Welcome back sorry for the long wait I will not bore you with details. I also want to address some questions. No, I'm not in the military, and why I made my protagonist a soldier is it's not done a whole lot here on this site. The second question yes, Carter's company is a reference to the 501st in Star Wars also known as Vader's fist and yes, I am a nerd. So, with that out of the way back to the story

As the light started to crawl into the room Jade was still in the bed. As for me, I was getting ready for the day. Last night when Jade asked me why I'm fighting for her I told her part of the truth. I did hate slavery but the other reason is after spending a week with Jade she reminded me of Her. Ever since that night I could never find the strength to say her name but, that is in the past. The sounds of groans coming from the bed made me smile a little. As gentle as I could I said "Hey Jade its time to get up" but, more groans came from the bed.

"Do we have to leave?" she asked

"Yes, now get ready"

"Ok…ok I'm getting up"

Once I collected everything Jade was ready to leave and so without any more words, I opened the door and stepped out into the hall. Once in the hall, we made our way down the stairs again and I gave the key back to the innkeeper.

"There he is the son of a bitch. That is the Keidran lover." Said man pointing his finger at me. The same man who tried to buy Jade from me. Next thing I know he tried to punch me but I ducked under his fist.

"Ok, you are really getting on my nerves." I yelled and at the same time pulling my knife out. "oh, so its seven vs one. Does not seem fair for you guys." Without any warning, I though my knife at one of the goons plunging into his chest and hitting his heart killing him. While another tried to through a punch my way, I just moved out of the way of it. Now it's a six vs one as two of the goons tried to grab me, I manage to avoid one while the other grabbed one of my arms. I raised one of my foot over one of his knees than with all my might I hit his leg making a loud crack then he screamed in pain. His buddy who tried to grab me is now trying to punch me but, I ducked underneath his arms then I moved behind him. Once behind him, I covered his mouth with my hand than my other hand on the back of his head. A loud snap rang throughout the bar as I snapped his neck and his body dropped dead. It's now four vs one

"I killed two of your friends and I will kill you if you don't back down," I said when I look at Jade, I could see the horror on her face like I was a monster. The truth is I'm a monster.

"Fuck this shit I'm out." said one of the goons. With that, the other two grabbed their buddy with the broken knee and left.

"You're not winning this fight." Said the same man from yesterday. He had a knife to Jade's throat "you have two options. One is to give her to me and leave or let her die."

"That is not going to happen," I replied and as I pulled out my M1911 aim for his head and pulled the trigger. Silence filled the tavern as the man's body hit the ground dead. Without saying a word I grabbed my knife and then grabbed Jade's arm and left the tavern. I could still see the horror on Jade face from earlier. Was she upset with me?

"w…why d…did you kill them?" Jade asked with horror in her voice

"because they were going to kill me," I replied but, once we got to the town square, I saw a man in full plate armor and a strange blue symbol on his chest. The man eyes where a dark brown and his hair was a jet black. On his back, there was a black cloth starting at his right shoulder going to his left hip. The black cloth was a foot wide and also had the same strange blue symbol on it as well. I also saw another man in a US uniform being prepared to be hung

"this man has killed Templar guards and two other civilians. He has set Keidran free as well as destroying holy grounds. His punishment is death!" this unknown man bellowed. With that, the trapdoor opened killing one of my comrades. Not wanting to start another fight I left still pulling jade by her arm. Now knowing that I'm not the only survivor maybe there is hope after all. Quickly leaving town we entered the wilderness yet again.

I felt Jade's arm jerk out of my grasp I turned around to see what was wrong. Yet again I could see the horror, fear, and sadness in her eyes as she looked at me. "p…please l…leave me alone." she stuttered. I don't know why but I felt something shatter. Was it my heart? Or was it something ells? I could not say anything all I could do was look down in shame.

After a while I found my voice saying "I did make you a promise that I would keep you safe. also, Jade, I'm a soldier killing is what I have done. But I'm asking you to forgive me I…I…I'm sorry for what you had to see." I was truly sorry I guess she had not seen a fight like that before. If only she knew how dark the world has gotten and how bloody war had become. I'm glad she does not know what I have done because that is a part of why I'm the monster.

"I forgive you," Jade said. A smile came to from my mouth I don't why it did.

=========== Three Days Latter ============

Its been nice to get to know Jade more. She was born into slavery and only had one owner before I met her. She said that he died and was sold to two men I got her from. She did not know who her parents were or if she has siblings. I still have not told Jade about Her or my family just it was hard for me to talk about it.

"well what do we got here brother." said an unknown man

"we got ourselves some easy money." said the other. Both men where clocked so I could not see there faces but I did they had swords and looked like they wanted a fight.

"look guys I don't want another fight so just leave," I asked

"Oh, then we shall leave." one of them said sarcastically. Jade slowly backed into me for protection. I finally got a look that their faces as they move towards us. The first had blue eyes and blond hair and a blond beard. The other had green eyes and brown hair and no facial hair. As the guy with the green eyes tackled me his brother went for Jade. Both of us we on the ground trying to get on top of the other I managed to get my knife free and without wasting time I charged my attacker. I caught him off guard I made one single slash at his neck. Blood started to pour out like a fountain as he tried to cover his wound slowly falling to the ground.

"you're going to pay for that asshole." Yell his brother.

"bring it," I said. As he ran at, I dogged to the side to get out of his way but, he stopped and smiled at me. Then it hit there was more of them. I swiveled on my heel to see who was behind me I came face to face with a man twice my size and two others behind him. All three of them look identical only differences is size. This man brought down a mace on my arm making a lot crack then the next thing I know is his mace coming to my face then everything went black.

Unknown POV

"Snooping, are we? I know The POV changed so I have a question for you what more do you wish dear reader? My past, or is it something ells? Yes, I know you're reading a story and I know you're reading what I'm saying. I did take part in this story but there are more universes I have seen for example universe 789901 also called a portal in a janitor's closet or universe 812356 also known as American Creeper. I'm aware of all of the other universe and this one. I'm the one responsible for making Carter who he is but, he has not talked about it. Has he? Of course, not… How do I know about your universes and your story? Simple I'm in each and every one. I exist in each of them at the same time. I exist in a place neither space or time exist so there for I live in all time and in all space. But, you as humans can't comprehend this, I know that as a fact.