Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool of the Dead or Resident Evil. The following chapter/ story is a nonprofit fanbased parody. All rights belong to AT-X, TV Kangawa, Tokyo MX, Chiba TV, KBS Kyoto, TV Aichi, TV Saitama, Sun TV, Madhouse, Daisuke Sato and Capcom. Please support the official releases.

"But, mommy, why do we have to go to Japan? I'm not going to have any friends there." A 6 year old little boy asked his mother. The boys mother, who had been packing her belongings, turned around to look at her son with a look of sorrow. "Sweetheart, I know how you feel, but believe me when I say this. It's for your own good, and not just for you, it's for my own good too." The young mother said to her son before she crouched down to hug him and started to explain.

"After what happened in Raccoon City, Auntie Jill wants us both as far away from the Umbrella Corporation as possible. She doesn't want anything to happen to us. But mainly you because you're her favorite nephew, Jack." She said as she pulled away with a tearful smile. The boy, named Jack, wiped his nose before trying to smile, but couldn't as his lower lip trembled. He understood that Auntie Jill wanted to protect them, but what he couldn't understand is why they had to leave home. Couldn't they just find somewhere in the states that they could stay in contact with his friends and family without having to leave them all behind? He couldn't understand it.

Seeing that her child tried to put on a brave face, but was on the verge of crying, the young mother embraced her son and hugged him tight when they heard a voice from downstairs in their home. "Natalie? I'm here. Are you ready to go? Chris and I have the jeep ready." The feminine voice called out. Natalie pulled away once again from her son and wiped her tears. "Almost, Jill. I just need to pack a few more things and we'll be ready." She answered before looking at her son. "Jack, honey, why don't you go grab your things and go see Auntie Jill and Uncle Chris downstairs?" She suggested as the little boy silently nodded as he turned and walked out of the room.

Doing as his mother said, Jack went to his room, grabbed his big suitcase from his bed and rolled it out of the room, but before he went downstairs, he turned his head and looked one last time at his, soon to be, old room before he closed the door. He walked carefully down the stairs trying not to lose his grip on his suitcase when he suddenly heard a voice call out to him. "Jack! Hey, buddy, how ya doing?"

Jack looked up to see his uncle in all but blood, Chris Redfield, walking towards him with a smile on his face. "Hey, uncle Chris. I'm doing ok." Jack answered sadly. Chris lost his smile when the boy answered, he walked up to him and stopped him at the foot of the stairs making the boy look up at him.

"Jack, look buddy, I know you don't fully understand why you're leaving, but we only want what's best for you and your mom. We're not doing it to hurt you, we just want you to be safe." Chris explained as best as he could. Jack nodded. "I know, uncle Chris. And I do understand, I just..." the boy trailed off making Chris concerned. "Just what, buddy? What?" He asked, but Jack just remained silent with his head down.

Chris looked sad for the boy when he didn't answer, so he just nodded his head and took the boys suitcase before walking out the front door with it to his jeep. As he walked out he saw Jill standing near the jeep with her arms crossed looking up at the gloomy gray sky. She stood there for a moment before she noticed Chris walking up to the jeep with her nephew's suitcase, making her look sad. "He's not taking it well, is he?" She asked.

Chris shook his head. "No, he's not. He's on the verge of depression. He doesn't like the idea of leaving his friends and family behind." He explained. Jill lowered her head. "I don't want to do this to him or my sister, Chris. I don't like it any more than they do, but considering the circumstances we're in..." she began before Chris cut her off. "Jill, I know, I know. Ok? You don't have to explain yourself. They're my family too, and I want them safe just as much as you do. I understand and so does Natalie." He said to her.

But Jill looked up at him with tears welling up in her eyes. "But Jack, Chris. This is already breaking his little heart, I'm breaking his heart. What if he ends up hating us?" She asked with a trembling voice. Chris opened the jeep door and put Jack's suitcase inside before hugging her for comfort. Jill began to cry as she hugged him back before he spoke. "He may hate us right now, Jill, but he'll understand someday. If not now, then he will. When he's old enough to understand." He softly spoke to her as she cried silently.

Just then, Jill looked up at the doorway and gasped softly when she saw her nephew standing there with his favorite little stuffed green dragon that she got for his 5th birthday. Jack stood there with a confused look on his face. "Auntie Jill? Why are you crying?" He asked her. The question made Jill quickly wipe her tears away as she pulled away from Chris' hug before she smiled. "No reason." She said with a little laugh.

She then looked at Chris which made him nod his head before he whispered in her ear. "You talk to him, I'll go help Natalie." He said making her nod her head and mouth "Thank you." before he walked back inside the house.

Jill walked over to her nephew and scooped him up to hug him tight and kiss his cheek. Jack hugged her back before she set him on her lap as they both sat in the doorway. "Jack, I know you're probably already tired of hearing this, but, you do understand why you're going away don't you?" She asked him softly. Jack nodded his head. "Yes. You're sending us away to keep bad men from getting me and mommy." He answered. Jill nodded her head in return. "That's right."

"But why do we have to go to Japan? Isn't there a place where you can send us where we can be together all the time? The bad men wouldn't be able to hurt us if we're all together." Jack said to her. Jill could give him a small smile. "I really wish it were that simple, sweetie. God, I really do. But... the bad men that we're dealing with, the ones I'm trying to protect you from can hurt us even if we're all together. Which is why you and your mommy are being sent away to Japan. Because your uncle Chris and I are going to have to fight them and make them stop hurting people. And that's why I want you and your mommy safe away from them." She explained.

"But couldn't you just ask them to stop the bad things they're doing? You wouldn't have to fight them and me and mommy wouldn't have to leave you." He said innocently. This made Jill laugh genuinely before she wiped away a few stray tears. "Jack, honey, if only there were more people like you in the world, but... again, it's not that simple. I wish it was though. But these people aren't going to stop, and uncle Chris and I, we're not going to stop either." She said to him making him look at the ground for a moment before looking back up at his aunt. "Then... neither will I, auntie Jill. When I'm old enough, I'll help you and uncle Chris stop these bad men from hurting people. And if they hurt you, then I'll fight them too." He said before hugging her tight.

His statement shocked Jill for a moment before she looked sad and hugged him back. "Jack, sweetheart, hopefully you won't have to help us. I'm going to try and put an end to this before you're old enough to fight." She thought as she hugged her little nephew while she rocked him back and forth in her lap.

With Chris and Natalie...

Chris walked near Natalie's bedroom door and went to knock but stopped when he heard someone sobbing. "Natalie?" He called out making the sobbing suddenly stop. "Come in." Natalie's voice said from within the room. He slowly walked in to see Natalie packing up the last of belongings in her suitcase before she wiped her tears away. He could see that her eyes were red and puffy. "She must've been crying for a few minutes." He thought as he walked up to her. "You alright?" He asked her.

She cleared her throat as she locked up her last suitcase. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just, uh... needed a moment to myself. You know?" She explained making Chris nod his head. He sat down on her bed and looked up at her. "I know you don't want to talk about this at the moment, but I just want to let you know now before I suddenly spring it on you in Japan." He says to her making her nod as she sat down on the bed beside him. "Jill and I will be going with you and Jack to Japan, and we are going to be dropping you both off at the safest place possible there with the most reliable and trustworthy person we both know." He begins to explain.

Natalie remains quiet but nods her head as Chris continues. "His name is Ginchiyo Busujima. He is a master swordsman in Japan and he's agreed to take you both in until you find a job and a place for yourself. But he will check up on you and Jack every now and then to make sure you're both safe. If there's anyone in Japan that Jill and I trust the most, it's him. There's also the other guy and his wife, but we're close friends with Mr. Busujima, so he's our best bet." He said, finishing his explanation.

Natalie nodded her and exhaled deeply. "Thank you, Chris, for doing this. Both you and Jill, but..." She began but stopped. Chris nodded his head and waited for her to continue. "But... Jack isn't going to like this. I mean, leaving his friends here in America and... Jill? They are super close. If I weren't here, people would be thinking that Jack is her son. This is going to break both they're hearts." She said sadly as she held head in her hands trying to hold back a sob.

"Chris, I can't do this. I'm not strong enough for this." She said letting out a sob as she began to cry. "It's not right. Why did this have to happen?" She asked as she continued to cry. Chris sat closer to her and hugged her while letting her cry into his shoulder.

Chris just sat quietly as Natalie cried into his shoulder before he began to speak. "Natalie, you and Jill are two of the strongest women I know. You're a Valentine, and if there is anyone that is brave enough to be strong for her child, it's you. And someday, Jack will have that same strength as you because he's learning from the best two women in his life." He encouraged her. Natalie pulled away from Chris, wiping her tears and sniffled. "You think so?" She asked.

Chris nodded. "I know so." He answered with a smile before he picked up one of Natalie's suitcases and stood up. "Now, we should get going. Jack's stuff is already in the jeep." He said as he went to walk out of the room, but Natalie sat on the bed for a moment longer.

"You, uh... you go on ahead, Chris. I'll be just a minute." She said as she stayed seated on her bed. Chris nodded and walked out of the room, leaving her alone.

Natalie took a moment to take one last look at her room and remember all the good memories before she stood up, grabbed her second suitcase and walked out of her room with pride.


Jack and Jill saw Chris walk down the stairs first with one of his mothers suitcases. Worried, Jack ran up to him. "Uncle Chris, where's mommy? Is she coming?" He asked anxiously. Before Chris could answer, Natalie answered instead. "Yes, I'm right here, sweetie. Calm down." She said as she walked down the stairs with her suitcase. Jack took his mother's hand as they all walked out of the house to Chris' jeep.

They put the rest of their stuff in the back before they all got inside. They strapped in and drove away from the house, but Jack turned his head to take one last look at his home. Because he wouldn't be seeing it ever again.

Chicago airport...

"Last call for the flight to Tokyo, Japan." A woman said over the intercom at the airport. Natalie, Jack, Jill and Chris all walked up the runway and inside the plane with their luggage being loaded into the plane. Finding their seats, they sat down and waited patiently for the flight to take off.

After some delays, the flight finally took off and now, the four of them could just sit back and relax as they waited for the plane to touch down in Japan, which was a 13 hour flight. But that was fine with them.

13 hours later, Tokyo, Japan...

After 13 hours, the flight finally landed in Japan. Natalie and Jack grabbed their luggage and walked with Chris and Jill to their rental ride. Jack, while still not liking the idea of moving to another country, sat in the car and awed at all the colors of the lights that were all over Japan. He began to think that living here wouldn't be so bad, but making friends would still be difficult.

Jill looked at her nephew and smiled as he just stared wide eyed out the car window at all the colors of Japan. This made her chuckle making him look at her and stick his tongue out at her. She does the same before chuckling again and hugging him. He hugs her back the rest of the way, but he still stared out the window.

One hour later...

The rental car goes up a long hill before stopping in front of a house that looks like a Japanese temple that overlooks a good portion of the city. They all get out and Natalie and Jack grab their belongings before they walk up towards the house.

They stop at the front door to let Chris knock. The door opens to reveal a beautiful looking woman with fair skin, long dark purple hair and sapphire blue eyes. The woman smiles as she sees Chris and Jill. "Chris-kun! And Jill-san! Welcome back!" The woman exclaims as she hugs them both. Jill and Chris both smile as they hug her back. "Hello, Minako. It's good to be back, but we can't stay for long." Jill says as the woman, revealed to be Minako, beckons them all into her beautiful home which was decorated with all sorts of colors and ribbons that resembled a lotus flower.

Jill and Chris remove their boots making Natalie and Jack do the same with their shoes before walking into what looks like main area of the house. "I understand you cannot stay for long, but it's always good to see old friends." Minako says before she sits down on her knees, but she sits down on a white fluffy pillow for comfort.

Her guests sit down Indian style as Chris looks around. "Minako, if I may, where is Ginchiyo-san?" He asks. Minako gently waves her hand. "Oh, not to worry. He'll be along shortly. He just left a business meeting with Takagi-san. He'll be here soon." She says with a smile.

They all wait patiently for Ginchiyo, until Jack notices someone standing in the dark corner of the room. "Um, miss?" Jack says raising his hand. Minako looks at him. "Yes, little one?" She asks with a bright smile. Jack blushes before pointing at the corner where he saw the person. "Who is that standing over there?" He asks. Minako and the rest of the group look to where he's pointing, and they indeed see someone standing in the corner.

Minako just smiles and looks at Jack. "Ah, that would be my daughter, Saeko." She looks over at the little girl and calls her over. "Saeko, darling, come here. Don't be shy. Say hello to our friends." She says making the little girl step further into the light.

The girl looked to be the same age as Jack, but she was a spitting image of her mother. Fair skin, dark purple hair and sapphire blue eyes.

She stops in front of the group and bows before looking at them with a smile. "Hello, I'm Saeko Busujima." She says. Jill, Chris and Natalie all smile and say hello while Jack remained silent. The little girl smiles and looks over at Jack, who still remained silent with wide eyes. Minako, noticing this, just smiles at the boy and quietly giggles.

Natalie looks at her son and gently nudges him with her elbow. "Jack! Don't be rude. Say hello." She whispers sharply. Jack, waking up from his stunned state, finally works up the courage to say hello to the girl.

"H-hello. M-my name is Jack Valentine. It's nice to meet you, Saeko." He says.

Authors note: Hey guys, what's up? I hope you enjoyed the first part of my Highschool of the Dead and Resident Evil crossover. Please keep in mind that this story will revolve around Jack Valentine and the characters from the HOTD series. The Resident Evil characters will pop up here and there from time to time, but they're not the main focus for now. They will have a bigger role in future chapters. In the meantime, I hope you guys enjoy the Prologue and I will update as often as I can. And no, I'm not forgetting my other story. I'm gonna try and update these two storys back and forth so I'm not forgetting one or the other. I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday and a happy new year and I will see you all in the next chapter. Later!
