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5DESPUÉS DE LA HISTORIA (YOOSUNG X MC) » by Hannabi77 Tantas cosas que habíamos superado y sentido antes de conocernos en persona. La fiesta de la RFA fue el fin de una etapa, pero el comienzo de otra, una posiblemente igual o mayor a la anterior. Conoceré a Yoosung mas a fondo, y el también a mi. Me emociona saber como seguirá nuestra historia ¿Me acompañas a descubrirla? NOTA: Continuación del GE de la ruta Yoosung.
K+, Spanish, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 15, words: 72k+, favs: 8, follows: 7, updated: 13h published: 11/22/2018, [Yoosung K., MC] 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., V/Jihyun K.
2 35 Seconds » by Gemlettuce93 707 had no idea what was in store for him when she first appeared in the RFA chatroom app. With growing feelings hidden beyond silly jokes and ridiculous stories; would he finally break the code to his own misery? 707 x MC. Rated T for language.
T, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, favs: 1, updated: 5/3 published: 4/28
8 Where Futures Begin » by sondepoch Life used to be simple for you. Peaceful. But the Savior had other plans for you, and in moments, she ruined what you thought was your one shot at happiness. Blinded by anger, you escaped the Mint Eye, but that triggered a series of events that would bring you further into the world of brothers Saeran and Saeyoung. And further into the twisted world of your love for them.
T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 29, words: 67k+, favs: 4, follows: 6, updated: 5/2 published: 1/2, 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., Rika, Saeran C./Unknown, Vanderwood
32Mental Fortitude » by otomeRan What does it mean to be saved? What does it mean to be strong? No! The answer definitely can't be Dr. Pepper and Ice Cream, you crazy lady! Drabble Series. SI. Slight AU Rated for Language, Mild Violence, Angst. Mostly Slice of Life. 'Casual Route' **Cover Image Credit goes to napporin**
T, English, Humor & Family, chapters: 106, words: 60k+, favs: 34, follows: 31, updated: 5/1 published: 5/24/2018, 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., Zen/Hyun R., Saeran C./Unknown, OC
3The Songstress and the Young Master » by pokker380 AU. Previous reincarnation. Joseon Dynasty, around 600 years ago. Based on a JuminZen artwork by Nanako. Partly inspired by the Korean movie The King's Jester and K-drama The Flower in Prison.
T, English, Romance & Tragedy, chapters: 3, words: 5k+, favs: 3, follows: 4, updated: 5/1 published: 11/3/2016, Jumin H., Zen/Hyun R.
Stray Cat in the Chatroom by MikoYami1 A stray cat has roamed into the server how will the Mystic Message gang react
T, English, Romance & Humor, words: 1k+, 4/24, [Jumin H., OC]
099 Guess (ZenxCarina) by MikoYami1 Zen goes on double date with Jumin and his girlfriend
K+, English, Romance & Friendship, words: 2k+, 4/24, [Zen/Hyun R., MC] [Jumin H., OC]
1100 HISTORIAS YOOSUNGxMC PARA ANTES DE DORMIR » by Hannabi77 Un libro que recopilará historias de BB Yoosung y MC, ya sea en formato oneshot o drabble. Con temáticas varias, desde el clásico fluff al angst. Mystic Messenger y sus personajes, son propiedad de Cheritz, pero las historias aquí contadas son de mi autoria.
K+, Spanish, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 7, words: 32k+, favs: 4, follows: 6, updated: 4/22 published: 9/16/2019, [Yoosung K., MC] Zen/Hyun R.
27Mystic Messenger: Life Again » by ksophie A continuation of my MysMe fanfic, MM: Life After! Ha Eun died and what become of Zen and the rest of RFA members?
T, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 15, words: 22k+, favs: 26, follows: 41, updated: 4/18 published: 12/25/2016
Zephyr by Hikari Chrysant Ini adalah dunia di mana kemampuan super eksis. Choi Minhee hanya ingin bertemu pemilik kemampuan ini, tetapi malah berakhir terseret dalam permasalahan yang jauh lebih dalam dari dugaannya./Superpower AU/Undecided pair for MC, Seven x Yoosung/DLDR
T, Indonesian, Adventure & Romance, words: 3k+, 4/16, [Yoosung K., 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C.] MC
6Mystic Radio » by Destructo Writes We've all played the route, but what happened after the 11 days? Or what lead to the shop six months later? And After? A slowburn story of developing feelings, drama, fluff, a magic radio, and of course love, as we see what happens a year after the party. What happens if you continue the route? Hopefully Jaehee figures out her feelings before it's too late!MusicFic Jaehee KangxMC
T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 19, words: 57k+, favs: 8, follows: 10, updated: 4/14 published: 4/19/2019, [MC, Jaehee K.] 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., Zen/Hyun R.
A Recipe for Disaster » by BaeyoungnBaeran A story where fate serves a failed dish of a spoiled idol and her bodyguard/undercover mafia member, a genius private investigator and a useless college dropout, a vlogger/amateur sleuth and Russian spy tired of cleaning everyone's mess, and a hot Russian hacker and a nerdy gamer.
K+, English, Romance & Suspense, chapters: 2, words: 7k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 4/11 published: 4/3, 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., Saeran C./Unknown, MC, Vanderwood
1The lonely writer by mystery18blue Eui is a writer who is challenged by her friend to write a romantic story. Eui who lacks any romantic experience decides to download a dating app to get some inspiration but accidentally gets a strange app instead. She soon finds herself in a sticky situation with an RFA. Would she continue her pursuit of romance with RFA's members or would she get in way over her head?
T, English, Romance & Humor, words: 5k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 4/9
8 The Number Next Door » by LumiOlivier MC has finally gotten the opportunity to move into the apartment building of her dreams. After years of clawing her way up with her design blog, things have finally fallen into place for her. That is, until she learns her next door neighbor likes to blast meme music at 1AM...
T, English, Friendship & Romance, chapters: 22, words: 61k+, favs: 17, follows: 16, updated: 3/31 published: 11/5/2019, 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., Zen/Hyun R., Saeran C./Unknown, MC
6The Untold Stories of the RFA » by snowcloud8 After experiencing many heartfelt and soul-crushing routes of Mystic Messenger, there are still many untold tales that lie beyond Rika's Fundraising Association chatroom. A series of one-shots from the different routes of MC, Unknown, V, and the RFA members, including new characters, alternate universes, and chance encounters. Warnings includes angst, fluff, smut, and heartache.
T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 15, words: 35k+, favs: 21, follows: 22, updated: 3/27 published: 12/21/2016, 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., Yoosung K., Jumin H., Zen/Hyun R.
goodbye, saeran » by Ravenmist4 saeyoung tried so hard to take care of and protect his twin. he never wanted to be apart. he never wanted to lose saeran. yet, all things come to an end eventually.
T, English, Tragedy, chapters: 3, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 3/26 published: 3/15, 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., Saeran C./Unknown
3 The Only Way Out » by thesweetpirate "I can't hear love 'cause we're at war And revenge is so loud and the drums are so proud But oh, I'm in a cage and I hear mercy say "I'm here now" And it's the only way out - Mercy, agent 404, works in the same agency as Luciel, but when a mission goes wrong it's the last straw and she breaks. She wants to get out.
T, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 17, words: 32k+, favs: 11, follows: 11, updated: 3/22 published: 8/27/2017, 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., MC, OC
The Story of our Family » by PoisonHarley13 This is a first person narrative, told my MC in a past tense format. It is in a different style than most mystic fanfics, which I hope makes it unique. The plot is MC and Zen having their first babies and the complications of their lives because of it. It starts out mostly as fluff but drama will come in.
T, English, Romance & Family, chapters: 4, words: 4k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 3/14 published: 3/11, Zen/Hyun R., MC
En otra vida, en otras vidas by prismaticsunset En mi voz no hay más que energía positiva. He podido conocer a Jaehee, a Zen y a Yoosung. Y a Jumin, por supuesto. Todo esto fue gracias a Jumin. Llevo un vestido aguamarina bastante elegante, mi cabello con algunos mechones entrelazados... trenzas. Jumin insistió en que quería que utilizara este vestido hoy; y por supuesto, yo no iba a negar su felicidad. Si Jumin es feliz, yo ta
K, Spanish, Mystery, words: 660, 3/5, 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., MC
A milion dreams for the world we're gonna make (Saeyoung x MC) by chocoxstar 10-year-old Saeyoung Choi meets the most beautiful girl in the world, in church, on Christmas Eve. He falls in love with her at first sight, but can their completely different worlds collide? The story was inspired by the song "Milion dreams" from "The greatest showman".
K, English, Romance & Drama, words: 2k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, 2/27, 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., Saeran C./Unknown, MC, Ray
Petunia » by Lilacnightmares Unknown always wanted to have his own assistant. One that is bathed in wisteria and petunias, covering their throat until they suffocate or give in. There are some things that he can't do by showing his face and that's where someone who was very much his equal would be able to help him achieve paradise. He's got his eyes set on somebody and surely, with her, the success is ensured.
T, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 3, words: 23k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, updated: 2/16 published: 2/9, 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., Saeran C./Unknown, MC, OC
Paeonia by Lilacnightmares Bashful love. The adoration that Ray feels for you has never been strongest then it is today. He finds time to spend the morning with you and he decides that he never wants to let you. Inspired by a drawing by @Sensetenou on Tumblr.
K, English, Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 1, 2/9, MC, Ray
Together We Carry On by bipolarweeb "I'm okay," Saeyoung reassures, "Just a bad dream." Saeran nods. "Yeah," he says, "I get those too."
T, English, words: 1k+, 2/9
1The Messenger's Curse » by AnonymousOne11 It all starts when Seven hacks Taro's phone through his messenger app. From there, Taro enters an exciting drama of crime-stopping, game-addiction-breaking, and music-making as he joins the high-end organization known as RFA. A slasher fic with a male OC.
T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 11, words: 13k+, favs: 4, follows: 2, updated: 2/6 published: 1/27, 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., Yoosung K., Zen/Hyun R., OC
reconnections by AGENT Kuma-chan Saeyoung liked games and pranks. Saeran like tea and gardens. It was going to be hard to find common ground between them, even with MC's help. Or, the five times that the Choi twins weren't sure if they could connect and the one time they did.
K+, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, words: 3k+, favs: 5, 1/31, 707/Luciel/Saeyoung C., Saeran C./Unknown, MC
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