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My Stories 2
15 Highschool of the Dead: Biohazrd » After the incident in Raccoon City, Jill Valentine sends her family away to Japan for their safety. However, she doesn't understand how far Umbrella's reach is and how much of a threat it is to her sister and nephew. Watch as Jill Valentine's nephew starts off as a small boy and grows into a man along with his friends he makes along the way. This is the story of Jack Valentine.
Highschool of the Dead & Resident Evil, T, English, Adventure & Horror, chapters: 6, words: 18k+, favs: 39, follows: 36, updated: 5/21 published: 12/21/2019, OC, Saeko B., Jill V., Chris R.
32Metal Gear: Resurrection » Twenty years have passed since The Patriots were shut down by the efforts of Solid Snake and his comrades. Now, a new generation of soldiers rise to make a name for themselves to try and outshine the legend of Solid Snake, and also combat forces that wishes to threaten global security and bring back haunting memories that America wishes to forget.
Metal Gear, T, English, Adventure & Parody, chapters: 20, words: 62k+, favs: 21, follows: 20, updated: 5/13 published: 9/22/2018, Meryl S., Raiden, Otacon/Hal E.
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