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My Stories 127
15Magic Moments Filled with Love » A collection of short drabble fics. Drabble 3: Red and Kitty's romantic evening doesn't go as planned.
That '70s Show, K+, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 4, follows: 4, updated: 8/9 published: 7/22/2019, [Red F., Kitty F.]
6 One Flew Next-Door to the Nest Years after the '70s, empty-nesters Red and Kitty get some new neighbors who are not so new. Can you guess who the 'new' neighbors are? Find out in this oneshot!
That '70s Show, K+, English, Humor & Family, words: 2k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 7/31, Red F., Kitty F.
6 Fortune Cookie Surprise A glimpse at Life After the '70s for Red and Kitty Forman. When Kitty brings home Chinese food for dinner, a fortune cookie brings them a special surprise. It's better than it sounds (I hope!)
That '70s Show, K+, English, Humor & Family, words: 1k+, favs: 8, follows: 4, 6/20, [Red F., Kitty F.] Eric F.
10 And a Happy New year An hour into the new decade, Red finds a hiding Jackie who's struggling to move forward from what had been one of the worst years of her life. Pure FamilyFluff.
That '70s Show, K+, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, words: 1k+, favs: 26, follows: 5, 1/1, [Jackie B., Steven H.] Red F.
123Christmas with the Formans » Tired of the hustle and bustle of the holidays and now that all of the kids are grown and doing their own thing for the holidays, Red Forman convinces his wife, Kitty, that they should book a cruise to beat the yuletide blues and just skip Christmas. However, the idea doesn't go over well with their friends, neighbors, and the misfits that populate their basement.
That '70s Show, K+, English, Humor & Family, chapters: 15, words: 45k+, favs: 17, follows: 25, updated: 11/30/2019 published: 12/18/2016, Red F., Kitty F.
569If You Ever Did Believe » The Formans and the group of friends, who grew up in their basement, are living their everyday lives in the new decade of the '80s until something happens that turns everyone's world upside down. Soon it becomes Jackie's mission to help everyone, especially Red, mend broken bonds, get answers, and hopefully find peace again. JH,ED,KB,RK,F?
That '70s Show, K+, English, Family, chapters: 32, words: 137k+, favs: 123, follows: 172, updated: 10/9/2019 published: 5/22/2016, [Jackie B., Steven H.] Red F.
6 Rockin' Years Taking a little walk down memory lane, Red helps Kitty deal with the idea of growing older. A missing moment between Red and Kitty at the end of Season 5's "Heartbreaker." IMPORTANT Author's Note inside!
That '70s Show, K+, English, Humor & Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, 8/10/2019, Red F., Kitty F.
14 In the Oven Having moved into their new home, Jackie and Hyde invite Red and Kitty over for dinner and to share a surprise that's in the oven. Posted in celebration of my 10 years writing T7S Fanfic.
That '70s Show, K+, English, Humor & Family, words: 3k+, favs: 68, follows: 14, 3/22/2019, [Red F., Kitty F.] [Jackie B., Steven H.]
12 Something Wonderful Happens in Summer It's summer of 1977, there's a heatwave in Point Place, and Red's corvette is in need of a wash. Pure summer fluff, please be kind.
That '70s Show, K+, English, Romance & Humor, words: 3k+, favs: 17, follows: 4, 8/4/2018, [Red F., Kitty F.] [Jackie B., Steven H.]
28 Three's Company » Hyde and Jackie's wedding day has finally arrived along with a bought of bad luck that Jackie is convinced is a sign that their wedding shouldn't take place. Especially when she ends up stuck in an elevator with Red Forman and her ex-boyfriend. Will they get out in time for the wedding? Will there still be a wedding to get out for?
That '70s Show, K+, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 12k+, favs: 55, follows: 29, updated: 7/15/2018 published: 7/1/2018, [Jackie B., Steven H.] Michael Kelso, Red F.
10 Printed on a Shirt Kitty and Jackie take an impromptu shopping trip to the new t-shirt store at the mall and bring home some great finds. My take on where Kitty got the t-shirt she wears in 'Gimme Shelter.'
That '70s Show, K+, English, Humor & Romance, words: 3k+, favs: 10, follows: 3, 5/15/2018, [Red F., Kitty F.] Jackie B.
10 Valentine's Coffee A little peek at a tradition that Red and Kitty share every Valentine's Day morning.
That '70s Show, K+, English, Humor & Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 6, follows: 2, 2/18/2018, Red F., Kitty F.
7 New Year's Resolutions After the clock has struck midnight, Kitty suggest to Red that they write out their resolutions for the new year.
That '70s Show, K+, English, Humor & Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 5, follows: 2, 1/4/2018, Red F., Kitty F.
9 On Halloween Night When Kitty must work an evening shift at the hospital on Halloween night, she's more than a little disappointed that she missed out on the holiday at home. But a talk and treat from Red might change the outlook of the night as well as other Halloween nights to come.
That '70s Show, K+, English, Humor & Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 5, follows: 1, 10/30/2017, Red F., Kitty F.
22 Quiet Time When Red became a grandfather, everyone expected him to stay as far away as possible from the baby, instead the opposite happens. During a family gathering, a curious Jackie decides to ask him about it.
That '70s Show, K+, English, Family & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 58, follows: 9, 9/17/2017, Jackie B., Red F.
42Finders Keepers » It's said that before you find your soulmate you will find one of their lost items first, so what happens when Hyde finds a gold bracelet in The Formans' backyard? Will it lead him to his soulmate, someone who he's sure probably doesn't even exist?
That '70s Show, K+, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 2, words: 5k+, favs: 63, follows: 83, updated: 7/23/2017 published: 7/1/2017, [Jackie B., Steven H.] Kitty F.
17Love is Here to Stay Just a few sweet little moments from the happy day of Hyde and Jackie's wedding.
That '70s Show, K+, English, Romance & Family, words: 1k+, favs: 34, follows: 17, 7/18/2017, [Red F., Kitty F.] [Jackie B., Steven H.]
15 Happy Father's Day, Mr Forman Unable to spend Father's Day with her own father, Jackie gives a little gift to the other father figure in her life.
That '70s Show, K+, English, Humor & Family, words: 1k+, favs: 54, follows: 12, 6/19/2017, Jackie B., Red F.
10 You'll Never Know It's been years since Red fought in a war but the harsh memories still manage to find their way into his dreams, luckily he's always had Kitty there to help him deal with the nightmares.
That '70s Show, T, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, words: 1k+, favs: 12, follows: 2, 6/2/2017, Red F., Kitty F.
15 Going to Prom After agreeing to take Jackie to prom in "Prom Night" Hyde has a talk with Red and Kitty that makes him realize going to prom with Jackie means a lot more than just 'going to prom.'
That '70s Show, K+, English, Humor & Family, words: 2k+, favs: 40, follows: 18, 5/28/2017, Steven H., Jackie B., Red F., Kitty F.
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