towards the path out of the village, but he didn't see her coming as she tackled him from behind with a happy "Nyaah!" He looked up at her with a chuckle. "I see it didn't take too long for the happy tiger to surface again." He managed to get rolled over, Flora falling into the grass beside him. With a gentle hand, he reached up, removing her collar. He then opened his pack, searching through the clothes he had packed. "This is probably the only thing I have that will fit you well, and it'll surely be better than those rags you're in." He untied her hands, placing a long robe in them.

Flora looked up to him. "Well...it would be a good idea for me to be clothed in towns as we're traveling, but if we're out and about on the trails, I'm more comfortable in just my fur. If your concern is decency, nothing will be, uh...showing through my fur."
With a smile, Martin looked over to her. "You're far more learned in my language than I expected. Very well. If that is how you are most comfortable, I can get used to it. Just let me know if you end up too cold and I'll gladly give you that robe," he said, tucking it back into his backpack. "Now, let's go, Flora. The next town is about 3 days away."
"You got it, Martin," she said with a smile as she followed him.