Fox-Hero: Oh now I remember this… Also, the foxy ship, fricking impeccable logic right there. *slow sarcastic clap*

Quasar (EDIAHS): Oh shut up.

Fox-Hero:(It's not incest 'cause Ace is adopted) Bloody classic.

Quasar (Now EDIAHS): Of course, duh, I love Boy-Gets-Adopted-Then-Falls-In-Love-With-New-Sister Stories!

Fox-Hero: You have no idea how many times I face palmed; during you writing that sentence.

Quasar (Now EDIAHS) : You have no idea how to Facedesk. Otherwise, you would have done that and saved yourself a lot of facepalms. 1 Facedesk=10 Faceplams. 1 Facewall=10 Facedesks. 1 Facefoot= 10 Facewalls. Logic.

Fox-Hero: Let's just begin, shall we…

Quasar (Now EDIAHS): *Jumps up and down with excitement* FINALLY! GIVE THE MAN A CIGAR!

Fox-Hero: There are not any words to describe how confused I am at the moment… but whatever.

DISCLAIMER: I, Every Day is A Horror Story and him, Fox-Hero, do not own Twokinds. Twokinds is an awesome webcomic owned by Tom Fishbach, Go read it.

EDIAHS: Also, The previous A/N was written…. Forever ago. Obviously, stuff happened and I'd like to apologize for the shortness of this obviously unfinished chapter. Also, this is slightly edited (Paragraphing… Vocab…) By Moi, Quaser. And yes, I changed my name. So without further ado, here's chapter 10!

A Break In The Angst

Ace leant against the doorframe of his temporary bedroom, the events of last night still fresh in his mind as well as the lump on his head, a present from Shiraz. He rubbed the tender spot gently he heard footsteps heading towards him, he turned his head towards the noise and saw a small Wolven girl enter, holding a bowl of what looked to be porridge.

She quickly set it down and mentally noted the elder fox rubbing his head and asked, in a stuttering voice. "A-a-are y-y-you o-ow-ow-okay S-sir?" She stuttered. "I-I h-h-heard a-ab-about M-Miss N-Nan-Nancy. I-I'm s-sow-sorry, S-sir."She finished, evidently proud of herself for such a long sentence.

Ace looked up his eye shining brightly but in a way that seemed to radiate an unsettling aura. Ace shook his head side to side clearing his mind. "Thank you for your concern girl, I appreciate it." Ace sighed loudly and stared at the girl.

The stuttering girl smiled up at him. "I-I d-did-didn't k-kn-know my-my M-Mama l-l-long b-but s-she t-t-tol-told m-me t-t-that It w-was oka-ay t-t-to f-feel p-pain s-some-t-t-times a-a-and y-y-yous-s-should l-l-let it ow-out." The girl looked at Ace with a smile on her face.

Ace walked over to his bed and lay down on it. "I know what you mean little one but the thing is that." Ace paused his breath hitched "This type of sorrow is the type that you can't exactly explain, let alone let it out in an obvious way. But thank you for helping." Ace looked at the porridge "Also Kedren are Carnivorous" he said with a smile.

"Porridge isn't exactly the best meal."

The small Wolf pup blushed. "R-R-Right S-s-sow-sorry s-sir. W-W-We r-r-ran o-o-out o-of me-me-meat l-last n-n-night t-tho-though f-f-from M-Mista S-S-Shay-ne's m-meal a-a-and the g-g-guests l-l-ast n-n-ight." Flushing once more she continued. "I-I c-c-can g-g-get y-y-you s-something e-e-else th-though, i-if you w-want sw-sir."

"No it's fine, anyway- you've caught my interest who was your mother?"

The cub rocked back and forth on the ball of her gulped. "U-Uh. S-S-Sir. W-Well…. S-She…

-ZHE FLASHBACK OF AWESOMENESS-(Read In a fucking Prussian accent, Quasar will never be able to stop the Hetalia references)

It was a cold and somewhat stormy night near the remote western Wolven tribes camp. A faint light could be made out in the small clearing, kept alive by the fuel of the glass lantern. The camp itself was abandoned, due to a pack of small horses a few miles over roaming free and ready to hunt. The only ones left behind were the nursing mothers and small children.

Lil and her mother, Zai being two of the remaining wolves. The small children and mothers were gathered in a high pitched tent, huddled together for warmth. The light of a lantern flickered in the center, illuminating the silhouettes of the wolves and the surrounding trees. A human shadow falls upon the tent, towering above the wolves. Suddenly, a glowing blue circle surrounds the tent and the wolves inside and bound in rope.

A slow cackle was heard from outside the tent. "Perfect specimens for slavery or if we prefer, a reward from the templars. Either way there ours." The man then turned to the hooded figure casting the binds on the wolves and smiled a toothy grin.

His companions, elder dirty slaves like him, emerged from the woods and began to drag the wolves into the woods. Small children began to wrap? and get out for their fathers?. The man, the mate, this time, kicked the loudest. "Shut the hell up!" He cried, bringing his foot into her gut. The wolven child cried out in pain and became silent, as did the other children. Only a small sniveling could be heard as the one the got kicked grimaced at the pain. The man turned to the sniffling child. "And take that as a warning, bitch!" He talked at it.

EDIAS: Annnnd that's where it ends! Look out for chapter 11! Hopefully will be made this year! Haaaaaah.

See you next time and thanks for reading!