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omalleyspub PM
My Stories 3
2 Realizations: Pilot "Did he consider Teresa a friend? He knew he enjoyed being around her. He also knew he felt happier when she was happy. He didn't actively want to cause her pain, and when he did, he wanted to make it up to her." Episode Tag - Pilot.
Mentalist, K, English, Friendship, words: 984, follows: 1, 3h, Patrick J., Teresa L.
8 Flashes A brief look inside Jane's head the moment after he kills Red John.
Mentalist, T, English, words: 697, favs: 4, follows: 2, 4/25, Patrick J., Teresa L.
20Paper Frogs, Inc "She'd tried to put him out of her mind. It had been almost six months since Jane had killed Red John and run off to God knows where, and she had tried desperately to put him out of her mind. Her efforts were futile, though." A short piece on how Jane's letters were delivered and Lisbon's thoughts in Washington.
Mentalist, K+, English, Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 8, follows: 9, 2/15, Patrick J., Teresa L.
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