At this point, this FanFiction takes place in its own timeline, things are too different from the actual twokinds comic. All characters from twokinds is owned by Thomas Fischbach.

Keidran language will be italicized.

Also, this is the sequel to my previous fanfic "lost boy, new world". I know I said it would be soon and it's like 2 months. So sorry, hope you enjoy.

Bryan's POV

It's been 2 months since I arrived in this world. I'm still mourning the loss of Caine and Arthur. It's turning dark, about to be night. I sit on a log and pull out a razor blade. It still has the fires up blood the last time I cut myself. I sit there, contemplating whether I should do it, tearing up in my eyes.

"The tent is set. Bryan?," said Fauna. "Are you okay? What is that in your hands?" She pointed to the razor in my hands.

I snap out of it and focus on her. "Oh… it's nothing really." I said quickly, putting away the razor in my pocket. She looked at me concerned. Wiping away the teardrop.

"Are you sure you're ok-"

"I'M FINE DAMNIT!" I yelled out in anger. Almost immediately feeling regret. Fauna was startled, almost crying, I felt bad, so I opened up to her.

"I'm not fine. I feel like absolute shit. Nothing ever goes right for me. First I'm a loser piece of shit in my world, now I'm a wanted fugitive who lost 2 close friends of mine! And now I'm contemplating on whether I should fucking cut myself!" I start crying in my sentences, making it hard for me to talk. "I… d-don't know… what to f-fucking… do an-anymore!" (Sniff) "I'm… sorry." I burst out crying, balling my eyes out.

Fauna's POV:

I was started when he yelled at me, I almost cried. I knew he want fine, but I didn't know he was in this much pain. I walk over to him and sit down next to him. I hug him and hum ta sweet tune to calm him. I slowly grab the metal razor out if his hand and toss it into the campfire.

"I know you're hurting. I know you're in pain. But you're not alone, I'm here with you." I start tearing up too. "I also miss Caine and Arthur. I have also wanted to hurt myself, but I never did. Because I kept small hope. You shouldn't hurt yourself, do it for me."

Bryan calms down, he wipes his tears off. I never before saw him this sad. He looked at me and said- "I hope things get better for us. I hope you and I can get our happy ending."

"Lets go to sleep." I get up and pull Bryan to the tent. He enter the tent and lie down. "Goodnight Bryan." And with that, we fell asleep.