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284Asumamoslo, Ahora Esto Es Lo Que Somos (PremioThe100Awards) » by CarolinaLeal848 Nadie puede escapar de su pasado sobretodo de los actos cometidos. Ahora cada quién debe afrontar las consecuencias de las decisiones que tomaron en el pasado y lidiar con un nuevo y peligroso futuro. Todos los derechos reservados.
T, Spanish, Romance & Drama, chapters: 529, words: 512k+, favs: 29, follows: 46, updated: 7h published: 3/5/2016, Clarke G., Octavia B., Bellamy B., Lexa
24The beginnings of the Ice Queens » by skullgamerscy After the mountain Queen Nia had Clarke captured and made her the future Queen by having her bond to the Queens own night blood Ontari. But this only brings the two together and a plan to dethrone the Queen and take control themselves begins.
T, English, chapters: 12, words: 23k+, favs: 84, follows: 101, updated: 9h published: 5/29/2018, [Clarke G., Ontari]
2Wish Upon a Shooting Star by PenguinofProse AU of the S4 time jump. In which Bellamy doesn't want Clarke to come with him to fetch Raven, and the two of them part on poor terms. Angst to fluff with a happy ending.
T, English, Romance, words: 11k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 11h, [Bellamy B., Clarke G.]
Dying Hope » by Rositadixon13790 Billy and Westley have had pretty good lives but what happens when the ark decided to send 100 kids to the ground what will happen
K+, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 6, words: 9k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 14h published: 5/3, [OC, Raven R.] [Clarke G., Lexa]
12you've done nothing at all (to make me love you less) » by danahscott No one wants Clarke around, and she knows she's bad for them. So she does the only thing she can think to do, something she's done before: she leaves. (Season 6 Canon Divergent - ignore Murphy not waking up, and all the new people from Sanctum they found lol)
K+, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 4, words: 6k+, favs: 50, follows: 87, updated: 14h published: 5/7/2019, Clarke G., Bellamy B., Raven R., J. Murphy
201 Les amis ne s'embrassent pas sous la neige » by GeekGirlG Les Griffin, Blake, Reyes, Woods et Green sont amis parce que leurs parents l'étaient, ils se sont éloignés avec les années. Pour la première fois depuis que les Woods ont été les premiers à déménager, tous les jeunes ont décidés de fêter Noël ensemble dans l'immense propriété secondaire des Griffin. - Fanfiction de Noël - Plusieurs ships
T, French, Romance & Humor, chapters: 32, words: 138k+, favs: 73, follows: 96, updated: 5/16 published: 12/15/2019, Clarke G., Raven R., Lexa, Anya
8Fixer » by hp4evr123 Bellamy and Clarke's daughter likes to fix things. When her world starts falling apart around her, she decides to go back in time and fix some of her parents' greatest regrets, with the hope that the three of them can save the world. Is the fate of the universe set in stone, or can Grace, Clarke, and Bellamy change the future?
T, English, Sci-Fi & Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 13k+, favs: 7, follows: 14, updated: 5/16 published: 4/29, Clarke G., OC, Bellamy B.
15From the Ashes » by PenguinofProse Season seven speculation, picking up right where season six left off. The anomaly, the end of the world - again - and some much-needed character development.
T, English, Romance & Friendship, chapters: 5, words: 17k+, favs: 8, follows: 11, updated: 5/16 published: 4/13, [Bellamy B., Clarke G.] [Echo, Raven R.]
come with me (or stay) by Kayytrray Four times Bellamy refused to let the world see him happy, and one time he decided he deserved to be. Bellarke canon.
T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 3, 5/16, [Bellamy B., Clarke G.]
27Amazones » by Ginny Granger-Weasley Elles sont trois Amazones, les trois filles de la reine Régina – Alexandra, Nikolae et Alexandria. Quand la guerre éclate sur leurs terre sacrées, elles portent à elles trois la responsabilité de sauver leur peuple, dans une mission qui changera pour toujours le cours de leurs vies. Clexa, Sanvers, Wayhaught et SQ
T, French, Adventure, chapters: 18, words: 152k+, favs: 38, follows: 49, updated: 5/16 published: 1/24, [Lexa, Clarke G.]
4The Thirteenth Level » by Stormkpr Sequel to "The Twelfth Level". Bellarke, Mackson, a post-Praimfaya earth, and an underground cult.
K+, English, chapters: 5, words: 27k+, favs: 4, follows: 8, updated: 5/16 published: 4/18, Clarke G., Bellamy B., Miller, Jackson
13So We Meet Again » by CLX4L What if the Dropship opens and the love of your lives is waiting? What if you both remember? What if the whole 100 remember and even some grounders? How would you lead this life knowing how the last panned out? Time travel fic. Clexa
T, English, Romance, chapters: 11, words: 10k+, favs: 21, follows: 25, updated: 5/16 published: 4/24, [Clarke G., Lexa]
51Here For You » by Birch66724 Clarke has been looking forward to college for years, but nothing seems to be going the way she thought it would. After a traumatic experience, she doesn't know what to do or who she is anymore. Luckily, Bellamy lives just one floor below and is determined to help her through the rough times. Bellarke / College AU
T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 18, words: 40k+, favs: 37, follows: 52, updated: 5/15 published: 2/1, [Clarke G., Bellamy B.] Finn C., Raven R.
4Tell Her by CLX4L The bullet never killed Lexa, and Skaikru finally overthrew Chancellor Pike. But one last thing stands between Clarke and Lexa's happily ever after. And that is... Raven Reyes. Lexa does not fully understand the Skaikru terms, and Raven is too quick to assume. This combo spells disaster. ONESHOT
T, English, Romance & Angst, words: 2k+, favs: 4, follows: 4, 5/15, [Clarke G., Lexa] Octavia B., Raven R.
OS : Sauve by ConfidenceIsIgnorance Os écrit dans le cadre d'un concours s'intitulant "la fin d'un cauchemar"
T, French, Sci-Fi & Friendship, words: 1k+, 5/14
2Attitude Adjustment Book 1 - Season 1 » by Bvnny Reigna is one of the expendable, sent to the ground along with 99 other delinquents. After finally being reunited with her best friend, she hopes it'll all be smooth sailing. But after the threat of the grounders is revealed, she tries to do everything in her power to keep herself alive, along with the very few people the cares about.
T, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 10, words: 47k+, favs: 6, follows: 11, updated: 5/13 published: 9/17/2019, Clarke G., Bellamy B., J. Murphy
12our souls are made from stardust » by The Cocky Undead Sometimes, Clarke wished that she hadn't stayed in Arkadia after Mt. Weather, that she had left after making sure her people were safe, but when she had turned to Bellamy, lips opening to tell him that she was leaving, that he was in charge now, the words had died in her mouth. So she had stayed. Season 2 and 3 AU
T, English, Angst & Family, chapters: 7, words: 39k+, favs: 8, follows: 11, updated: 5/13 published: 4/2, Clarke G., Bellamy B., J. Murphy, Cage W.
1k+A New Plan, A New Way » by RealaCarsona During episode seven, Clarke refuses to accept Lexa's fate. In the final moment before the bullet hits it's mark she manages to knock Lexa an inch to the left, changing their destiny from heartbreak to love. And together they change the world. Pairings: Lexa/Clarke Raven/Ontari Lincoln/Octavia
T, English, Romance & Sci-Fi, chapters: 188, words: 263k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 5/13 published: 3/4/2016, [Lexa, Clarke G.] Octavia B., Ontari
22The 100: Alone but Together » by Omegawolfjack Clarke can't stand the burden of killing over 300 people at Mount Weather. She's not the only one with this burden. What if Bell and the gang goes with her when she leaves? Takes place after Skaikru saved their people from Mount Weather. Season 2 because the ideas I have for this story work best after this event! Bellarke and Murven and probably others! T for sex themes/language
T, English, Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 11, words: 30k+, favs: 31, follows: 49, updated: 5/13 published: 3/9, [Bellamy B., Clarke G.] [J. Murphy, Raven R.]
19You can tell by the way » by Equilibriste.du.temps UA Université. "Cela avait commencé par un regard. Un simple contact visuel montrant par là une reconnaissance. Puis était venu un hochement de tête, une salutation lointaine. Et, enfin, était née une amitié." Slowburn Clexa.
K+, French, Romance & Friendship, chapters: 5, words: 25k+, favs: 18, follows: 33, updated: 5/13 published: 4/8, Clarke G., Lexa
60You Can't Always Get What You Want » by bellarke.loveforever AU Clarke is the Princess of Arkadia, and Bellamy is the leader of the Rebels. When the Rebels demand help from Arkadia against the Grounders, and the adults of Arkadia don't want to help, will Clarke put matters in her own hands? And will the Princess and the Rebel leader find that they need each other to survive the impending war?
T, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 14, words: 48k+, favs: 102, follows: 204, updated: 5/13 published: 1/1/2015, [Bellamy B., Clarke G.] Abigail G./Abby, Octavia B.
80Un Nouveau Monde » by NyssaKomTrikru Clarke et Bellamy viennent d'être réveillés de leur cryogénie et sont sur le point de découvrir leur nouvelle planète. Pensant avoir quitté leur monde pour mieux, ils n'auraient jamais pu se douter de ce qui pouvait les attendre en bas, même dans leur rêves les plus fous. Encore plus en voyant un visage bien connu. Crossver Post S5 The 100 / Post S4 Fear The Walking Dead
K+, French, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 47, words: 172k+, favs: 46, follows: 72, updated: 5/13 published: 7/9/2019, Clarke G., Lexa, Madi
13a matter of perspective » by Kayytrray A series of vignettes, featuring varying opinions on the relationship between Bellamy and Clarke: or everyone knows they're in love (except them.) "I'm not the one who left her behind." Murphy to Bellamy. Drabbles. Bellarke angst
T, English, Romance, chapters: 8, words: 20k+, favs: 11, follows: 16, updated: 5/13 published: 3/22, [Bellamy B., Clarke G.]
Left to die by Anna.Green Bellamy remembers Clarke and mourns his loss, finally accepting why her death was as painful as it was. Set between season 4 and 5,
T, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, words: 952, favs: 1, follows: 1, 5/13
In the beginning by hereforthethrill Jaha reverses all the good Clarke and Bellamy had begun to create when he lands on earth. Clarke has to decide whether to stay under his wrath and try help those stuck with the Skaikru or escape to follow the man she's beginning to fall for and finish what she started.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, 5/13
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