Prompt: "Imagine everyone in the world has wings and once someone touches their soulmate, the wings fly them both upwards and change colors from white to a perfect mix their eye colors."


(I'm not even gonna try bothering about warnings any longer .)

Lalli didn't like his wings. To begin with they were small, the same size as people who had lost their soulmate, and couldn't carry him. And since they couldn't carry him they were just in the way instead. They got caught in branches when he climed trees, wanting to get up high like everyone else could. And while most people his age had already found their soulmate and gotten their colourful wings, his was still bright white. Truthfully though, he didn't mind that. He didn't mind being alone. He just wished he could have met his soulmate once before they died.

"Lalli, come on down from there!"

Lalli let out a sigh and climbed down the tree. When his cousin called it was always best to get there quickly, or else she might drag him into something. She was beaming when he got down, her eyes bright. Her wings had already got their colours. A beautiful mix of gray, violet and green and Lalli couldn't stand looking at them. She had left a year earlier to work in a foreign country and came home with her new wings.

"I found some more people with white wings, you should meet them!"

"It's no use."

Lalli stretched his tiny wings as much as he could, so she could understand that there wasn't any need for her to continue like this. He would never meet his soulmate. She waved him off, grabbed his arm and pulled him along. He let her lead him, but none of the people were the one.