Disclaimer: I do not own the existing characters that we know and love from Grimm, although I do take ownership over the new characters

A/N: Don't forget to review! First attempt at writing a story for Grimm and I hope you like it

Chapter 01

Quinn kept her head down, looking at the newspaper that had been left on the table in the hallway. It was the first day of school and she was trying to distract herself of the thoughts of being a senior. As her eyes darted back and forth along the page, she didn't notice her sister coming down the stairs. Their brother Noah had left early so it was just the two sisters walking to school.

"You're not still obsessing over that article are you?" her sister, Hannah asked, slipping on a light denim jacket and noticing the newspaper out of the corner of her eye. She looked up in the ornate mirror hanging in the hallway and moved a couple of strands of hair that were out of place.

"Well. It's just- something doesn't make sense, like we're missing-"

Hannah rolled her eyes before opening the door. "Whatever it is, it's not Wesen related so stopped worrying."

The two sisters walked out of the house, making sure to double lock the door behind them. The porch was lightly sprinkled with leaves and dirt that had been dragged up their by visitors. Hannah and Quinn started to slowly walk down the steps, not worrying about the occasional creak of the old wood.

Quinn's mind raced with obscure and precarious thoughts. "I know it's probably not Wesen related, but people don't just disappear. That girl- she was in one of your art classes, right? What was she like?"

That was the case, the disappearance of April Delaney. April Delaney was in Hannah's art class and was incredibly gifted. Whenever the school held events or showcases, April's work was always there at centre stage. April was likeable and to the outside world, everything in her life seemed perfect. People noticed her ice blue eyes and platinum blonde hair from miles away, the boys at the school were not shy about making their affection towards her clear. April's disappearance plagued Quinn's mind – why would she just disappear like that? There was no obvious reason as to why. Her parents were happily married, her grades were above average and she was definitely not associated with anyone who you should avoid. No one had an obvious grudge and want to do harm to April.

"Quinn. You need to stop obsessing over this, okay?" Hannah insisted, stopping in front of Quinn. "I'm saying this because I love you, but me and Noah- we think that you delving into this is going to risk you woging in public if you get too passionate about it." She squinted in the bright morning sun, hoping that they could carry on walking soon.

"That's not going to happen, Hannah. I've never woged before. We don't even know if I'm a Blutblad like Noah, or a Fuchsbau like you."

Hannah's eyes grew wide as someone strolled past walking their scruffy little dog which had a mangy yellow fur coat that made Hannah desperately want to wash it. Their parents had drilled it into the triplets not to speak about anything Wesen where people might be able to hear. Just in case. Quinn sometimes needed to be reminded of this constantly


"Sorry…" Quinn nervously squeezed her elbow. "Maybe I should speak to someone at the precinct about it after school?"

Hannah flipped her brown hair over her shoulder and carried on walking in the direction of school. The brown leaves crunched underfoot which made Hannah only miss the Summer more. Autumn always brought a sudden crispness to the morning air that made children love pretending to be dragons when they breathed.

Whilst Hannah loved her sister, she felt exhausted whenever the newspaper article came up. Quinn was so driven when she had her mind set on something and Hannah was the sensible one of the three siblings. It was Noah, Hannah and Quinn – they had been together through thick and thin. Whilst Noah was outgoing and energetic, Quinn was unmistakably curious and never really thought things through. Fortunately for Quinn, Hannah and Noah were there to bail her out without their parents knowing.

The three's parents were Monroe and Rosalee, the owners of the Exotic Spice and Tea Shop. The Blutblad and the Fuchsbau. Whenever the triplet's parents were away on Wesen related business, they left the shop in the capable hands of Hannah. After all, she was the sensible triplet.

Hannah nearly walked past the school from being so distracted, she quietly chuckled to herself.

Her eyes caught notice of what looked like a memorial that had been set up for April just by the entrance gates. Bouquets of beautiful flowers had been tied to the cast iron fences and letters had littered the remaining space. There were a couple of the younger students huddled nearby it who were in tears.

Not that they actually knew April or had a conversation with her, Hannah thought, but she kept her mouth shut so not to cause a scene.

For a moment, she watched the candles that were flickering in the morning breeze around a gold framed photo of April. It was her year photo from her sophomore year. A photo of a girl who knew nothing about what was in store for her.

In Portland, people didn't just go missing. They mostly ended up dead because of some 'unexplainable' scenario that Hannah knew the answer to.

"Hey- Hannah, wait up!"

Hannah heard one of the family's closest friends, Kelly Burkhardt, call out. He had his rucksack hanging over one shoulder of his letterman jacket as he jogged up to Hannah. The jacket would have been in immaculate condition, if it weren't for the small tear on the collar which was the result of a close Wesen encounter the previous term. He flashed a charming smile at the brunette girl as he waited her response.

"Kelly, hey. How was your summer? My mom mentioned you and your dad were in Canada for a family gathering," Hannah replied, winking at him to indicate the hidden message.

In order to talk about anything Grimm or Wesen, they tended to use code words like family gatherings, because no one would question it.

He nodded understandingly. "Yeah, that family gathering was interesting. Dad still doesn't like me taking control, he just likes me to observe." Kelly looked over Hannah's shoulder. "Oh hey Quinn."

The smile on Kelly's face vanished when Quinn walked straight past them without saying a word, or even acknowledging him. He wanted to ask what was bothering Quinn but he knew that it was probably better not to ask. She was quite feisty if you said the wrong thing, and it was very easy to say the wrong thing around her.

Hannah pulled her denim jacket tighter around her. "She's still convinced April's disappearance is… related to- um, shifts..."

Kelly shook his head. "I've trying to get a look in to the investigation while I'm volunteering at the precinct, but the Captain is watching me like a hawk. You know, I kind of miss Captain Renard. Having his particular skillset in the precinct was valuable."

Hannah started to walk up to the main school building. "It's beginning to sound like being back at square one when your dad had to hide everything from everyone."

One of the guys who was on the football team called out to Kelly to get a move on for registration and to remember to sign up to the trials. Kelly turned to Hannah, starting to walk away backwards.

"See you later, my favourite FB!"


Quinn's first day as a senior was uneventful and she couldn't drag her mind away from April.

The article mentioned that Mr and Mrs Delaney last saw April return home from her evening run, but in the morning she was gone.

'Vanished without a trace.' Her bedroom was apparently untouched and looked like it hadn't been lived in for years.

The press had swarmed at the house, which meant that Quinn knew exactly where the house was. It was just a slight detour that wouldn't take up too much time. With Hannah taking care of the tea shop, Quinn decided to go to the house and see whether there was more to be found out.

The Delaney's front lawn was littered with for sale signs, which seemed all the more unusual. If someone's daughter went missing, you would expect the family to insist on staying, no matter what, or at least until the body showed up.

Quinn walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. The door looked out of place. It was this elegant and wide with large intricate carvings in it, but from the look of the frame, a thick layer of paint had been slathered over the door clumsily. As Quinn pressed the doorbell, she could hear the high pitched tune echoing on the other side of the door.

Mrs Delaney answered the door. She looked tired and as though she hadn't slept properly in weeks. Her head had been pulled back into a loose scruffy ponytail, giving off the appearance that she had just gotten out of bed not an hour ago.

"Hello?" she asked, prompting a response from the young girl.

"Hi, you probably don't know me but I'm Hannah. I'm in April's art class. I was wondering if I might be able to talk to you."

This was another of those moments where Quinn was grateful to have a similar appearance to Hannah as it allowed her to snoop without being the one to blame.

"Oh, okay. Please come on in." Mrs Delaney opened the door wider, smiling weakly.

There were photos of the family dotted about the hallway and it looked like one had been taken every year, chartering April's progression as she grew up.

"So how are you Hannah?" Mrs Delaney sat down on a cream coloured sofa and looked up at Quinn who eventually lowered herself to the armchair to one side of the sofa.

Quinn squirmed, trying to relax against a floral cushion. "I'm- a little bit lost. Something doesn't seem right. It's not like her… I wanted to know more about April and-"

"Are you absolutely serious?" Mrs Delaney snapped angrily. "How dare you come into my home as if you are the press snooping around for some scoop!"

Mrs Delaney's face shifted and her features changed dramatically. Her skin was now like a fuzzy peach apart from a patch of wispy white hairs under her nose. Even Mrs Delaney's ears were larger and more noticeable as they grew up and out from her face.

Knowing that someone had just woged and not reacting was something that Quinn had developed a knack for.

"Get out, get out!" April's mother shouted aggressively and shaking uncontrollably. "Don't come back here again!" She woged back and buried her hands in her face.

Quinn nearly tripped down the stairs by the front door from shock and fear. She staggered down the path and broke out into a quick run to get away as quick as she could.

The next thing on her mind was to determine what kind of Wesen Mrs Delaney was. She woged into something that looked like a ferret, or a mouse – all it would take to find out was a look through the books. The basement of the tea shop had been turned into something of a Grimm library. All the books that Monroe and Rosalee's families had passed down the generations were kept there, along with some other important artefacts. It would have been even better if Quinn could sneak into the new caravan that was kept in a secluded part of town near an old scrapyard, but she didn't want to be sneaking in this late in the evening.

The sky was dark and the clouds were obscuring any chance of seeing some stars. That was one thing that Quinn hated about Portland, and probably a lot of other places to. The light pollution and cloudy weather stopped you seeing the stars at night. Quinn loved seeing them, it reminded her of the times where she and her dad would go hiking through the forest and head to the highest point and just watch the stars overhead. The air was cold and sent chills down her spine as she headed for the tea shop where she ran straight into Hannah coming out, about to lock up. Which completely screwed up her plan to investigate Mrs Delaney. She felt like Hannah didn't understand, and would just roll her eyes. The Hannah eye roll.

"Quinn! What are you doing here?" Hannah asked quickly, turning the key in the lock. She paused, waiting for an answer. "Well?"

"I wanted to check in on you and see how you were…" Quinn replied nervously, knowing her voice was shaking. "How was the shop?" Silently admitting defeat, she began walking home with her sister.

"It was alright – had an old lady ask for a weird concoction that not even William knew about!"

William was a man who their parents had brought in to work at the shop. He had just moved to Portland from California and he was a hit with the clients. The women loved the attractive young man that was working behind the counter. Hannah enjoyed working alongside him, finding it funny that a Kehrseite was working in a Wesen tea shop and seemed to have no idea when people asked for help in their woged form.

The sisters walked home slowly, and Hannah sensed that there was something on her sister's mind, but was too tired from her evening juggling science homework and serving customers. Suddenly her ears began to tingle and she heard a sharp screeching sound.

"Did you hear that?" Hannah asked, pulling her hair away from her ear.

There had just been a smash sound.

Leaving her sister behind, Hannah sprinted down the road towards the intersection. She quickly looked up and down to see where the sound originated from. That's when she saw the crash.

A red sports car had collided head on with a dirty jeep. Under the amber light from the streets, there was a figure crouched over something, almost nuzzling the ground.

"Oh my gosh- are you alright?" Hannah shouted, trying to catch her breath as she ran towards the crash.

The figure whipped around to see what coming its way. It snarled at Hannah who fell back in shock. Her hands scraped against the rough gravel as she scrambled to get away from the approaching figure.

"Two for the price of one…" the figure said, baring its teeth at her.

Its head jerked when a police siren sounded out in the distance and they darted away, vaulting over a nearby fence.

"Hannah!" Quinn puffed, clutching her side from the stitch that felt like it was ripping her side apart. "Oh my god – Hannah!" Quinn scampered across the floor to kneel beside an unconscious woman who had a wound on her right shoulder that looked like teeth marks. She yanked her arms free from her coat and pressed it to the woman's shoulder as the emergency services arrived.

The paramedics rushed to aid her, setting their kit down on the ground. "Thank you miss, we can take it from here."

Quinn stood up, trying not to freak out. The adrenaline was slowing down and she was beginning to realise what had happened.

"Quinn? Hannah? What are you doing here?" a female voice asked hastily.

Hannah's eyes widened in shock. "Diana, is… is that really you?"

Thoughts from AspiringWriterGirl = So I wanted to create a similar but different world, and I hope that there's enough mystery and drama in this initial chapter to kept you hooked!