The Bears!

Nick Burkhardt startles awake as he instinctively gropes at his hip for his weapon. Only to catch thin air. He eyes make a practiced sweep of his surrounding, the fact that the loft seems empty doesn't diminish his alert demeanor. If being a cop has taught him one thing, it's that things are rarely what they seem. Besides, his loft has been the ground of many a battle. One of which that left him temporarily dead.

Nick lowers his guard at the sight of Adalind Schade sleeping contently next to him. Her features contorted in perfect harmony. Nick is glad she is having better dreams than he. He slowly gets out of bed in order not to startle Adalind and heads for the washroom. Passing by his sleeping child to make sure he is having as good a sleep as his mother. Slapping water on his face, Nick tries to latch on to the remnants of the fast fading dream he just had. The face that springs to mind belongs to the kidnapper he saw die just a few hours ago. EL Cuegle. The case is up there with some his most complicated. Nick can honestly say it's the most conflicted he has ever felt about a case. I'm definitely not going back to sleep now.


"In here!" Nick replies in a loud whisper so as not to wake Kelly. He walks out the bathroom to find Adalind propped on an elbow. Her face morphing from concern to relief when she sees him.


"Hey, I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't," Adalind confirms. "I reached out and found you missing. For a minute, I thought I was back at Sean's."

The admission brings a smile to Nick's face. He'd gotten used to Adalind putting an arm around him during their nights together. He'd missed it more than he would care to admit. Nonetheless, he was glad the two of them had progressed to the point she wasn't scared to confess something so intimate. The admission gets her kissed.

Adalind sighs contentedly, "I could get used to this." Nick chuckles lightly. He could get used to this too. Adalind raises herself up to a sitting position then pats the space next to her in invitation. Nick stretches himself on the bed and places his head in Adallind's lap.

"Want to talk about it?" Adalind asks. Nick contemplates it for a second then goes for it.

"Ever head of El Cuegle?"

"The baby eater." Nick could feel goose pimples spring up on her arm draped across his chest."

"Yeah. The gang and I encountered one yesterday. He died trying to recapture a baby he'd kidnapped earlier." Nick relays to Adalind while she combs her fingers through his hair. "I can't shake the feeling that he was right about the child."

"Let me guess," she offers. "He said something about how the child will grow up to be a mass murderer."

"Yep. Complete with a tale of how he'd once been incapable of performing the deed. I looked it up and true enough the child he spared turned out exactly as he'd envisioned."

"Naturally. They have never been known to be wrong."

Nick could feel his conflicting emotions rearing up again. That's not what he hoped to hear. He'd hoped Adalind would allay his fears. Sometimes he really wished he hadn't been exposed to this side of the world.

"Hey, hey, hey," Adalilnd says with a kiss to Nick's forehead. "You did the right thing. You couldn't let him take the baby based off of what the child might do. That's the kind of thinking that lost me Diana a few days after her birth."

"I know love, I do. My head just doesn't seem to get the message."

"Can't say I'm surprised. You do get thickheaded sometimes."

"Hey!" Nick protests. Adalind just laughs at his indignation. The interaction wakes Kelly who promptly starts crying. A still laughing Adalind lifts Nick out of her lap. "Get your thick head off. Kelly needs me."

Nick gets his revenge by hitting her on the ass as she gets out bed. She throws a wicked smile over her shoulder in response. Nick lays back and watches Adalind feed their baby. The scene is still surreal to him despite seeing it several times. His life has been upended since he found out he was a Grimm but all of it has been worth it for the sight before him. Maternal wasn't a word he would have thought up even after a thousand tries to describe Adalind but now she seems almost perfect for the role. She must have felt the focus of his attention because she suddenly turns in his direction, a gleam in her eyes.

"Jealous?" She asks. Referring to Kelly at her teat.

"Just a little," Nick admits. "Then again, I have your lips to tide me over."

"Both pairs."

Understanding comes quick to Nick Burkhardt at the same pace blood rushes to the juncture between his thighs. The imagery leads to the return of his morning wood. Adalind can see the tent in Nick's shorts as clearly as he can.

"Tale the day off," she says. "Kelly will be back in dreamland soon enough. We can spend the day properly celebrating being back together. I go back to the firm in a week." Adalind says, swaying with Kelly in her arms. "We can make up for lost time."

Nick considers the tempting offer. Screw it. He is due a break from all the chasing and fighting. "I'll take a week off. Get ready, Adalind. I intend to sample those lips all week. Both of them."

"Can't wait," she assures him with a broad smile.

"It's settled then," Nick says. "Just need to take a quick trip down to the precinct to tell the Captain in person."

Adalind makes a face at the announcement. Unsure wether Renard would be willing to allow Nick and her time together. He may even use it as an opportunity to keep Diana to himself a little longer. "Cheer up. I'm sure he'll be happy to see the back of me considering what has happened between us over the past months." Nick tells Adalind, trying to dispel her fears.

"He better."

Nick is surprised by Adalind's threatening stance. Pleasantly surprised that is. Her fuming demeanor is a turn on. Nick gets of the bed to have the first of the many lip sampling sessions he intends to have with Adalind over the week. She responds with equal fervour. The session stops once their lungs start screaming for oxygen. Nick palms Adalind cheek. Stroking his thumb across the sensitive flesh where his stubble has left a few bruises.

"I'm should shave," Nick announces.

"Don't you dare," Adalind warns. "I like the feel of it against my skin."

Juliette hadn't. He'd had to convince her to let him keep it. He wasn't going to tell Adalind that. It would just ruin the moment. Instead, he chose to kiss her some more. Making sure not to squash the suckling Kelly between them.

It's about an hour later when Nick and Adalind are ready to go on their respective short trips. Nick to the precinct to ask for a few days week, Adalind to the spice shop to ask Rosalee and possibly Monroe to babysit Kelly for a few hours. It was Nick's idea to have them babysit. 'They should get some practice in before the triplets arrive,' he said. Adalind on the other hand wanted to find out how Rosalee was dealing with the triplets discovery. It had been callous of Diana to break the new to them like that. Dina needs etiquette training.

The precinct was still buzzing from his superb undercover work, as well as the Captain's glowing praise of the department during the press conference announcing his resignation. Nick felt he could have been an actor in another life. Even experienced cops couldn't tell that hadn't actually been Captain Renard. Then again none of them had noticed Portland's Wessen life. Goes to show how much we trust our eyes despite knowing full well that appearances can be deceiving. He found Hank drumming his fingers on his desk. So zoned out he didn't notice Nick come in.

"Hey Hank," he said by way of greeting. "Quiet day today?"

"This is Portland, Nick," Hank replies, swiveling his chair to face Nick. "You should know better by now. There is no such thing as a quiet day."

"Well, at least I didn't get called out of bed at dawn today."

"Enjoying blissful moments with your hexenbiest, I see."

"Don't even start Hank. The whole experience is still surreal to me. I remember our fight in the woods. We were actively trying to kill each. Well, she was trying. I couldn't because, you know," Nick finishes with a pointed look at Hank.

"Don't remind me," Hank says with a grimace. Probably remembering the coma sex. Remembering being told about it, to be more accurate. He was too zombified to even remember what happened. "Surreal isn't the word I'd use."

"Use for what," Sergeant Wu interjects, a box of biscuits in hand. "I'm great at word games."

"Nick's relationship with Miss Schade."

"Oh that," Wu expresses with mock delight. "Yeah, I got nothing."

"Got anything for us?" Nick asks Wu.

"I'm going to have to pass on that," Nick breaks in before Wu can reply. "I'm taking a few days off. I just came down to let you guys now."

"The Captain too?" Hank asks.


"I bet that's not going to be an awkward conversation at all." Wu says.

Nick sighs. Second guessing if it was a good idea to do this face to face. He could have easily sent an e-mail. He could see the Captain from his desk. He was on the phone. Probably plotting something with Black Claw or perhaps even the devil himself. There is no knowing if he can stop himself from breaking the bastards jaw.

"Take a deep breath." Hank says, bringing him out of his thoughts. "You just got reinstated. Fighting the Captain here, again I might add, will only put a dent in the undercover narrative we crafted. Think of the poor sergeant. He just got his job back."

"Yes. Think of the poor sergeant." Wu repeats drily.

Nick looks between his friends and lets the anger ebb from his body. He couldn't risk his friends' job. They both enjoy it. So does he. The hours may be grueling and flood into his home life but helping people was what he lived for. Protect and Serve were words Nick has lived by his entire life. Being a Grimm just took that another notch.

"Let's get this over with."

Nick walks into the Captain's office without knocking. The look Captain Renard gives him over the top of his laptop makes it clear he noticed the offense. Nick is too pissed off to care about manners.

"Can I help you, Detective?"

"Yeah. I'm taking some days off. A week to be exact."

"Okay," Renard calmly says. "Would that be all?"

Nick had expected more than that. He'd gone in there hoping to blow off some steam. He wasn't leaving before he could. "Not as long as you were hoping for, huh?"

Renard just shrugs his shoulders. "I'd rather you were around. You're one of my best detectives. You record speaks for itself. Why would I want you gone indefinitely?"

"Are you serious right now," Nick remarks as he walks closer to the desk. "You tried to kill me."

"And you cost me my mayorship." Captain Renard points out before leaning back into his chair. "Yes, I tried to kill you but I also protected you for a number of years. You've got to learn to go with the flow if you're going to be a part of our world. Think of the Wessen world like America. There are no allies. Only common interest."

"Spoken like a true opportunist."

Renard gives Nick a humorless smile. "Take the days off. I'll be expecting you back in good form. And Nick. Try not to repeat your entrance. This is a precinct. You work for me. I'm still Captain."

Nick responds with arm raised in mock salute, "Aye, aye, Captain."

"Well that when better than I hoped," Sergeant Wu says once Nick returns to his desk.

"You okay," Hank asks.

"Yeah, I'll be better once I get out of here," Nick replies. "Going solo while I'm away?

"I was thinking about that while you were in there," Hank refers to the meeting with the Captain. "Going solo is a good way to get shot. I'll probably team up with Randolph."

"I'm sure her looks have absolutely nothing to do with it," Wu remarks.

Hank gives Wu an unimpressed look while Nick chuckles nearby. "Come on man, you know I don't mix work with pleasure."

Wu holds his hands up in surrender, "I was just saying Hank."

Hank throws the empty box of biscuits at him. "Learn to shut the hell up."

Nick erupts in laughter. He's looking forward to the week alone with Adalind but he is certainly going to miss being with these two.

"Would you quit giggling already?" Hank reprimands Nick, making him laugh even more. "You better get out of here before I shoot you." Nick does as he's told but not before giving Wu a high five on his way out.

Meanwhile, at Freddy's Spice Shop Adalind is with Monroe and Rosalee. The couple have spent the time since she got the cooing at baby Kelly. Kelly seems to like Rosalee more. Always reaching out for her especially when she is in her woged Fuchsbau form.

"I'd kill to be a fuchsbau right now, " Adalind comments.

"Why?" Rosalee asks, eyes still on Kelly.

"Well you are this sexy foxy creature with gorgeous blue eyes while I'm stuck as the heinous witch of the west," explains Adalind. "Even Monroe is better looking than me."

"I wouldn't say so," Monroe disagrees.

"Adalind? What's wrong?" Rosalee asks, now standing upright to look at Adalind.


"Come on. I know you were worried about your powers coming back but I thought you and Nick worked it out."

"Yeah, I told him my powers were back but he already knew," Adalind says. "But I'm still scared being a Hexenbiest is a deal breaker."

"I'm sure Nick didn't say that," Monroe replies.

"No, didn't. Truth be told, he hasn't really said anything about it," Adalind confirms. "You know what, let's just forget about it."

"Alright…" Rosalee agrees hesitantly.

"How did it go at the sonographer's?" Adalind asks in an attempt to change the subject.

"The triplets are doing fine. Thank God, Us on the other hand, we are…" Rosalee motions her hand to Monroe for help.

"Panicking," he offers.

"Yep. Panicking seems like the most accurate word."

Rosalee nods her head. She and Monroe had already been panicking at the thought of having a child knowing the possible defects the child may have due to their differing genes. Add Diana's revelation that they were having triplets and the constant danger lurking beneath Portland, and yes, panic seemed accurate.

"You two have prepared for this. You'll be fine," Adallind tries to reassure them. "Take me for instance, I was completely unprepared for both of mine. Hadn't given any serious thought to being a mother but here I am. I love being a mother and I have people like you guys to help me out."

"Friends you can dump your child on while you and Nick have a…um… sleepover," Rosalee says in a teasing voice.

"Great job honey," Monroe congratulates his partner. "I don't think I've ever seen a hexenbiest blush. That's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one."

Adalind rolls her eyes at Monroe's comment yet continues to smile. "We all know this is an investment for when the triplets arrive."

"You best trust we'll be calling in the favour," Roalee agrees, placing her arms around Monroe's neck and planting a kiss on his lips. "Bludboten aren't known for their patience."

"No we are not."

Adalind smiles as Monroe bends for another peck. The three of them are interrupted by the bell announcing Nick's arrival. "I'm starting to think it's virtually impossible for you to keep your hands of her, Monroe."

"Stones and glasshouses, Nic," is his reply.


Nick greets Adalind with a quick kiss as if to prove Monroe's point. "Time to go."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Adalind responds.

Nick and Adalind were on their way three goodbyes later. They decided to take Nick's car since they'd be back for Kelly. Adalind puts the groceries she got earlier into the back and takes the passenger seat next to Nick. She asks how it went with Captain Renard after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"Better than I expected," Nick tell her. "He is acting like everything is back to normal. As if the past few months didn't happen."

"He gave you the speech about going with the flow, didn't he?"

"Yes, he did," a surprised Nick replies. "How did you know?"

"He told me the same thing when I got back looking for Diana."

"Hank had to talk me out of breaking his jaw this morning."

"I'm not sure if I would have," says Adalind. "How is Hank dealing with the El Cuegle thing?"

"Pretty well, I think. He got used to wessen have powers very quickly. As soon as we convinced him he wasn't crazy, that is."

"Believe me, even other wessen find El Cuegle strange. I feel bad for them in fact. They didn't win the amazing powers lottery."

"And you did?" Nick asks.

"There are perks to being a Henxenbiest, Nick."

"Show me," Nick says. The remark coming of more as a challenge than a request. Adalind takes a moment to look at Nick to make sure he's being serious. Nick returns the look making sure to inject every ounce of certainty he can muster into it. Adalind, acknowledging his seriousness, woes into her hexenbiest form. She looks Nick's way expecting him to revolt at her hexenbiest form but she finds him looking at her in anticipation.

"Hands off the wheel," she orders. Nick obeys immediately. He watches as Adalind drives the vehicle, bypassing cars on the road using her telekeneis. Her finger in an anti-clockwise gesture for a left turn and clockwise for the opposite. Nick still has control over the acceleration but he's hands are free of the wheel as thought he was showing off on a bicycle. Nick winks at every unbelieving motorist they overtake with the widest grin on his face. He eventually has to take over once they make it to a traffic stop. Adalind wages back into her human form.

"Holy crap, that was… Holy crap!" Nick exclaims.

Adalind just beams beside him. To think she'd been worried he'd pull back once she started using her Hexenbiest abilities. She couldn't have been more wrong. This has been the most excited she's ever seen Nick. The look on his face is like that of a little boy whose been taken on his first motorcycle ride on the SH 85.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this excitable."

"That was mad fun!" Nick cries out. Turning to look at Adalind, he says, "I can't believe you've been holding out on me.''

"I haven't used it much since the suppressant wore off."

"Why not?"

"Things were going great between us. I didn't want to risk losing you over my powers."

Nick was silent for a while, the joy at the display of her powers having ebbed away. There wasn't much he could say to Adalind. Everything he could say he already did several times. One more time shouldn't heart.

"We've had this conversation before, Adalind. I'm going nowhere. Neither are you and Kelly. Not again. We're in this together."

"I know Nick. I'm sorry I keep bringing it up."

"You can go full hexenbiest whenever you want," Nick says.

"Really? It doesn't gross you out?"

"Not at all," Nick assures. "I've seen worse wessen, believe me. The only wessen that gross me out are Lebensauger."

"Ewww," Adalind expresses. "Where did you meet one."

Nick just shakes his head. "It's a long story."

Nick tells Adalin the story of Ryan Smulson for the rest of the journey. An intern at the precinct who'd gone on a killing spree against other wessen because he believed Nick was being too lenient. Even adopting the Sterbestunde G, the sigil of a particularly brutal group of Grimms who went as far as to kill children. The tale continued into the loft where Adalind went about preparing for an early lunch.

"Need me to do anything?" Nick asks, offering his help with the meal.

"Nope," Adalind responds with a smile. "Just sit there looking pretty. You're my eye candy. Get on with the story."

"The imagery of a Lebensauger may just ruin my appetite." Nick answers. "Besides, my Italian ancestors would haunt me if I let you make a Ribollita dish by yourself."

"Fine. You can wash the cabbages and celery. I can still ogle you that way."

Nick does as commanded. He and Adalind work in tandem. She cuts the vegetables up once he's done washing them. Nick goes to light the stove but can't find a single match nearby. Probably because he'd been eating out since Kelly and Adalind had left for Renard's,

"I can't seem to find…"

"Don't bother," Adalind interrupts. She flicks her wrists twice making the stove light by itself. Nick stares at her as she works a bottle of Chianti. Adalind pretends not to notice his stare at first but then the small lift of her lips betrays her. She tugs her a strand of loose hair behind her ear and peeks at Nick beneath her lashes. Nick winks at her, making her smile.

A Hexenbiest Has Never Been Hotter.