It was a warm summer of 1806, and Finland and Sweden were at Finland's summer cottage at Saimaa. The two were sitting on the edge of the pier. Finland was splashing his feet against the surface of the water. Sweden laughed as Finland playfully splashed some water at him, and he returned the favor. " Hey, Finland? " He asked as Finland started opening his beer. " Yeah? " Finland answered. " There's something that's been concerning me for a while… Russia's shown an unusual amount of interest in you… " Sweden muttered. Finland was silent for a while, then sighed. " Interest. I have a feeling it's more than that, " Finland said and took a sip from his now opened bottle of beer. " Afraid so, " Sweden agreed. Then he looked at Finland who had gone dismal and silent. " I wouldn't worry if I were you though. I'm not planning on giving you up to that old fart, " Sweden declared and grabbed his beer. Finland's head shot up. " ...really? " He asked with a surprised look. " Of course! I'd hate to have you looking so glum. You needn't worry, " Sweden said and opened his beer bottle. Finland smiled gently at him turned to look at the distance. A little further from the shore, there was seal resting on a large rock. " I hope… " Finland started out, and Sweden turned to look at him. " ...I hope that things will continue to be as relatively peaceful as they are now. And that one day you'll acknowledge my language is just as speakable and writable as yours, " Finland took a sip from his bottle after finishing the sentence. Sweden's peaceful face turned into a slight frown. He got up. " You're a region, and you just happen to have a native language, " Sweden declared with a provoked tone. Finland's expression drooped and he let out a sigh. " I wasn't trying to be - " Finland tried to explain himself, but Sweden began walking away from the pier. Finland turned around following Sweden's movements. " Thanks for everything. I'll see you next week. Take care, " Sweden said and went to untie his horse. Finland walked next to the horse as Sweden hopped on it's back. He looked up at Sweden with a guilty look. " I didn't mean to upset you, " He said apologetically. Sweden started feeling the guilt himself and blushed at the sight. Finland looked irresistibly adorable. " I know you didn't, but I must go now, " Sweden said and patted Finland's curly head. Then Finland watched him take off and disappear into the woods.