Apologies for the long wait. Finally got a few days off work. I hope this serves as a welcome distraction during these times of uncertainty. I believe I have conflicting tenses throughout the story. Please bear with me. Everyone stay safe.

Portland's best and finest have their hands full. The now found children were the focus of the precinct. Renard was barking orders, trying to keep the press away and getting the kids processed before they could be released. The kids for their part seemed more cavalier about the situation than the adults. The older kids that is. The slightly younger kids seemed entranced by their predicament. The boys were amazed at being in a police station, watching them work first hand.

"How do you want to do this?" Nick asks Hank, who scans the over two dozen kids - technically witnesses - they had to interview. The waiting room was at capacity.

"We can't process all of them by ourselves," he responds. "That could take days. Besides, their parents will want to have them back home as soon as possible."

Officer Wu walks over to the two detectives. "Spoke to the truck driver who found them. Says he saw the group walking aimlessly by the side of the rode and stopped to ask where they were headed. Called it in when he noticed they lacked a chaperone." Wu glances around the room. "What's the plan?"

"Still working on it."

"Well work faster. We all know it won't be long before the Captain wants to give a press conference." Wu supplies.

"Call in the reserves?" Hanks asks a moment after the officer departs.

"My thoughts exactly," Nick confirms.

The two detective go about rounding up their colleagues. Things should go a lot easier and faster with their help. The detectives take a child each to their desks, aiming to treat the interview like a conversation rather than an interrogation. The other detectives are to pass Hank and Nick their notes later.

The interviews go on without anything out of the ordinary. The children all seem to have the same backstory. Orphans or foster children, felt discriminated against, told to wait for a black van after school and answer black claw's call to liberate themselves and others like themselves. Nick felt bad for them. Most of them lived with Kehrseite who had no idea what they were going through. Their ordeal reminded him of Trubel.

Nick and Hank's newest witnesses were twins. Aged between 11 and 15, as far as Nick could tell. The girls held unto one another's hand as they took seats opposite the detectives. Nick went about the routine line of questioning.

"Can you tell me how you guys ended up where you did?"

"Some friends and us decided to run away and join, you know…"

"Black Claw," Hank supplies.

"Yeah," the other twin confirms. "We met up with them some distance away from school and got into the van they told us would be there."

"Do you remember the make and mold of the car?" Nick asks. "I mean, can you describe it."

The girls exchange quizzical looks. "It was black, the door creaked whenever it was opened. Sorry, we're not that good with cars."

"Don't worry about it," Hank replies. "You're doing fine. Do you have any idea where they took you?"

"Not really. The van had no windows. The ones in the front seat wear rolled up all the way."

The interview continued in this fashion until the twins decided to ask a question of their own. They'd combed the precinct interacting with all the other kids but still could not find what they where looking for. Rather who they were looking for.

"We have a question," a twin says. "If you don't mind."

"Go ahead," Nick says.

"Are we all here? I mean those of us who were taken. Or are some somewhere else?"

It is the detectives' turn to share a look. "Everyone found with you is right here. In this station."

"They told us they got everyone out."

The remark gets the detectives' attention. The had been no mention of a third party in any of the previous interviews.

"They?" Hank probes.

"They told us not to say anything."

"Who did?" Hank tries again.

"The people we set us a free," one of the sisters reveals.

"We'd been there for a few days," the other sister continues. "When we heard what sounded like fighting outside. There were four, I think. We met another girl there. She was there before we arrived. She took care of us. All of us."

"Is there anything you can tell us about her?" Nick asks.

"Not really. We don't even know her name. The people there just called her Mama Bear."

"I can't believe we left her there."

"We thought she'd been rescued too," the other twin says. Trying to console her sister who has tears streaming down her face. Her dismay makes her woge involuntarily. Her sister also woges into an Eisbiber, dabbing at the tears on her sister's cheek with a handkerchief. Nick tries to avert his eyes from the scene but succeeds a moment too late.


The children scream. Falling over in their rush to get away from Nick. Nick reaches out to in an attempt to stop the fall but the gesture just makes the girls more desperate.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Nick tries to say but the girls are in full out panic. Everyone looks over at Nick and Hank trying to judge the cause of the commotion. Wu comes running over to the huddle girls who quickly grasp his legs, their arms pointed at Nick, fear in their eyes.

"It's okay. Calm down," Sergeant Wu tries to sooth the children. Knowing what they were going through. Wu quickly ushers them away from Nick. Giving him a nod as he does so. Their colleagues continue to stare for a minute before going back to their tasks.

"Sheesh," Hank remarks, as he bends over to retrieve the spilled contents of his desk. The twins' handkerchief amongst them the items he absentmindedly puts into his desk drawer. "I don't think I am over going to get used to that."

"Me neither," agrees Nick. "This is why we often do this in the interrogation room."

"Tell me about it. Your ancestors must have done some messed up things to be this infamous."

"Lobbing of heads will get you that level of infamy. "

"Point taken. Aren't you getting sick of being painted this way?"

"You have no idea."

Hank lets out a chuckle before replying: "Says the Grimm to the black cop."

The rest of the day is spent retrieving notes from their colleagues, passing word around that a kid is still missing and partaking in Captain Renard's press conference. Nick is exhausted by the end of the day. Without making any sort of progress into the case. The next lead is dependent on if they can trace whomever owns the warehouse the children were housed. He or she is sure to have used shell companies but Nick has faith in the IT department. Picking his stuff up to leave, he experiences a light bulb moment. Getting him to fish his phone out of his pocket and make the call.

I have an entire department at my disposal.

"Oh Nick. It is so nice to hear from you," Bud Weisner says over the phone. "My wife and I have been so worried. Errm…not about you alone. The missing kids too but it would be so bad if we lost our Grimm. The other wess…"

"Bud!" Nick exclaims.

"Oh sorry there Nick. I got carried away," he apologizes. "To what do I owe this phone call. Not that its an issue per se. I am always willing to help out. Do you need work done on your fridge."

"No Bud, the fridge is fine," Nick assures him. "I am calling to ask a favour. Yes, we found the kids but one of them is still missing. I need you to have the Lodge on lookout just incase they stumble unto something."

"Sure! No problem. We are all willing to help considering all you've done for us."

"I hope so," Nick replies. "Oh and Bud, one more thing. Send word to the Mellifer too. They usually have access to the grapevine. Tell them we're looking for the owner of this warehouse. The address is…"

"Not to turn you down or anything Nick," Bud butts in."You know I and the Lodge are always willing to help but I can't say the same for the Mellifer. Not anymore anyway."

"Why not?"

"Well considering you let the Mellishwuler die and aided the Hexenbiest that killed her. The same Hexenbiest you are currently living with."

Nick concedes the point. He forgot the law firm Adalind worked for had been embroiled in a battle with the Mellifer. He was naive then. He could understand their ire but then again, a child's life was still on the line. A point he made to Bud.

"Alright," Bud says. "I'll do my best but I make no promises."

"Thanks Bud."

Nick ends the conversation optimistic. The Wessen world often has protocols and information systems that surpass that of the human world. Parting ways with Hank, Nick leaves for home. He is taken aback by how much he is looking forward to going home. A feeling that he hasn't had since he and Eve's - née Juliette - relationship went down the drain. His apartment used to be so bland. Just a spot to rest his head. Not the home it now is.

Nick finds Adalind in their makeshift living room. Diana had been clamoring for a television so Adalind and he made the arrangements. He could see her silhouette in the couch next to Adalind.

"Hey." Adalind says by way way of greeting.

Her voice barely audible in an attempt not to wake up Diana. A failed attempt it proves to be as Nick nudges her awake when he leans in to plant a kiss on Adalind's lips.

"Sorry," Nick apologizes. "What do you say I take you bed to now?"

Diana holds her arms up to Nick in reply. Nick obliges by scooping her up into his arms and making the short trip to the bed behind him, tugging her in.

"What are you watching?" He asks upon his return. Mimicking Diana's prior pose, Nick places his head in Adalind's lap.

"Some horror movie Diana found boring. She was excited to see her Dad on the tele." Adalind replies. "I'm told you guys caught a break in your case."

"Not exactly. Someone went in and did our jobs for us."

"Any clue who?" The Hexenbiest asks, combing her fingers through the Grimm's hair. Nick felt the turn on as she scratches his scalp lightly. The effect was almost erotic.

"Mmmm," he sighs contentedly. "That's nice. No clue love. We interviewed the kids today but they were too scared to say anything."

"Let me guess," Adalind remarks. "They saw the nebula of your eyes and freaked out."

"Yeah," Nick replies. Turning his head to face Adalind's. "I know as a cop I shouldn't be the one to complain but the way I'm judged is honestly starting to bother me."

"A cop complaining about stereotypes. I didn't think I'd ever see the day," Adalind jokes. "I'm just teasing. As a lawyer, I can't tell you the number of times I have raised the case that my client was targeted based on some ethnicity, creed, gender or whatnot."

"With your track record, I'm sure they did the crime," Nick answers with a small smile on his face.

"You know what? They often did."

Nick bursts out a chuckle while Adalind grins. Proud to have induced the chuckle from her partner. Sobering up a little, she continues: "In all honesty, like most things, stereotypes depend on when and how they are used. As a cop, I'm sure you've been in situations where making a judgement based on a stereotype alone has saved your life. True?"

Nick nods in confirmation. "Some Wessen on the other hand have earned their stereotype. The prejudice against my kind is warranted, to be honest. Although our hatred for Grimms is on par with none. As our mothers found it mine's peril."

Nick winces at the memory. "I never apologized for that."

"You don't have to," Adalind assures. "The sins of the mother shall not be visited upon the son."

"I guess I should count my self lucky you've become such a good girl."

Adalind shakes her head. "Don't be so sure about that. I am still a bad bad girl, my dear Decapitore, but just for you."

"I like the sound of that," Nick manages to get out before Adalind blesses him with a sloppy kiss. The couples romantic cocoon is pierced by the Nick's phone. The caller ID confirms it is a call from Monroe.

"Hey Nick. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"Yes but don't worry about it," Nick says. "What's up?"

"I saw your Captain's press conference this afternoon. I need to introduce you to someone," says Monroe. He and Nick schedule the meet up for the next morning. Nick would have to get there before he could clock in at the precinct. Not that it matters much. He has been working overtime for a couple of years now. Nick raises an eye at the address Monroe gives him.

"Isn't that where most of the missing kids school?" He asks.

"Yes," Monroe confirms. "The person I want you to miss works there."

"Okay. I'll meet you there."

"Problem?" Adalind enquires after Nick gets off the phone with Monroe.

"Not sure," he replies. "Monroe wants me to meet him at a church tomorrow."

"I can't remember the last time I was in one," remarks Adalind.

"That's because you're a bad, bad girl," Nick echoes with a glint in his eyes. "Where were we?"

Adaliind subscribes to the age old adage of show, don't tell. They spend the time after talking about everything and nothing before their respective days start taking a toll, forcing them into bed and the sweet abyss of sleep. Nick so enjoys the night that he plans to do the same thing the next day. Movie night with the family.

The sun announces the start of the day. Nick hurries out the house to make his appointment with Monroe but not before letting the girls in on his movie night idea. They agreed to it and negotiated for the choice in movie. Nick didn't mind for the most part. As long as he got to spend the time with them. He did make sure to throw in a jab about romantic comedies.

Nick arrives to find Monroe in conversation with a priest ordained in full clerical attire, leaning on a huge walking cane. Monroe looked engrossed in whatever the priest was saying. He didn't notice Nick's approach until he was right on top of them.

"Hey Nick, over here!" Nick walks the rest of the distance over to them. "Nick Burkhardt, meet Father Hadrian."

"Handrian?" Nick exclaims in surprise, grasping the other man's outstretched hand.

"No relation to the Wall," the good father explains.

"Father Hadrian. This is the Grimm I told you about," Monroe offers.

"I kind of pieced that together," Father Hadrian responds. "Come now. I have much to show you."

Monroe and Nick follow the priest into the massive dome that is the church building. They bypass office after office as they go further into the building. Nick can't help but ask his friend where this is all headed.

"Don't worry Detective Burkhardt, you have nothing to fear from me. My family would disown me should I lay a finger on you."

"How do you know about Grimms?" Nick wonders out loud. "If you don't mind my asking."

"Certainly, I don't," replies Father Hadrian. "Let's just say I have sympathy for your burden."

"He comes from a Grimm family," Monroe supplies. "His grandparents and parents were all Grimms but the gene or whatever it is skipped him."

"A condition that used to shame me greatly when I was in my youth," Father Hadrian continues as they descend a flight of stairs. "I have learned to see the positive and liberating side of things in my advanced years."

"How did you and Monroe meet?"

"I used to attend church here," says Monroe.

"Something I am trying to get him back to," comes the interjection.

Monroe has the grace to look bashful. "Hadri…Father Hadrian used to be in charge of the boys back in the day. Even though he wasn't much older than us. Kind of like a trial before ascending into the priesthood."

"How long have you worked here?" Nick asks, direction his question to the strange priest. Noticing how heavily he leans on the cane for support, a limp in his gait.

"This church has been my home for as long as I can remember," stopping in front of an ancient looking door, he announces: "We are here,"

The door opens to reveal a large room. The ambience feels like a cross between a library and a laboratory. Rows and rows of books occupy the shelves while large tables of bottles, pots and cylinders occupy the middle. Nick can't be sure but the back wall looks to be lined with weapons of various kids. He can't quite pinpoint what it is but the place looks familiar. It is not until he reads the label on one of the bottles around him that it hits him.

"The trailer," he exclaims. The place remind him of his aunt's trailer. The power and history it used to convey.

"Yes," Father Hadrian confirms. "Monroe and I got to talking before you arrived. He told me about how you'd lost your heirloom to a vengeful partner. I decided to offer you mine."

"Are you sure?"

"Quite so. Although truth be told, my benevolence doesn't come solely from the fact that you are in need. Monroe has told me about how you've friended Wessen instead of being prejudiced against them like most Grimms tend to be. How you've helped him and others. Standing up to both the Royals and the Resistance when it has been called for. This is why I bequeath you my inheritance."

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to do this?" Monroe asks.

"Because, old friend," Father Hadrian says. "I wanted to judge Nick for myself."

Nick combs through some of the books on the shelves. A lot of them are like the ones he had. Old and worn out, first person accounts of Grimms long since dead. Many more of them though, were in pristine condition. Nick suspected someone had taken the painstaking time to copy the journals into much more resilient writing materials. The Wessen pictorials were also drawn in the same detailed design.

"It must have taken decades to assemble a library such as this."

"More like a century. My grandfather was the progenitor. He was a historian. Worried about the possibly of Grimm history being lost to time, he endeavored to collect and store as much of it as he could. A task he passed on to me when I was living with him."

"What of your parents?" Monroe enquired.

"They were around. Moving from place to place. Anywhere humans were imperiled by Wessen. They thought the life unideal for a child so they sent me to live with my retired Grimm grandparents. They were right, of course."

"Nice to know Trublel and I are not the only Grimm left in the world."

"Don't be so sure about that. They lost their lives to a group of Lausenschlange who took exception to their gift. The same Lausenschlange that came for my grandparents. The Lord being so good, I had a place to hide before the cavalry arrived."

"My condolences." Nick expresses.

"Life goes on," Father Hadrian assures him. "Enough of the gloom. Monroe tells me you are one of the detectives working the case on our students that went missing."

"Yes we are. My partner and I noticed they were all students of the Church's. Would you mind answering a few questions?"

"Anything I can do to help."

Monroe turned them out as he continues the tour of the library. Picking up this weapon then the other. Finding bullets for an Elephant gun and supplies of Siegbarste gift. No sign of the gun anywhere.

Back at the precinct, Hank has been idling about at his desk. Treading water in his attempt to make headway into the case. Closed cases have been the norm since he began working with Nick. He would hate to leave this one open. Considering a child's life was involved. Not again. Not after Holly Clark. Hank has faith in Nick's Wessen contact. They might as well call Portland the new wold at this point. Opening his desk drawer to take out yesterday's notes, he chances upon the twins' hankie. Hank forgot to give it back before they left.

There was something quite familiar about the hanky. The design was unique. One he was sure he had seen before. It him. One of the sisters who had been clutching a similar one when they came in to report the kidnapping. It was a bit of a stretch but Hank was in the mood for some Yoga.

Holding up his phone by the shoulder as he put on his jacket, Hank relates his discovery to his partner. Hank makes his way to the Church after confirming that Nick is indeed still on the premises.

Hank is escorted into the Church by Monroe whom he met at the entrance. Nick can't wait to show Hank the new Grimm collection but they have a job to do now. "That was quick."

"Perks of having a siren," Hank retorts. "After you."

Hank follows as Nick leads the way. Working with directions Father Hadrian gave him. The Father elected to stay behind because this section of the compound was prohibited. The compound was abandonedly eerie. Everyone probably going about their tasks. Nick and Hank run into a Sister vehemently opposed to their presence. A flash of their badges had here giving them directions on where to find the Sisters Abigail, Audrey and Joan. Albeit grudgingly.

"Think they're dangerous?" Hank wonders.

"We suspect at least one of them took down a Mauvais Dentes. By themself. Yeah, I'd consider them dangerous."

"So what's the plan? It's not like thy didn't do us a favour by finding those girls."

"Get as much information as we can," Nick replies.

"What are you two doing here!"

The detectives find the entrance blocked by one of the sisters they were after. Sister Joan to be exact. "Where are Sisters Abigail and Audrey?"

"Back there but you can't…"

The detectives pay here no mind and open the door anyway. They find themselves staring at a relatively small outdoor pool with a some sisters presently taking a swim. Others frolicking around on the edge. A good number of them in their dutiful habits while others wore modest one piece swimsuits. The detectives' stare is returned by the Sisters. Surprised to have their leisure time disturbed but more surprised to find males in this part of the building. Nick and Hank don't resist as Sister Joan grabs a hold of their arms and drags them back through the door. Shutting it firmly behind her.

"Are you crazy!" She bemoans. "I told you not to go in there."

"We're sorry but we needed to…" Nick starts.

"You should have waited at reception," Joan says. "What did you think? That we were going to run away?" Hank and Nick's silence says more than one words could. Sister Joan puts her head into her hand. "Go wait outside. I'll bring Sister Audrey and Abigail to you once they're ready."

Nick and Hank do as they're told this time. The three Sisters turn up about a quarter of an hour after the incident. An attempt at an apology is shut down decisively. "Save it," the youngest, Audrey says. "What do you want?"

"We'll keep this short," Nick says, planning to push their buttons. There is no way these three could have taken down a Mauvais Dentes by themselves. The only possibility were guns but Lucien's autopsy confirmed there was no GSW. The other feasible option was Hank's theory. They were Wessen too. But what kind?

"Do you recognize this?" Hank asks. Holding up the infamous hankie to them. Nick watches as a look of recognition appears on all three of their faces. Still no woge yet.

"Yes, it's one of ours." Sister Abigail says. Pulling out an identical one for the detectives. "Where did you get it?'

"From the rescued kids. Can you tell us what your handkerchief was doing with them?"

Sister Joan takes the question. "We make them for Christmas each year. Then hand it out to students and staff. We've made over a thousand over the years."

"Is that all?" Sister Audrey asks with a visibly triumphant smile.

The hard way it is.

"We know what Lucien Petrovich was. We also know what you are." Nick says. " You're Wessen."

"Are we supposed to know what that means?"

"Yes," Nick replies. "Considering you are Wessen yourselves." The remark doesn't elicit the reaction he was hoping for. "I'm sure you guys know Father Hadrian."

"He wouldn't!" Comes Sister Joan's terse response.

"Calm down Sister. Are you going to charge us with anything or are just spill more conspiracy theories?" Sister Audrey says with an air of finality.

"Look," Hanks steps in to say. "You may feel justified in what you've done but it's nothing to be proud of. You've only made things harder to find the girl."

"What girl." Sister Abigail asks in alarm. "The police reported all of them have been rescued."

"We though so but there is new evidence," Hank says. "Now we can't find her because the people who took them now we are coming. You can sleep happy knowing you've put a girl, a young girl in danger. A girl who could be going through all sorts of things because of your carelessness. We'll be coming for you if anything happens to her. You best believe that."

The threat succeeds in getting the Sisters worked out. All three of them woge with teeth bared. Massive canine tooth on display.

"We are done here detectives," Sister Audrey announces. "Have a nice day."

Hank waits for the Sisters to get out of earshot before asking Nick what he saw. Hank was now good at realizing when a person of interest woges in their presence. Mainly off of Nick's reaction.

"Balams. Remember former Detective Espinoza?"

Hank nods his head. "Especially protective of children. All three of them?"

"Yes. We've got our hands full now"

Nick and Hank meet up with Monroe outside by Nick's car. They told him how the conversation went.

"So that's it?" Monroe wonders. "You are just going to let them walk free?"

"We don't have any evidence. Being Wessen isn't a crime."

"But what about the little girl, man," Monroe persists. "Black Claw could be doing God know what to her. They could be turning her into a weapon."

"I know but there is nothing I can do," Nick answers. "Our hands are tied."

"Hank's maybe but not yours," Monroe says. "Put the badge aside and handle it Grimm style. What if the girl was mine? Would you just let them keep her?"

"Of course not. And I'm not letting anyone keep the girl but I can't become an executioner," Nick responds. "That's why there is due process. Just relax. Bud and the Lodge may come up with something."

"It may be too late by then!" Monroe explodes.

"Hey man," Hank intervenes. "Take it easy. Nick is not at fault here. We still have a couple of leads. I'm sure something will turn up. Take a breath."

Monroe runs his hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm sorry Nick. I just keep on thinking what if she was mine, you know."

"I understand. We all felt the same way when the Royals tried to take Diana," Nick says. "But trust me. We'll find the girl before Black Claw can harm her."

Monroe ultimately relents. He elects to stay at the church and read through the journals in Hadrian's library. Rosalee was out of town visiting a mixed breed specialist. Hoping to be prepared for any complications that may arise during the birth of their triplets.

Nick and Hank's return to the precinct doesn't bear the fruits they hoped it would. They were yet to get word back on who owned the warehouse. There was nothing to report from the notes their colleagues handed over. The children all had similar stories.

Day quickly turned to night and it was time for Nick's movie date with the family. He wondered what Adalind had planned for dinner. He'd taken to her cooking like Wile. E Coyote to the Roadrunner.

"Got to go Hank. Got a date with my woman."

"Look at you," Hanks says. "Grinning like the cat that ate the biest. Are you sure she hasn't put a hex on you?"

"Nice one," Nick replies. "Don't act so pessimistic. I hear there is a detective here with a thing for you."

"I've been through all of it before. No love for a gryphon."

"Ask her out. You know you want to," Nick says as his parting remark.

Hank stays in thought a good while after Nick leaves. There is no denying that he is attracted to Detective Randy. Acting on the attraction is a different conversation all together. Work place relationships are always tricky. Throw in the constant possibility of death on both sides and you have a relationship with the cards stacked against it. Then again, he could just ask her out. What's the harm in that? Hank thinks up a clever ruse to play it safe and still get Detective Randy alone.

"Hello there handsome," Randy says as Hank approaches. "What's up?"

"Just holding up my end of the bargain," Hank remarks. "Ed & Red's. You coming?"

Randy gives Hank a confused expression. "Our bet," he says. "I'd get you Ed & Red's if your theory about the Sisters was right."

A wide grin appears on Randy's face. "You old dog! I knew it," she exclaims. "So tell me. How did it go down."

"Let's just say appearances can be deceiving."

"I've got to hear this," Randy says. "I'll meet you outside in 5."

Hank smiles as he leans on his car waiting for Randy. A bit nervous about what he was doing. It has been a while since he was out with a woman outside his Wessen circle. Randy for the most part seemed cavalier about the whole thing. Hank decides to mirror her take. Treat it like two colleagues out for a bit.

Rosalee was due back in town later tonight. Driving home, Monroe was preoccupied with thoughts of all that he'd learned today. Hadrian's library was a treasure trove. People would kill to have the things in there. The Royals and Black Claw came to mind. Monroe felt his anger returning at the mention of the name. Black Claw crossed the line going after kids. Monroe could only imagine what the girl's parents were going through. He would be losing his mind in their position. His thoughts are interrupted by ringing of his phone.

"Hello," he answers.

"Monroe," comes the reply on the other end.

"What's up Bud?"

"Thank goodness. I've been trying to get a hold of Hank and Nick but neither seems to be near his phone."

"Strange," says Monroe. "Anything I can help with?"

"Well, you see, Nick wanted me to ask the Lodge to keep their ears to the ground. Nothing major. Just incase anyone knew where the last girl was being held."

"Uh huh?"

"You know my friend Arnold, right. Well he heard from a couple of Bauerschwein working at his place that a new group of Blutbaden where in town and where working on storage units similar to where they found the kids. You know I can't be sure but…"

"Where are they?" Monroe interjects.

"That's why I called," Bud replies. "Nick isn't picking up so I thought maybe you could go over to his place and…"

"It may be too late by then," a frustrated Monroe cuts in. "Give me the address and I'll take care of it."

"But don't you think…"


"Okay, okay," Bud replies. "Here it is."

Bud gives Monroe the address. Monroe decides to go at it himself despite Bud's reservations with the idea. Bud's attempt at calling either detective still goes to voicemail. Hank is preoccupied with Randy, Nick with his girls Adalind and Diana.

Monroe parks some distance away from the destination, deciding to go the rest of the way on foot. He notices some men loading various items into a van. Monroe's woge to the guard at the door grants him access despite the strange look he gives him. Inside is a vast room filled with various antiquities. A Lausenschlange's moulted skin, amongst others.

Monroe's disgust at the Wessen remnants on display is surpassed only by his awe at the number of items from Wessen lore also on display. Making his way through the large room, he comes across a door marked private. Satisfied he isn't being followed, Monroe breaks the handle on the door and walks in to find empty cages on all sides of the room. Monroe turns his back to leave when his ears pick up the sound of short breathing from the farthest cage in the room. He would never have guessed there was anyone in the dark cell had it not been for his heightened Blutbad senses.

Walking slowly over to the cage, Monroe is startled at the realization of the occupant. A young girl. Surely not over 16. The girl retreats the closer Monroe gets, backing up into wall behind her.

Monroe holds out his hand in a calming gesture. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."

He tries to wrench the cage open but the lock holds firm. The young girl gets closer. More out of curiosity than security. "

What's your name?" She asks.


"Yanet," she introduces herself before woging into the most beautiful creature Monroe had ever laid eyes on. Her hair turning from brunette to the darkest shade of red there is, her black irises backdropped by bright blue seas, ears elongating into elf like lobes. Her lips complementing the colour of her hair. Most striking of all was her skin. Monroe felt like he was staring at the northern lights. Her face was very much like a starry night. Little spots of white on a blue hued canvas. An aurora personified.

In his haze, Monroe fails to notice that another presence has joined his and Yanet's in the dark little room. "I am going to get you out of here," he promises her before he gets clobbered on the back of his head. The last words he hears before losing consciousness are:

"You shouldn't lie to children."

[ Next: Lamentations ]

I am still perfecting my style so please feel free to review. Especially on how dialogue heavy my stories tend to be. I wonder if I should take to cutting some of those scenes out. Once again, everybody stay safe. To those of us prone to bouts of depression. Remember to avoid the things you know will trigger to it. Stay strong. Lean on those you know care about you. No you're not bothering them. We all need someone to lean on