Alright, time for Chapter 4! Enjoy!

The Baltic sisters were sleeping rather comfortably, considering they're sleeping in a life boat. They didn't have no blankets or pillows, but luckily they were on a tropical island, where it doesn't get cold during the night too easily. The boat was soft enough to substitute for pillows.

Lithuania had taken off her pants in the middle of the night due to the salt left on them constantly irritating her legs and waist. When the sisters woke up, Latvia, who was ready to eat some French fries (which Lithuania brought along) for breakfast, was the first to notice this.

"Lithuania, why the hell do you have your pants off again?" Latvia asked. "Did a crab crawl into your pants again?"

"There's salt all over my pants." Lithuania stated. "It was giving me a chafe."

"Well can you please put them back on?" Latvia offered. "I don't want to see your underwear while trying to eating breakfast. Or pretty much anytime."

"Your lost." Lithuania replied as she grabbed the salt-laced pants and slid them back on. She was wincing as the salt on the pants legs chafed her thighs.

After enduring the saline irritation, Lithuania joined Latvia with the French fry breakfast. Estonia, however, instead found some clams on the beach, and was planning on cooking them. She had a small pile of twigs, and used two rocks to attempt at starting a fire. After five minutes of nothing happening, Estonia threw the rocks into the ocean, and ate one of the clams raw.

As Estonia was going to eat another, her stomach started churning from the raw clam. Unfortunately, the clam had contained toxins produced by the plankton it eats. She's gonna be sick for the rest of the day.

She trudged up to her sisters, who were halfway done with breakfast. When she got to them, she landed on her knees and couldn't see straight due to the lightheadedness from the pain.

"Latvia, Lithu-uania, I-I ate a bad clam." Estonia moaned in pain. "I wanted t-to cook it, b-b-"

Estonia was interrupted by her retching, and finally vomiting all over Lithuania's pants accidentally. Now Lithuania had to deal with Estonia's stomach acid and raw clam breakfast chafing her legs.

"ESTONIA! YOU PUKED ALL OVER MY FUCKING PANTS!" Lithuania cried out in disgust.

"I'm so s-sorry Lith-huania! I didn't s-see how c-clos-!" Estonia tried to apologize, but was interrupted by more retching.

Lithuania stood up, grabbed Estonia's shoulders, and immediately turned her to the opposite direction. Lithuania did this to prevent Estonia from getting more vomit on her pants. Estonia upchucked again, this time in the sand. After heaving for a minute, Estonia's stomach finally stopped churning. Estonia walked up to to raft and fell into it in exhaustion.

"Um, are you okay Estonia?" Latvia asked.

Estonia moaned with an unintelligible reply.

"I think we should leave Estonia here to rest." Latvia concluded. "Hopefully she will feel better now after throwing up that clam." Latvia patted Estonia's back.

They planned on going into the forest without Estonia, but Lithuania obviously didn't want to wear vomit-covered pants while traveling in it. So she took off her pants yet again, and washed them in the ocean. It removed most of the vomit, but Lithuania had to wait for her pants to dry.

After waiting ten minutes, Lithuania put back on her chafing pants, and with Latvia, walked up to the edge of the tropical forest. They stood there to analyze the forest. It wasn't so much of a forest actually. It had only around a hundred palm trees, and some tropical grasses growing on the ground. It also seemed to have a few birds and a sea turtle.

They spotted the turtle slowly dragging along the ground near where they were standing. Lithuania picked it up, while the turtle instinctively pulled its limbs and head into its shell.

"Hello little turtle!" Lithuania greeted. "Are you searching for some food?"

"Put the turtle down!" Latvia protested. "You don't know what kinds of diseases it might have! I don't want you to get sick like Estonia!"

"You can't get diseases from turtles, Latvia." Lithuania scoffed.

"Just put the fucking turtle down." Latvia coldly replied.

"Fine." Lithuania groaned as she released the reptile onto the ground. The turtle slowly peeked its head out, and continued its journey.

The two looked back up at the forest, and began walking into it. It was densely populated with palm trees and various tropical plants. They walked past a few banana plants, with Lithuania picking out some of the bananas. After traveling for several minutes, they heard some leaves rustle.

"What the hell is that?!" Lithuania croaked, as a voice moaned in response. The voice came from some bushes several feet behind them.

"Oh god, what kind of creature is in that bush?!" Latvia quavered. "It sounds like a dying cat!"

Then out from the bushes came a stumbling and indisposed Estonia. She apparently had woke up a few minutes ago, spotted her sisters entering the forest, and followed them not too far behind.

"It-t is me." Estonia gurgled as she stumbled up to Latvia. "You sh-shoould haff-"

Estonia fell unconscious right into Latvia's arms before she could finish. Estonia was still sick from shellfish poisoning. Latvia really didn't want a sick Estonia to come along with them into the forest in case something happened.

"I think we should just wait until tomorrow to explore the forest." Latvia concluded.

So Latvia and Lithuania dragged Estonia out of the forest and back to the beach. Latvia gently dropped Estonia into the raft. She then put her hand on Estonia's head to feel her temperature.

"She doesn't have a fever." Latvia stated. "She still doesn't look too well though."

"So what are we gonna do?" Lithuania probed. "We didn't bring any medical stuff. Also, we don't know what making her sick. If it was the clams, then puking them should have helped-"

Latvia interrupted. "Lithuania! I don't know what to do, alright?! So can you please just be quiet?!"

"Okay, okay!" Lithuania cried. "Don't yell at me for wanting to help!"

"I'm sorry, Lithuania." Latvia apologized. "I'm just really stressed right now." Latvia sat down on the raft.

Lithuania strolled off, to let Latvia cool down from her rant. Lithuania herself wasn't too happy either, especially with the constant rubbing from salt in her pants.

Meanwhile on the USS Freedom, America was bored as all hell. It has been hours since the search started, and America was tired of listening to Saare's viking stories. Canada had fell asleep by 2 AM, and was still asleep by morning.

"So I was fighting my Dad's army of warriors..." Saare told America. "I was all like..." She had told this story to America over a hundred times on the search by this point.

"Will you please shut the hell up?!" America complained. "You already told me this story like a million times!"

Saare promptly slapped his face in retaliation. "DON'T INTERRUPT ME!" She spat. She went back to her story.

Elsewhere on the ship, Australia was discussing with Finland, with very little progress.

"Mate, I don't understand your knife sign language!" Australia confessed as Finland repeatedly whisked the knife to communicate. "Please just stop!"

"Perkele!" Finland growled. He proceeded to mumble Finnish profanities.

New Zealand chimed in. "Maybe we could have some conversation with Sister Finland?"

Finland chuckled at that comment, while Sister Finland looked at all three of them in silence. She, unlike Finland, doesn't speak at all.

"I think we would get more of a response from a brick wall than Sista' Finland." Australia joked.

Finland snickered some more.

"Okay, so how are we gonna work with either of the Finlands?" NZ asked. "Neither want to speak English."

"To be deadset, I have no idea." Australia confessed.

Finland, wanting Australia and NZ to actually help search, spoke up. "Maybe try actual looking?" he offered.

Australia froze.

"Oh." Australia shamefully muttered. "I totally forgot that we could 'ave done that."

Stunned by Australia's obliviousness, Finland bitterly face-palmed, while New Zealand just glared at Australia in disbelief.

Sister Finland, however, was furious. After spending ten hours on a ship and doing nothing for no reason, she had reached her breaking point. Unlike her brother, or even Latvia, Sister Finland rarely ever gets angry, usually only having occasional tantrums. So now, it was her turn to speak up.


(Translation - Are you serious? We spent hours on this boat and you did not think of that?)

All three of them stopped in terror. Australia and NZ assumed that Sister Finland was mute. Finland was more surprised at his sister's sudden rage.


(Translation - You two fucking idiots have wasted my fucking time!)

Finland bolted up to his sister, grabbed her shoulders, and desperately tried to get her to mellow out.

"Sisar, ota rauhoitu!" Finland pleaded. "Se ei ole iso juttu!"

(Translation - Sister, please calm down! It is not a big deal!)

Sister Finland shoved her brother to the ground. "EI! SINÄ HÖLMÖ!" She exclaimed.

(Translation - No! You moron!)

Sister Finland then glared up at Australia, who was shaking in absolute terror. She took out her knife and marched right up to him, face-to-face. Sister Finland appeared as if the devil had possessed her.

"Kun olen tehnyt, teille toivottaa teille oli yksi menetetty merellä!" Sister Finland threatened.

(Translation - When I am done with you, you will wish you were the one lost at sea!)

With that, she pinned Australia to the ship's floor with her free hand. She raised her knife, hovering it over Australia's head. He thought it was the end, as he looked into Sister Finland's cold, unforgiving eyes.

Then out of nowhere, someone wrapped their arms around Sister Finland's neck and lifted her off Australia. Australia sat up and saw that the person who saved him was Saare. She had Sister Finland in a choke hold, and had the knife in her mouth. Sister Finland desperately jolted her arms in protest.

"If you're wondering, I only saved your life because I'm not a bitch like Soome here." Saare explained. "You're welcome."

Australia saw that America and Canada had also came to the outside deck, and were confused at the scene. Finland was in a fetal position, while New Zealand was hiding behind America and Canada. Russia was several meters above the ship in his helicopter, not wanting to get involved.

"Soooo, what should we do about Ms. Stabby Stabsalot?" America pondered aloud. "I kinda don't want a knife-carrying lunatic on my ship."

"I'll talk to her." Saare stated. Then, she whispered to Sister Finland with a malicious tone. "Too bad I'm not doing that."

Sister Finland gulped.

Back on the island, it was lunch time. Estonia, now awake, was having frequent spouts of diarrhea. She dug a hole in the sand on the other side of the beach for the act. Meanwhile, Lithuania had gone into the forest to get some firewood, while Latvia was catching fish in the shallow waters for lunch.

Lithuania returned with a load of lumber, at least fifty sticks and twigs. She planned on using some of the sticks for a makeshift shelter. Latvia, not knowing that, questioned Lithuania's excess of sticks.

"What the hell, Lithuania?! We don't need that much wood!" Latvia hollered. "Are you building some kind of fort or something?!"

"Kinda." Lithuania answered. "I'm gonna use some sticks to make a little hut, after I find something that can tie the sticks together."

Latvia rubbed the top part of her nose in irritation. "What am I going to do with you, Lithuania?" Latvia sighed.

So Lithuania piled a few of the sticks, and attempted to start a fire with some stones. After a few collisions, she was able to create a flame. Estonia, who was taking a break from her literal shit storm, saw this. She groaned in response at Lithuania's fire-making ease, considering how Estonia herself failed at doing that earlier.

Latvia prepared and cooked the fish. She first decapitated the fish (just in case any fish was alive), and then after gutting and descaling, she impaled them. After that, she held the impaled fish over the fire. Of course after doing that three times, she gave two of the fish-kebabs to her sisters, and kept one for herself. The whole do-it-yourself fish processing made the Baltic sisters feel like they were still at home.

"Y'know, after having the runs, it's nice to finally eat something." Estonia remarked.

It really was a relaxing experience for them, especially considering how unpleasant the morning was. After finishing their lunch, Estonia went back to her shit-fest, while Lithuania wanted Latvia to help with building the shelter. After saying yes, Lithuania went back into the forest for more materials.

It's been a very mixed day for everyone.

OH. MY. FUCKING. RELIGIOUS DEITY. I should apologize; I didn't plan on the chapter to take THIS long. To make a long story short, I kept on getting distracted, and I was hoping to get this done by at most, St. Patrick's Day. Too bad I'm lazy as hell, and have the attention span of a baby squirrel. I really hope the next chapter doesn't take over a week to finish.

As for the next chapter, it's gonna be Latvia and Lithuania having trouble with building the shelter, and of course, that will lead to them arguing. As for the search party, I have no idea.

Thanks for putting up with my stupid procrastination, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.