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Favorite Stories 183
391Eternally Never Yours » by EchoEternal Slash-fic, M/M. A hopeless romantic wonders if he'll ever have what it takes to end a tedious charade. Tired of the lies and secrets, he writes to his beloved about what they can never have. From there, the rest spirals out of his control. Rated T, just in case.
Mario, T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 46, words: 372k+, favs: 204, follows: 191, updated: 3/26 published: 1/13/2014, [Bowser, Mario] Luigi, Peach
2k+His Twenty-Eighth Life » by Lomonaaeren HPLV. Harry Potter has been reborn again and again into new bodies as the Master of Death—but he has always helped to defeat Voldemort in each new world. Now his slightly older brother is the target of the prophecy, and Harry assumes his role is to support Jonathan. At least, that's what he thinks until Voldemort kidnaps him that Halloween night.
Harry Potter, M, English, Drama & Angst, chapters: 69, words: 216k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 3k+, updated: 3/18 published: 8/1/2017, [Harry P., Voldemort]
97Dulzura de contrabando » by lobunaluna Por culpa de un patriarca amargado, todo el santuario se quedara sin la dulzura cotidiana. Por lo cual los dorados y demás tendran que tomar medidas extremas, para combatir esa futura amargura. Además tres pillos italianos, sacaraon provecho del asunto y llevaran a cabo un contrabando de dulzura...
Saint Seiya, K+, Spanish, Humor & Parody, chapters: 8, words: 14k+, favs: 50, follows: 41, updated: 8/19/2019 published: 12/10/2013, Shaina, Deathmask, Shion
4 Bowser's Day by EchoEternal A bit down in the dumps on a slow day, Bowser can't quite seem to get invested in anything. Can his son and henchmen offer any support?
Mario, K, English, Family, words: 3k+, favs: 9, 8/4/2019, Mario, Bowser, Bowser Jr., Kamek
5 Confession » by PeaceLoveParvati 5 times Peter tried to confess, and the one time Harry did it for him. (Implied pairing: Gwen/MJ)
Spider-Man, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 2, words: 7k+, favs: 55, follows: 13, updated: 6/16/2019 published: 12/18/2015, [Peter P./Spider-Man, Harry O.] [Gwen S., Mary Jane W.]
46Cuando el Sol clama tu presencia » by ninnae El dios Apolo no ha podido olvidar a Jacinto aquel joven que tanto amo en tiempos antiguos, por lo que decide buscarlo nuevamente y lo encontrara en Milo el caballero de Escorpio, lo que no sabe es que el ya se haya enamorado aunque su amor pareciera no ser correspondido.
Saint Seiya, M, Spanish, Romance & Drama, chapters: 3, words: 10k+, favs: 21, follows: 18, updated: 5/24/2019 published: 4/15/2014, Milo, Camus, Apolo
25King of the Underworld » by Ms. Audrey G Sequel to Prisoner of Hades. AU. Unbeknownst to him, Shun is trapped in the 18th century. He tries to find answers but his body is too weak from the ordeal with Hades. And with familiar faces appearing, and a curse upon him, he feels it would be a matter of time before Hades claims his soul. Or has he already?
Saint Seiya, T, English, chapters: 8, words: 13k+, favs: 31, follows: 31, updated: 3/13/2019 published: 4/3/2016, Shun, Hades, Sasha, Tenma
15hc svnt leones » by pasdecoeur As of that Hallowe'en in 1994, Harry Potter had been missing for precisely thirteen years.
Harry Potter, T, English, chapters: 4, words: 10k+, favs: 35, follows: 78, updated: 9/23/2018 published: 3/27/2018, Harry P., Hermione G., Lily Evans P., Cedric D.
314From The Ashes » by Leonhard van Euler On that dreadful night, Albus Dumbledore is struck down by his friend and fellow staff member, Severus Snape, whilst the Death Eaters watch on in glee and Harry in horror. Seconds after the Curse strikes him, Albus finds himself waking up in the seven year-old body of Harry Potter. Reincarnated as the Boy-Who-Lived he now has to find a way to defeat Voldemort once and for !HP
Harry Potter, T, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 15, words: 65k+, favs: 750, follows: 1k+, updated: 9/10/2018 published: 4/29/2017, Harry P., Albus D., Minerva M., Nicolas F.
70Three's a Crowd » by ravengal What if Germany and Holy Rome shared a body, but not a mind? And what if this was the result of Holy Rome dying much sooner than in canon? Crazy antics, drama, confliction and lots and lots of confusion. Poor Italy doesn't know what to do... Germany/Italy, Holy Rome/Italy
Hetalia - Axis Powers, T, English, Humor & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 19, words: 50k+, favs: 87, follows: 103, updated: 8/11/2018 published: 7/24/2014, [Germany, N. Italy, Holy Roman Empire]
1For my country » by Eric Burnfeild WW2 short fic. (Historically incorrect if that matters for you.) What is the difference between right and wrong when faced by war and humanity? Francis Bonnefoy, an army doctor finds himself alone on what remains of the battlefield. He searches for a safe place to stay for the night. Little did he know that he would not spend it alone.
Hetalia - Axis Powers, M, English, Friendship & Angst, chapters: 2, words: 4k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 5/3/2018 published: 5/6/2017
81Innumerable kisses » by Rooss •Long-fic• El miedo a lo que hay allá afuera era lo que compartían seis hermanos y una chica. Heroine tenía sentimientos diferentes con cada uno de ellos pero quizá el más intenso era el que sentía hacia el hijo menor. Por aquél impertinente de ojos carmín. Porque finalmente a Orión, el edificio donde ellos vivían, había llegado...una intrusa. [•Shin&Heroine•]
Amnesia/アムネシア, T, Spanish, Romance & Humor, chapters: 11, words: 59k+, favs: 39, follows: 35, updated: 2/19/2018 published: 12/12/2013, [Shin, Heroine] Ukyo
12 Souvenirs of You » by pearypie For every day Lizzy is gone, Ciel writes her a letter. / (You have gone too, haven't you? Providence has clawed you from my grip and you senseless, selfish darling—)
Kuroshitsuji, T, English, chapters: 5, words: 4k+, favs: 21, follows: 14, updated: 12/30/2017 published: 6/5/2017, Ciel P., Elizabeth M., Sebastian M., Bravat
5Cicuta y Adelfa » by Synchronicity girl Tomar demasiada medicina se vuelve venenoso, y el veneno, a su vez, y tomado en la medida justa, puede ser usado como medicina. ¿Pero será ésta lo suficientemente potente para curarles por completo?
Saint Seiya, T, Spanish, Angst & Drama, chapters: 9, words: 13k+, favs: 1, follows: 3, updated: 12/16/2017 published: 9/2/2017, Shun, Ikki, Hyoga
16 NUEVOS HORIZONTES » by Lisbeth Beckett Madeleine es obligada a casarse con una persona a la que acaba de conocer y a quien no soporta. Su hermano está dispuesto a hacer todo lo posible para evitarlo. Sin embargo, un accidente marítimo es el encargado de resolver la situación, aunque eso implique que ambos acaben prisioneros en un barco pirata.
Hetalia - Axis Powers, K+, Spanish, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 8, words: 50k+, favs: 17, follows: 15, updated: 10/27/2017 published: 2/19/2016, [France, Canada] [England/Britain, America]
2 we can be heroes, just for one day by pearypie Modern AU: The other girl laughs—a loud, raucous sound that's all at once uncouth and strangely comforting. "Fuck baby, I think I fell in love with you when you did that! You fucking knocked Kingpin Jack right on his prissy, bitchy ass! A society girl with a mean right hook—baby, you're a walking miracle." (Lizzy/Doll.)
Kuroshitsuji, T, English, Drama & Humor, words: 2k+, favs: 7, follows: 3, 10/13/2017, Elizabeth M., Doll/Freckles
59Viejos amigos » by Little Fausto's Lullaby Al cabo de diez años, Ciel Phantomhive regresa a su pueblo natal. Allí le esperan grandes acontecimientos: el divorcio de sus padres, la muerte de un viejo amigo, y el reencuentro con Sebastian Michaelis –su gran amor de la adolescencia–, que ahora, para colmo, se ha transformado en una estrella de rock internacional.
Kuroshitsuji, M, Spanish, Romance & Fantasy, chapters: 7, words: 31k+, favs: 22, follows: 24, updated: 9/18/2017 published: 4/4/2016, [Ciel P., Sebastian M.]
198Living Twice » by Mochioon I am Elizabeth Midford, a daughter, a sister, and fiance to one Ciel Phantomhive. I am Elizabeth Midford, who also happens to be a teenager who is apparently reincarnated into the world of Black Butler. Honestly? "...I think I'd rather jump off a cliff." I am Elizabeth Midford, and I am screwed. So, so screwed. SI!Lizzy
Kuroshitsuji, T, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 6, words: 23k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 7/17/2017 published: 7/31/2015, Ciel P., Elizabeth M., Sebastian M., OC
98 Beggar to Beggar Cried » by Lomonaaeren HPTMR slash. AU. Harry has been raised from the time he was five with full knowledge of what he was, a Horcrux, and how someday he would need to die to avenge his parents. Thus, when he finds Tom Riddle's diary in his second year, he recognizes it. Horcrux speaks to Horcrux, a game of persuasion and manipulation. Twoshot. COMPLETE.
Harry Potter, M, English, Drama & Angst, chapters: 2, words: 12k+, favs: 647, follows: 258, updated: 7/9/2017 published: 7/8/2017, [Tom R. Jr., Harry P.]
15Bleed the Midnight Blue » by pearypie The demon, after consuming his master's soul, begins to desire another - the Lady Elizabeth's. But as time goes on, he begins to realize it isn't her soul he wants, but the lady herself. / "She only need call and he would be by her side, on his knees if she wished it, because the sin of lust—the sin of desire—has replaced his hunger. "
Kuroshitsuji, M, English, chapters: 2, words: 4k+, favs: 36, follows: 39, updated: 7/7/2017 published: 6/22/2017, Ciel P., Elizabeth M., Sebastian M.
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