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Super Smash Bros Ultimate: 2 Stylish 4 Smash by NeverLander852 Fake Reveal trailer for Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Directly from the Drablands, this stylish witch is gonna strut her stuff on the Smash arenas - and keep in the fashion lines too. [I don't own Super Smash Bros, or any other Nintendo series in this fanfic]
K+, English, Drama, words: 1k+, 3h, Bowser, Link, Mario, Peach
23First 30 Days » by Shana Hager Sequel to Last 30 Days. After patch 1.1.1 goes live, Luigi must adapt to the nerf on his down throw as those celebrating it try to kick him while he's down. Mario's search for answers brings him into conflict with Master Hand. And the men and women behind Project Nerf must contend with the morality of their actions. Rated T for alcohol use and intense action violence.
T, English, Drama & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 25, words: 190k+, favs: 9, follows: 4, updated: 13h published: 7/15/2019, Falco L., Luigi, Mario, Master Hand
127The Mole: Deceiver's World » by krisetchers Ten players. Nine completing a series of missions to win. One faker set to destroy them. He or she is the saboteur of ruin, hidden and blending among them in this cryptic, incomprehensible game. Who is the ultimate deceiver of this new world? Who is...the Mole?
T, English, Mystery & Adventure, chapters: 11, words: 114k+, favs: 18, follows: 12, updated: 14h published: 4/10
Symphony of Stardust » by ShadowRoseDarkBlade (Fantasy AU) Dark forces threaten to drive the kingdom's of Ylesse and Plrgia to a renewed war. In the midst of the conflict, the younger sister of Ylesse's King finds herself taken far from home. With mysterious forces out for her life, she must seek help in the most unlikely of places to find her way back home and prevent her country from being consumed by war once more
T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 5, words: 10k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 19h published: 7/14, Lucina
Shipping Chaos by LiamTheYoshi Zelda finds a mysterious notebook and decides to write love stories, but when Mario and Luigi find weird ships, they must find who is writing the story so they can fix the weird things happening. Based of the Gumball episode: The Shippening. Rated T for weirdness and just to be safe.
T, English, Romance & Humor, words: 4k+, favs: 1, 20h, Zelda/Sheik, Luigi, Mario, OC
8Dragon Wings of Fate Book I: Rise of Dragons » by MegaSalamence64 A Manakete Princess who's Family and Kingdom fallen to the Luminary Empire, A Young Scientist who's fiancé was killed by the same empire. Two Individuals that have nothing in common will unite against a common threat and their budding bond will change even Fate itself. Final Fantasy VII style AU, Manakete!Lucina Contains slight Language and Character deaths. (BOOK 1)
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 35, words: 124k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, updated: 8/26 published: 1/30, [Lucina, Shulk] Captain Falcon, Greninja
48Super Cartoon Brothers » by Mr. Amigos What happens if you mash up Super Smash Bros and Cartoons? well, you basically get this...I also take requests, please put them in the Reviews section.
T, English, Parody, chapters: 26, words: 22k+, favs: 11, follows: 8, updated: 8/25 published: 9/14/2019
6Roy's Super Ultra Hyper Quest » by giantbigtiger What if Galeem and Dharkon teamed up to take over the world? It would've been the end, if it wasn't for one fighter who escaped. Follow Roy's journey to save the world! (Contains spoilers)
T, English, Adventure & Humor, chapters: 74, words: 69k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, updated: 8/24 published: 2/21, Roy
Trophies of Smash by MineTsuDeku112 3 years after the events of World of Light and Darkness, The Smash bros have continued to protect the people of NintendoVerse and have gathered new members. However, the villains, lead by Ganondorf, have started to cause trouble all over the world and it is up to the Smashers to stop them from whatever evil plot they have. But who is this mysterious force looming in the shadows?
T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, words: 940, 8/24, [Lucas, Nana] Ness
28Sidelines: Tales of the Assist Trophies » by QuackNSnack Assist Trophy: An item capable of summoning a random character to aid the user. Follow their adventures as they prove their worth on the battlefield. Of course, with the variety of assistants around, it won't be easy...
T, English, Humor & Friendship, chapters: 12, words: 76k+, favs: 18, follows: 13, updated: 8/24 published: 3/2/2019
85 Super Smash Bros: The Multiversal Salvation » by SUPER M.V2015 First it was Tabuu, then Galeem and Dharkon, now the fighters from different worlds will have to meet once more to face what could be, the multiversal destruction.
K+, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, chapters: 108, words: 132k+, favs: 28, follows: 25, updated: 8/23 published: 8/19/2019, Fox M., Link, Mario, Samus A.
5 Gloves Off by Rie Sonomura Min Min, Smash City's newest fighter and the winner of ARMS's Party Crash Bash. Little Mac, a young up-and-coming boxer whose weaknesses belie his strengths. What will happen when their worlds collide?
K+, English, Friendship & Romance, words: 4k+, 8/23, [Little Mac, Min Min] Zelda/Sheik, Dr. Mario
10La Noche Eterna de Lúgubra » by neo magician 96 Lúgubra a vencido, ahora todos los universo conocido han sido consumido por la oscuridad. Pero aún quedan guerreros (del Fighter Pass 1) que lucharan juntos Link, han de libera a todos los peleadores de Smash y vencer a Lúgubra, pero necesitaran ayuda y tendrá que 'invocar' a nuevos peleadores de universos completamente diferentes para su batalla contra la oscuridad. Se aceptan OC
K, Spanish, Adventure, chapters: 10, words: 27k+, favs: 2, follows: 3, updated: 8/23 published: 4/27, Link, The Luminary/Eleven
A Smol Boi Story by KirbyFan99 A 1st-person story told by Mr. Game And Watch that details the start of the friendship between the monochrome and a smol boi.
K+, English, Friendship & Adventure, words: 470, 8/23, Mr. Game and Watch, Villager
38Count it Up » by Readyforteddy It's the 1800s, and Ness and Lucas are ready for the Winter Term at Onett Boarding School. But when a variety of horrifying, unexplainable events start to take place, will they be drawn closer together, or further apart? (Ness X Lucas AU) Enjoy!
T, English, Romance & Mystery, chapters: 41, words: 343k+, favs: 6, follows: 10, updated: 8/23 published: 1/17, Lucas, Ness
253Super Smash Bros: Beginnings » by DareDreamer Discover how the greatest heroes and villains of the Nintendo multiverse reacted when their worlds collided in the biggest crossover ever told, along with how they were introduced to the Super Smash Bros tournaments to do battle, allowing them to prepare for the ultimate challenge... (A/N: Universes are organized by when they appeared in the series.)
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 84, words: 230k+, favs: 107, follows: 101, updated: 8/22 published: 12/17/2018, Kirby, Link, Mario, Pikachu
137Super Smash Bros: Ultimate War of Light » by Kraemerica Ten long years have passed since the defeat of the Subspace Army. Since then many fighters have gone their own paths in that time. However, after a mysterious light greatly expands the Universe of Trophies, the fighters, both veterans and newcomers, will have to band together in an unprecedented battle of light that will forever change the universe.
T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 61, words: 123k+, favs: 126, follows: 128, updated: 8/22 published: 11/9/2018
4Echoes of Battles Past » by Puph 17 When a new threat unexpectedly arrives, the Smashers are forced to respond. With little information and a collective of villains threatening the galaxy at large, can they rise to the occasion?
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 6, words: 33k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, updated: 8/22 published: 5/9
405The ULTIMATE Smash Bros Series » by micbot37 Anything can happen when it comes to the fighters outside of the tournament. Whether it be from spying to fighting while on the Smash Island or another world. They are ready to face anyone. Want to know what they're like, this is where you find out. Movie: Hades is mounting the attack on a city in the U.S. in Earth and it is up to the residents to stop him. (poll up on profile)
T, English, Adventure & Humor, chapters: 93, words: 675k+, favs: 89, follows: 80, updated: 8/21 published: 8/26/2018
1SSBU: Dragon Chronicles » by Broomguy After a mistake which has covered countless game worlds in darkness, Eleven (The HERO), Shulk, and other temporary party members must save the various game worlds which have been captured by a dark force. But as the adventure goes on, and our characters slowly begin to learn more and more, will they find light at the end of their journey, or be lost in a world of darkness?
T, English, Adventure & Humor, chapters: 8, words: 44k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, updated: 8/21 published: 6/28, Shulk, The Luminary/Eleven
62A Smashing Tea Time » by RisingSonic17 Join Byleth, Beth, and Sothis on their quest to learn about every smashers in the mansion. By having the perfect tea time with all of them.
T, English, Friendship & Humor, chapters: 28, words: 73k+, favs: 37, follows: 29, updated: 8/21 published: 2/18, Byleth
Delta by SSBB.Swords He was sixteen when he presented as an omega. Ike, on the other hand, didn't present at all. [ABO AU] -Yaoi, slash: Ike/Marth-
T, English, Romance & Drama, words: 4k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 8/21, [Ike, Marth]
31Everyone is Depressed » by MattheJ1 The Smash fighters try to assemble while facing their greatest foe yet - clinical depression. Warning: while there are jokes, this story does deal with some serious issues.
T, English, Humor & Friendship, chapters: 14, words: 32k+, favs: 31, follows: 31, updated: 8/21 published: 10/11/2019, Peach, Samus A., Palutena, Bayonetta
1 Every copy of Super Smash Bros 64 is personalized by LiamTheYoshi The Wario apparition has invaded Super Smash Bros. 64! Will he show everyone fun? Rated T for Terrifying!
T, English, Horror & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 8/21, Wario
83Super Smash Bros: Battles » by BRANDON369 Diversos encuentros y combates entre los distintos personajes de Super Smash Bros. No te pierdas las caóticas batallas entre todos estos personajes, tan distintos entre sí.
K+, Spanish, Humor, chapters: 21, words: 52k+, favs: 11, follows: 8, updated: 8/21 published: 3/29/2019
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