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215  7  8  TV Shows » Grimm
6Grimm Got Magic » by sesskagfamily Nick Burkhardt had a past that was hidden even from him. Well at least until memories were triggered to start coming to him. Now with a little more help and a newly relearned skill can he protect Adalind and his baby and get back his step-child to complete the family. (I haven't watched Grimm in a little while so please tell me if I've gotten something terribly wrong but there will
T, English, Supernatural & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 1k+, favs: 6, follows: 14, updated: 5/29 published: 5/22, Nick B., Adalind S.
13Grimm & Dagger » by AspiringWriterGirl Kelly Burkhardt has always known his family's history and the role he will play in protecting Portland, but there is one mystery that he needs a Hexenbeist and the Wesen triplets to help solve
T, English, Drama & Mystery, chapters: 16, words: 44k+, favs: 18, follows: 34, updated: 5/21 published: 9/21/2018, Nick B., Monroe, Rosalee C., OC
8Dad by whitetigerwolf Nick is the last. One-Shot. COMPLETE. Featuring Diana and Nick. T for subject matter. Dedicated to my late Dad
T, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, words: 1k+, favs: 16, follows: 8, 5/21, Nick B.
24 Fake It Until You… Well, Don't Have to Anymore » by OyHumbug Needing evidence on a suspect but not having any probable cause, Nick decides to go undercover to further investigate Billy Capra. But he's not going in alone. He can't. Because, for his cover, he needs a girlfriend - a soon to be fiancee, so he calls in just one of his many, many chips with a new... friend. (Part Two of the Mutually Assured... Series)
T, English, Supernatural & Humor, chapters: 3, words: 14k+, favs: 26, follows: 37, updated: 5/15 published: 4/29, [Nick B., Adalind S.] Monroe
39Life is What You Make of It » by rianess Set as Adalind comes to Nick in the precint, and he takes her to see Rosalee. What if she was more forthcoming with her ideas and ways she can help? (Where Adalind thinks, in for a penny, in for a pound, and does everything she can to become a card-carying member of the Scooby Gang.) Cross posted at AO3
T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 9, words: 19k+, favs: 89, follows: 131, updated: 5/9 published: 12/29/2019, [Adalind S., Nick B.]
26The Other Place » by HexenGrimm4ever This story explores what could have happened to Nick Burkhardt and his children had he not gone back to the regular world after he killed Zerstörer. Written from Kelly's point of view. Author's note: To my faithful readers: I'm still working on my other Nadalind fanfic 'Listen To Your Heart', but I had the inspiration for this new story... curious to know what you all think!
K, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 19, follows: 31, updated: 5/3 published: 1/30/2019, Nick B., OC
20 Vie quotidienne » by Hasegawa-algue Recueil de petits moments du quotidiens partagés par Nick et Monroe. Parce que la vie à deux offre bien des avantages... En réponse au défi lancé par la page Bibliothèque de Fictions sur FB. Prends des commandes, voir dernier chapitre :) NO SPOILS
K+, French, Romance, chapters: 12, words: 9k+, favs: 6, follows: 3, updated: 4/25 published: 3/1, Nick B., Monroe
15Wessen Silhouettes » by WitOverLooks Grimms are the only people that can depower a Hexienbiest. Logic would dictate they be mortal enemies. The relationahip between Portland's resident Grimm and most infamous Hexenbiest is anything but logical. Tag along as they navigate the weird, trying and illogical.
T, English, Supernatural & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 13k+, favs: 34, follows: 60, updated: 4/16 published: 11/13/2019, Nick B., Monroe, Adalind S.
26Its A Grimm Life » by CaptnFangface Reincorporating some deleted scenes to add to my own vision of the story to flesh out more of the Grimmiverse.
T, English, chapters: 4, words: 39k+, favs: 30, follows: 50, updated: 4/3 published: 10/10/2019, [Adalind S., Nick B.] [Rosalee C., Monroe]
One year and more by midnightshadowmaster The new baby definitely changed Nick's views on several aspects, sure. He also brought several interesting developments in his love life. And just who is the Pflichttreue and how does he know Renard? Slash. Long one-shot that covers several years.
T, English, Romance, words: 14k+, favs: 7, follows: 5, 3/29, [Nick B., Monroe] [Captain Renard, OC]
9Grimm: Tale of the Casters » by BeautifulAshes90 17 year old Cember Mathison is introduced to Nick Burkhardt and gang by Trubel after saving her and her best friend, Maysen Simmons, from a group of Blutbaden. Trubel is fascinated by Cembers powers and a new breed of wesen called casters, a type of witch, that she's never heard of. Together the gang, with the help of Cember battle dangerous wesen and an evil caster called Ziera
T, English, Fantasy, chapters: 8, words: 10k+, favs: 7, follows: 9, updated: 3/20 published: 4/2/2019
1The Color of Her Hair » by EgoistFan85 Amidst the war between Hadrian's Wall and Black Claw, Nick and the gang must deal with a series of murders from a rather infamous killer.
T, English, Mystery & Supernatural, chapters: 4, words: 4k+, favs: 2, follows: 4, updated: 3/16 published: 8/20/2019
77 Nick and Adalind's Family Moments » by grimmswan A collection of one shots, with a common theme; family and fluff. Some I thought were too short to place on their own. Others, I couldn't think of a title for.
K+, English, Family & Friendship, chapters: 11, words: 8k+, favs: 109, follows: 87, updated: 3/11 published: 7/5/2017, [Nick B., Adalind S.]
53Cosmic Distortion » by Mighty Action X ACT 1: Unknown to Nick and Adalind, during their showdown in the Bremen Ruins, the destruction of Adalind's Hexenbeist due to Nick's Grimm blood had actually caused a Cosmic Distortion which had thrown the two of them 20 years into the future. ACT 2: After Eve destroyed the old timeline, Nick and Adalind must venture the New World and make it a better one for their children.
T, English, Supernatural & Drama, chapters: 14, words: 50k+, favs: 60, follows: 73, updated: 3/10 published: 12/14/2019, [Nick B., Adalind S.] Juliette S.
even people who aren't hateful by AndiKaneUnderwood Nick was ready to straight-up punch this guy, he was getting on Nick's nerves.
T, English, Family & Angst, words: 2k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, 2/28, [Monroe, Nick B., Rosalee C.]
5 Valentine's Day Toys by grimmswan Valentine's Day for Nick and his family. First he gives presents to his kids. Then he treats his wife to a romantic time.
T, English, Romance, words: 898, favs: 15, follows: 8, 2/15, [Nick B., Adalind S.]
Monroe's Game Of One Night Ultimate Alien by TheOneUsernameToRuleThemAll Monroe Found A Game At Thrift Store Called One Night Ultimate Alien And Thought It Would Be Fun (i dont own grimm or one night ultimate alien.)
K+, English, Humor & Friendship, words: 716, 2/11
2The Demons Within Us » by Clockwork Huntress The Demons Within Us is a Grimm fan-fiction where an original character is present, and is one of the main characters in the story. This character was experimented on my a cruel Grimm in the United Kingdom and she travels to Portland to see her old friends after she some how escapes the unnamed Grimm's grasp. We will see chapters dedicated to history and the 'OC' before the UK...
T, English, Crime & Supernatural, chapters: 4, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 3, updated: 1/23 published: 3/10/2019, Nick B., Monroe, Rosalee C., OC
GW Before: Warren SFW » by Artisan-Noteworthy Life before the Grimm World series began. Warren, born and raised a Blutbadden must see the world and face the reality of being a 'monster'. Now he has a choice; take the easy path and just give in to everyone's expectations, or rise above it and be a better person, wolf or not.
K+, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 2, words: 5k+, 1/19
some whiz by and only spook you by AndiKaneUnderwood Renard smiled faintly, watching the three lovers reunite. At least the bullets had only grazed them this time. He met Monroe's eyes as Rosalee joined their hug. Monroe smiled at him, mouthing "thank you". Renard nodded to his and took his leave, his work finished.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Friendship, words: 3k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 1/19, Captain Renard
we may stumble and fall but shall rise again by AndiKaneUnderwood When Monroe asked them to marry him, it honestly didn't seem like that much of an issue. This, of course, is where the problems started.
T, English, Angst & Family, words: 4k+, favs: 7, follows: 1, 1/15, Nick B., Monroe, Rosalee C.
1 a safe space we can go as we are (love knows no barriers) by AndiKaneUnderwood "Tell me, what bothers you about this? That you killed someone or that you killed someone who wasn't Wessen? That's what you Grimms do, isn't it? Because God knows you've killed plenty of them."
T, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 5, follows: 2, 1/12, [Monroe, Nick B., Rosalee C.] Captain Renard
8 A Royal and his Grimm, A Grimm and his Royal by slayer of destiny After Nick finds out about who and what Sean is, in the wake of their argument Sean is faced with a potential visit from his family. Will this pull them closer or be the end of Sean? Nick/Sean Slash
T, English, Romance & Drama, words: 4k+, favs: 90, follows: 55, 1/11, Nick B., Captain Renard
1 The Detective, the Clockmaker, and the Herbal Healer by AndiKaneUnderwood Contrary to popular belief, Hank didn't meet Monroe and Rosalee when Nick first began his relationship with them.
T, English, Family & Friendship, words: 2k+, favs: 6, follows: 2, 1/7, Hank G.
1 tear me to pieces, skin and bone (hello, welcome home) by AndiKaneUnderwood Nick had had a bad feeling about the day since he'd woken up from a nightmare that morning and Monroe and Rosalee weren't in the bed with him.
T, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, words: 4k+, favs: 5, follows: 2, 1/5, Nick B., Monroe, Rosalee C.
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