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6  Comics » Stand Still. Stay Silent
True Ruler » by Izumi1909 [AU] The Royalty of Scandi Kingdom has always been the puppet of its own Council. Three years ago, a fire in its palace killed many, including Prince Emil and his parents. Driven to exile by a Council member's actions, Emil's younger cousin and his former betrothed befriend some of Emil's former servants and soon join the few knowing a secret that may change everything.
T, English, Friendship & Fantasy, chapters: 10, words: 55k+, updated: 3/9 published: 11/11/2018
Treed by StarSpray Young and relatively knew to hunting trolls, Sigrun gets separated from her party on the way home. It's when she climbs a tree to get the lay of the land that trouble starts.
T, English, Adventure, words: 2k+, 8/19/2019, Sigrun E.
1 100 SSSS-fics: Dragons by Windfighter Emil and Lalli meet up in the dreamworld and Emil decides to teach Lalli a little about the old world.
K+, English, Friendship, words: 207, 6/2/2019, Lalli H., Emil V.
1 Three for the price of one » by Izumi1909 Lalli survived what happened in Saimaa. His cousins did not. Yet they are still by his side eleven years later, helping him navigate the world. An expedition looks to hire on the cheap side just as the Keuruu autorities cross a line that prompts Lalli to leave while he still can. His "cousins" have their own plans: having Lalli make a friend before the expedition is over.
T, English, Friendship & Adventure, chapters: 13, words: 25k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 3/20/2019 published: 3/24/2017, Lalli H., Emil V.
Broken bridges » by Izumi1909 [AU] The crew gets hired to guard a rich young skald with dreams of seeing the Silent World despite not being immune. On the first day, they end up thrawating an assassination attempt on the young man, which turns out to have been the expedition's true purpose all along. The bridge to the Known World breaking strands them in the Silent World for the winter, until help can come.
T, English, Angst, chapters: 20, words: 20k+, updated: 1/6/2019 published: 3/11/2017
2All You Need is Love, Luck, and a Broadsword » by dandelion-clocks A rogue princess, a big-dreaming girl, a squeamish knight, a tower-bound prince, a farm boy with no money and even less luck, and a druid with personality problems. Evil isn't going to know what hit it. (SSSS Fairytale AU)
T, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 4, words: 3k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, updated: 12/16/2018 published: 11/29/2018, [Emil V., Lalli H.] Sigrun E., Mikkel M.
Check-out delay by Izumi1909 When a hotel has only one check-out counter and some of its customers don't want to be seen leaving it by others.
T, English, Humor & Drama, words: 1k+, 12/14/2018
What if I lose you? What if the whole world will be Silent? by Greenscale An SSSS fan fic. The story from perspective of Sigrun with my own plot twists. Include aspects of human life and major spolers.
T, English, Adventure, words: 1k+, favs: 1, 12/11/2018
Story Time by StarSpray Emil and Sigrun dig up some novels, and Tuuri discovers a new method of team bonding.
K, English, Friendship, words: 1k+, 11/8/2018, Tuuri H.
In the time that is left » by Izumi1909 Emil and Lalli make it to the outpost, an unexpected guest in tow. Soon after, the Icleandic pick-up ship comes close enough for its on-board mage to contact the crew. But a lot can happen in the days left before they actually get onboard. Diverges from canon somewhere after the end of Chapter 20.
T, English, Family & Friendship, chapters: 9, words: 19k+, updated: 10/21/2018 published: 10/1/2018
100 SSSS-fics: 'Til death do us apart by Windfighter The boat is almost there. Lalli and Emil has to hurry to reach it before it leaves, but of course it won't be that easy as sickness overpowers Emil's body.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 6k+, favs: 1, 7/9/2018, Lalli H., Emil V.
Prompt fic collection » by Izumi1909 A collection of short fics written from prompts
T, English, chapters: 10, words: 16k+, follows: 1, updated: 6/22/2018 published: 11/22/2017
2 Silent Flight by Wisteria the Cat The journey to Tuonela was a quiet one, only punctuated by wing-beats, but even those were far and in between. (One-shot)
K+, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 752, 6/6/2018, Tuuri H.
Shifting worlds » by Izumi1909 Two realities, one of which was created to keep Tuuri alive. A young mage from one gets trapped in the other, unbeknownst to her guardians who are dealing with a new anti-troll system that is crippling mages as well. All used as a pretext for a third story in the "Second chances" verse.
T, English, Friendship & Family, chapters: 5, words: 11k+, updated: 5/13/2018 published: 5/2/2018
What Hope Does To a Man by ReadingViking Mikkel is the stoic medic who keeps everyone safe. This is the story of what led him to be such a fine soldier who sticks to his team no matter what. A story about friendship and the man who believed the great Somewhere was more than just decay and ghost stories. (P.S. Please leave a review!)
K, English, Friendship, words: 821, follows: 1, 3/25/2018, Mikkel M.
1 Alphabet Soup: Vague Memories by Windfighter Safe at the quarantine ship Emil's dreams finally return to him, with Lalli waiting in it.
K+, English, words: 1k+, favs: 1, 1/19/2018, Lalli H., Emil V.
This Calls for Cuddles by StarSpray "How long has it been since you've slept, Tuuri?" she asked, grabbing an ankle to drag Tuuri out. Tuuri blinked bloodshot eyes, and they went slightly of focus. "Uh…"
K+, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 437, 1/15/2018, [Sigrun E., Tuuri H.]
A story to keep secret » by Izumi1909 [AU] Investigating a twenty year old double missing person case brings Sigrun, Mikkel and Emil to a family of reclusive Finns in Saimaa's outskirts.
T, English, chapters: 4, words: 8k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 1/8/2018 published: 1/1/2018
The oblivious messenger by Izumi1909 Several days into the trek to the pick-up spot, Kitty finds Emil and Lalli before the rest of her group does. Emil tries to use her as a means to let the others know he and Lalli are nearby, the key word being "tries".
K+, English, Humor & Drama, words: 1k+, 12/2/2017
Fist bump by Izumi1909 Lalli actually knows what Emil's attempts at fist bumps mean. He just has a specific reason to not answer them.
K+, English, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 11/20/2017
Alphabet Soup: The soup incident by Windfighter While dragging Lalli's unconscious body Emil decides to ask a very important question.
K+, English, words: 855, 11/18/2017, Lalli H., Emil V.
The wings of an angel » by Windfighter In a world where your wings tell you who your soulmate is, Lalli's says he will never meet them.
T, English, chapters: 8, words: 2k+, updated: 11/15/2017 published: 11/12/2017, Lalli H., Emil V.
Little brother by Izumi1909 Emil thinks of his younger brother, and what has become of him.
K+, English, Family, words: 1k+, 11/13/2017
1One change at a time » by Izumi1909 [Transman!Emil medieval fantasy AU; trigger warning for trans readers] A few years ago, Emil faked his death to run off with Lalli and live as a man. A few years later, they are guarding a farm serving as a refuge for some of those that the society of Emil's native land has no place for. Fate chooses this time have them cross paths with people from their respective former lives.
T, English, Friendship & Angst, chapters: 2, words: 10k+, updated: 11/12/2017 published: 4/21/2017, Lalli H., Emil V., Reynir A.
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