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9  1  Comics » Scandinavia and the World
The History of Us » by Lavenette A character study spanning over 600 years, primarily focusing on the relationship between Sweden and Aland, and how it developed and evolved over time.
T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 6, words: 11k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, updated: 6/9/2019 published: 4/16/2019
What Happened to You? by probablyloiteringatvalero Finland has a nightmare. Sweden notices.
K, English, Angst, words: 610, favs: 1, 3/1/2019
6SATW: The Book of History » by nemolee.exe After the SATW Baltic Sisters find a book that is empty, but is endless and writes by itself with every move the girls, the girls are excited. The sisters have one problem, though. Who created the book? Join Sister Estonia, Sister Latvia, Sister Lithuania as they go on an adventure to find the creator of the strange book, with a bunch of laughs added in.
T, English, Adventure & Humor, chapters: 3, words: 3k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, updated: 5/30/2018 published: 12/29/2017
4Breather » by lem0nseizure Finland and Sweden try to get along. The story starts with the first chapter being a short flashback from Finland's and Sweden's past from abt. three years before Russia took over. Keeping it short just to get this to a start. This isn't supposed to be the most historically accurate, but I'll try my best to keep this consistent. /Sweden x Finland/
T, English, Friendship & Romance, chapters: 4, words: 3k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, updated: 4/28/2018 published: 3/26/2018
5 Rubbing Alcohol by ichimatsuscat Lately, Estonia has been feeling really tired of being ignored. Maybe a visit to Finland's place would help. Or vodka. Or both. Platonic EstFin.
T, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 7, follows: 3, 7/21/2017
2Happy Birthday Canada by Hyper Kid It's Canada's 150th birthday, and everyone seems to have forgotten! Luckily America comes over to "save the day" and to get help planning his own party... but is it all for the 4th of July?
K, English, Humor & Family, words: 3k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 7/1/2017
1When the sparkles are gone by Aphrosee Based on the strip "Not Norway" Since Denmark was an asshole, a feeling started to grow inside of Iceland.
T, English, Drama, words: 582, favs: 4, 6/19/2017
3 Butterflies and Summer Skies by Hyper Kid Denmark and Norway, getting back to nature. Getting to nature in Denmark's case. Just a soft, sweet little oneshot with cuddles, butterflies, and a lil Eurovision talk.
K, English, Romance & Family, words: 1k+, favs: 4, follows: 2, 6/14/2017
Impostor » by PhrimelyPhrime After failing to invite herself into one of the Nordic's parties, Estonia decides to sneak in, by wearing a Nordic cross shirt. Based on the SATW comic, "Impostor".
T, English, Humor, chapters: 3, words: 4k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 3/31/2017 published: 3/26/2017
1Stranded Sisters » by PhrimelyPhrime Featuring characters from Scandinavia and the World, this story involves the Baltic sisters, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, who were on a cruise ship in the Pacific with Australia, but got stranded on a deserted island. Australia gets New Zealand, America, Canada, Russia, Finland, his sister, and Saare to all help search for the lost Baltic sisters.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Humor, chapters: 4, words: 8k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, updated: 3/20/2017 published: 3/6/2017
3 A Bad Hair Day by ichimatsuscat It's honestly no surprise to anyone who Iceland inherited his massive ego from. Brotherly/Platonic NorIce.
K+, English, Family & Friendship, words: 1k+, favs: 12, follows: 3, 2/13/2017
3 Much Ado Aboot Nothing by HelsinkiAngels Canada is sorry. Really, really sorry.
K, English, Humor & Friendship, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 11/6/2016
2Planar Shifts by KingGustav Friends sit around a candle-lit table for some tabletop topsy-turvies.
T, English, Humor & Adventure, words: 3k+, 5/15/2016
1A Not-so Perfect Christmas by PrincessOphelia2 Sweden wants this Christmas to be a memorable one. But when a snow storm comes, the Nordics must make the best of it.
T, English, Humor & Friendship, words: 712, 4/2/2016
4Adventures in Jotunheim » by KingGustav The Nordics take a much-needed vacation to Jotunheimen, Norway's tallest mountains and named after the home of the giants in Norse mythology. While there, they go on an adventure never experienced before, with trolls, ghosts, and other events.
T, English, Adventure & Humor, chapters: 10, words: 32k+, favs: 7, follows: 4, updated: 12/25/2015 published: 5/1/2015
2 Beware the Frozen Heart by KingGustav Based on the Finnish myth of Kullervo. Extremely bleak and morbid, so don't read if you cry easily (and if you do, have tissues handy). Rated for all sorts of tragedy (read the author's note at the beginning for more detail). Oneshot.
T, English, Tragedy & Drama, words: 6k+, 1/21/2015
1 An Old Tool by Laroucelle Now, if this was a normal circumstance, Denmark would of gotten mad as well and jumped at him, but this was a special situation. You see, Denmark had found something interesting. Something, that to a horny-gentleman like himself, was better then free beer. A Oneshot. DenmarkxSweden
T, English, Humor & Romance, words: 1k+, 10/20/2014
3Romeo and JulietAmerica and Mexico » by SheWhoLovesFoxes The story of Romeo and Juliet with a SATW twist. He was from the house of Brit & she was from the house of Spanish. Their families are rivals & has taught them to hate one another. Yet despite all odds America and Mexico find love & will do anything to keep it. Nothing will keep them apart, not their parents, not their family, not even death will keep them apart. (Modern language)
T, English, Romance & Tragedy, chapters: 9, words: 9k+, updated: 4/28/2014 published: 3/3/2014
8 The ones that get along by theNorwegian A Troll, a Hulder, a Merman, a Forest fairy and a Shape shifter all get very well along, but how did they meet and what made them stick together in the first place? Creature-bent Nordics at your service!
K, English, Fantasy & Family, words: 2k+, favs: 3, 4/22/2014
3 In the Whole Goddamn World by Mein Liebling Norway gets a bit antsy when Denmark says he slept with everyone. [brotp]
T, English, Humor, words: 56, 4/14/2014
4fire in the sky » by theNorwegian When Denmark one day mistakes two dragon eggs for two unusually large bird eggs, he takes them home and soon realizes that the eggs are not bird eggs. so far no one knew dragons existed and a mystery occurs. What will happen when the Nordic gang tries to solve that one? rated T for a bit of swearing and other things in later chapters. Update! this will not be updated.
T, English, Fantasy & Mystery, chapters: 3, words: 8k+, updated: 3/9/2014 published: 3/1/2014
4 World of Wonder by Smart Comment Central The Nordics decide to throw a party, and everyone is invited! It's all fun and happy at first, but it quickly takes a turn for the worst. It doesn't take long to figure out the murderer is one of them, but which country is it?
T, English, Mystery & Horror, words: 2k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, 2/19/2014
5 Extraordinary Ice Cubes by HelsinkiAngels Denmark has always had his beloved beer to comfort him in times of need, and he knows exactly what the perfect beer tastes like. So what happens when Iceland, four years old and ambitious for exploration, decides to create a custom brew for Uncle Denmark, all by himself?
K, English, Humor & Family, words: 1k+, favs: 7, follows: 1, 2/16/2014
5 Hekla by starlight.moon.princess In hindsight, accepting Iceland's offer to go skiing probably wasn't one of America's best ideas. Of course, he had no idea about Hekla and the gates to hell when he did.
K+, English, Humor & Friendship, words: 996, favs: 9, follows: 3, 1/5/2014
3 New year's kiss by theNorwegian This is my greetings to 2014, a tiny New Year's kiss scene. My only warning: this is Denmark x Sweden. And as always, I love reviews.
K+, English, Romance & Friendship, words: 271, favs: 1, follows: 1, 12/31/2013
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