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1.5K  139  72  Anime/Manga » D.Gray-Man
Stay With Me by Akiko Natsuko 'Forgive me, he thought, as he lifted Allen as slowly and carefully as he could, half expecting the other to stir in pain, but Allen was painfully still, head falling to rest against his chest and the knot in Lavi's chest tightened as he dropped his head to press a kiss to the top of Allen's head. Please, stay with me.'
T, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 17h, [Lavi, Allen Walker]
Labyrinth » by ButterflyMiko Allen, Lenalee, and Kanda all begin to dream of the world's end as a new exorcist, who looks suspicious, joins the Order. Can Allen protect her from the nightmares and the darkness?
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 11, words: 16k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, updated: 5/8 published: 9/22/2019, [Allen Walker, OC] [Lenalee Lee, Kanda Yuu]
Fairy Lights » by ButterflyMiko Kanda is resting after the fight in Mater when he comes across a young priestess named Kuri. She strikes him in a way he has never felt. His feelings about her are confusing and yet he wants more of her.
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 939, favs: 2, follows: 3, updated: 5/8 published: 3/31, [Kanda Yuu, OC]
Tricks and Treats » by ButterflyMiko Allen found a little kitsune on his way to the Order. He took her in, kept her from eating Timcampy, and as she stared at him...began to suspect that she was a real woman after all.
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 655, 5/8, [Allen Walker, OC]
Before I Wake » by ButterflyMiko Allen was killed by Tyki Mick. He was in the hospital at the Asian Branch when Kuri, a specialist, was called in. She uses her special power to revive him, and helps him get up and keep walking.
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 1k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, updated: 5/8 published: 4/23, [Allen Walker, OC]
2Soiled doves » by Iweavewords It was that man's fault. The man with the ridiculous name that wooed my cousin Lucille. Tyki Mikk, or something like that. It was maddening how she was blind to the man's manipulation. It was a craziness that everybody ignored.
T, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 5k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, updated: 5/6 published: 4/25, Tyki Mikk, OC
191Nuancer le Noir » by Ennael Bon alors, clairement, me faire envoyer dans DGM, ce n'était pas prévu. En plus, ne pas obtenir directement des pouvoirs badass comme tout les autres SI, ça complique déjà un peu les choses niveau survie. Mais me faire engagé dés mon premier jours comme femme de ménage chez les Kamelott? Tuez moi.
T, French, Humor & Family, chapters: 44, words: 209k+, favs: 80, follows: 86, updated: 5/5 published: 10/5/2016, Allen Walker, Millenium Earl, Road C., Tyki Mikk
Innocence (AllenxLectora) » by Mikoto 0912 "Prométeme que si me pasa algo no vas a llorar, no culparas a nadie y serás muy valiente". Esas fueron las palabras que le dijo su padre que tanto amaba. Al principio no había entendido su significado, pero después de una trágica noche todo tuvo sentido. Sin saberlo, llevará una carga más que pesada sobre sus hombros...
K, Spanish, Romance & Drama, chapters: 5, words: 9k+, updated: 5/4 published: 2/25
1Falls the Shadow by From Atlantis with love AU. Allen's pretty good at the whole survival thing, which, you know, is quite handy in a world that belongs to the undead. Day after day, worrying only about quelling hunger and finding shelter, you get used to that kind of simplicity. It can hardly be called a life, though.
T, English, Adventure & Horror, words: 2k+, favs: 3, follows: 5, 5/3, Allen Walker, Kanda Yuu, Lavi, Lenalee Lee
37Resurrected in Red » by NaruShika-Forever Injury is part of the job, and many people die in the line of duty. Loss of mind and heart is common, but memory always remained. Allen lost this important part of himself. People want to help, but Allen rejects contact from a 'Cult'. He's not the boy they once knew. Red!Allen Friends!Poker Pair
T, English, Adventure & Family, chapters: 15, words: 49k+, favs: 114, follows: 162, updated: 5/3 published: 8/30/2015, Allen Walker, Lavi, Road C., Tyki Mikk
55100 Dias Con BaKanda » by Haruhi Juliette-Pon Después de perder su empleo Alice Walker enojada patea una lata sin saber que con ello solo se buscaba problemas ahora debe buscar un nuevo empleo, servirle 100 días a un niño rico y hacerse pasar por un chico "Allen Walker" -Yullen- -Laven-
K, Spanish, Romance & Humor, chapters: 9, words: 27k+, favs: 30, follows: 15, updated: 4/30 published: 5/16/2010, Allen Walker, Kanda Yuu
72Clean Slate » by Hanashi o suru All she ever wanted was freedom from her controlling environment. She wanted a new start...a clean slate...she got that chance when she ran away...she enjoyed the freedom she gained when she became an Exorcist of the Black Order. These days, Richie can't argue that her life is anything but dull.
T, English, Drama & Fantasy, chapters: 61, words: 196k+, favs: 102, follows: 113, updated: 4/30 published: 1/1/2017, Allen Walker, Kanda Yuu, Lavi, OC
12I Care and Always Will » by Dunya Musta'sim Allen hasn't been seen all morning and now it's up to Cross to see what's wrong with his idiot apprentice. Kanda's hasn't been quite himself so of course Tiedoll wants to help. And of course when Lenalee gets a cold, Komui will be right there to smother her. And even though he's not supposed to care, Bookman will always be there when Lavi needs him. Parental!Generals!Komui!Bookman
K, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 6, words: 9k+, favs: 74, follows: 58, updated: 4/27 published: 7/9/2017, Allen Walker, Cross Marian, Froi Tiedoll, Kanda Yuu
BROKEN » by Kida Hori Que pasa cuando Kanda se sonroja por una chica?, Lavi habla con Bookman para dejar de el clan bookman?, Lenalee celosa?, Tyki confundido?, Road asustada? y el Conde milenario frustrado?. Y todo estas cosas empezaron a pasar con la llegada de una chica. Lee Kira... la hermana menor de Komui y Lenalee Lee. Indicaciones: D. Gray man no me pertenece es de Katsura Hoshino.
K+, Spanish, Adventure & Supernatural, chapters: 3, words: 3k+, updated: 4/27 published: 4/15, [Kanda Yuu, OC, Tyki Mikk] Lavi
5Stronger together » by didikawaii Omegaverse Semi-Au: Alpha!Kanda and Omega!Allen were sincerely happy when they found out that Allen was pregnant However, the omega was facing complications during his pregnancy. The alpha was overprotective. And the fact that they were still in war and that Allen was the Fourteenth host didn't help.
T, English, Angst & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 11k+, favs: 10, follows: 15, updated: 4/27 published: 3/16, Allen Walker, Kanda Yuu
46Shade the black » by Ennael Well then, clearly, being sent to the D. Gray-Man universe wasn't planned. Besides, not directly obtaining badass powers as every other self-insert guy complicates my chances of survival a little. But being hired on my first day as the Kamelott's cleaning lady? Please, kill me.
T, English, Humor & Family, chapters: 31, words: 139k+, favs: 140, follows: 165, updated: 4/25 published: 10/25/2017
36the hollow men » by MorteSangriz "There had been a part of her for those first six months- that insisted that all of this was just a bad dream; that she didn't really slip through the cosmic fingers of whatever divine being was in charge of the whole reincarnation thing, and that she wasn't born with all her past memories intact." (SI/OC)
T, English, Tragedy & Adventure, chapters: 10, words: 33k+, favs: 158, follows: 209, updated: 4/25 published: 8/8/2017, Allen Walker, Tyki Mikk, OC
7Le pouvoir est en nous » by swordetios Kanda est déterminé à venir en aide à Allen, mais comment faire ? La menace que représente Néah se rapproche et il est impuissant. À moins que... ? Peut-être que la solution est déjà en lui... Couple : Yullen
K+, French, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 5, words: 17k+, favs: 4, follows: 6, updated: 4/24 published: 1/31, Allen Walker, Kanda Yuu, Lavi
1Hidden secret » by arandomreaderandcreator they say the fourtheen is a traitor, then why do they want him back, after all his done. could Allen uncover the secert that the fourtheen is hidding from everyone. then who is this girl who the fourtheen trust so much. Join Allen in his journey on uncovering the truth after his so called freinds left him.
T, English, Mystery & Adventure, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, favs: 8, follows: 5, updated: 4/24 published: 2/1, Allen Walker, Neah, Tyki Mikk, OC
26Mourn the Living » by noodleflavor There is no good side in a war. It's just two evils fighting each other for the sake of their selfish desires. Oh, How Allen wished that he isn't in the middle. He's torn between choosing from his past and his present. Noah!Allen, Slight Evil!Allen Allen x Road, One-sided Lenalee x Allen (Rewrite of Silver Lining)
T, English, Drama & Angst, chapters: 8, words: 37k+, favs: 78, follows: 96, updated: 4/22 published: 11/2/2017, [Allen Walker, Road C.] Millenium Earl, Tyki Mikk
3Who laughs at tragedies by Noob Slifer Editándose. [Dungeons and Dragons!AU] Viajar como parte de un circo ambulante les proporcionaba una cobertura perfecta, sin detenerse mucho tiempo en un lugar: ¿huyendo? No recuerda por qué. Sólo sigue caminando, sin detenerse, Mana no lo sabe, pero—¡Sonríe, Allen! ¡El público está mirando!
T, Spanish, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 1k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, updated: 4/21 published: 4/24/2019, Allen Walker, Mana W., Millenium Earl
Casual by Morimori-chan [ Drabble ] De como Lenalee hace su rutina de dejar café al equipo de ciencias zombi y, deja un tanto confundido a cierto chico ingles. (Ligero Allena -Allen x Lenalee-)
K, Spanish, Friendship & Romance, words: 537, favs: 2, follows: 1, 4/11, [Lenalee Lee, Allen Walker]
3 Pérdida de tiempo by Rey de Picas Si él hubiera sabido que el tiempo con ella iba a ser tan especial, hubiera estado con ella antes, mucho tiempo antes, y por mucho, mucho más tiempo. One-shot.
K+, Spanish, Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 4/11, [Kanda Yuu, Miranda L.]
3Battle Of Terror and Darkness » by SuperMoonlight09x The exorcists are facing a new threat that the new evil force, called the Deity Realm had appeared. Also, Jerry, the mouse exorcist must face the circumstances and trials in order to stop the evil conquest. As they headed facing challenges, Some questions might lead to the connections of Jerry and Allen's past lives as master and protector. Will friendship prevails against evil?
T, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 18, words: 76k+, favs: 4, follows: 5, updated: 4/10 published: 2/27/2019, Allen Walker
5 Break by Takkaori Allen reçoit une déclaration d'amour dans une charrette.
K+, French, Romance & Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 10, 4/9, [Allen Walker, Kanda Yuu]
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