We thought we succeeded, we believed that the evil was over ...

-The Subspace Emissary-

Tabuu was receiving psychic shots from Ness while King Dedede was going to beat him with his hammer, but Tabbu managed to dodge it without realizing that Bowser was spitting fire in order to finish him.

Fox: "Quick, one last blow and we'll end this" –he said on his knees after being attacked by Tabuu.

Mario looked at Fox for a few seconds and then looked at Tabuu so he could see his fist and give himself a reliable look.

Peach: "Mario…" –she said while she was about to touch him his shoulder.

But suddenly, Mario ran as fast as he could while all the fighters watched him. Mario, with his very prepared fist, was ready to take the final blow, but Tabuu rose up, giving Mario difficulty.

Mario: "Oh no ..." –he said to himself.

Suddenly, the plumber watched Kirby who was riding his Warp Star and he was telling Mario to hold on to the star. The plumber didn't think about it and held on to the star to get to where Tabuu was.

Tabuu: "..." –he thought as he looked at Mario and Kirby.

Kirby made a quick move and that caused Mario to let go of the star to get to where Tabuu was.

Mario: "This ... ends ... Now!" –He said as he pointed his fist at Tabuu.

The subspace entity was about to make a move, but Mario managed to stop him after giving him a severe blow to his chest, which was the great blow he had received after fighting the fighters.

Mario: "Finally…" –he said as he fell to the ground.

Tabuu corrupts himself while the fighters watch a bright light coming out of Tabuu in order to turn everything blank.

Tabuu had been defeated and the world was safe.

We thought that nothing could disturb the world ...

-World of Light-

Mario and Link were crawling back after having fled from a light strike by Galeem while Palutena and Mewtwo dodged every attack by Dharkon.

Zelda: "Don't give up, we must fight until you defeat them" –she said.

Pit: "Do you have any idea?" –He ask her.

Roy: "Let's not lose hope, we can win and defeat these 2" –he said as he raised his sword.

Galeem and Dharkon were doing everything possible so that none of them were defeated and each launched attacks on the fighters.

Falco: "It's not long now, let's finish them"

After saying that, Dharkon was attacked by Palutena, Mewtwo, Rosalina and Bayonetta and the latter were able to defeat Dharkon while Mario, Link, Samus, Zelda and Marth finally managed to end Galeem.

Galeem and Dharkon had been defeated and all the spirits went to their worlds and the world was safe.

But ... it seems that it was not so ...

Suddenly a crack began to emerge in the unknown of the universe and golden glitters were emerging that accumulated in the crack.

A much greater threat will begin to come ...

-The beginning -

In the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario along with his brother Luigi ran directly to Bowser Castle, the 2 plumbers realized that Princess Peach along with Princess Daisy had been kidnapped by the king of the Koopas, although the last one had only been hostage

Mario: "Come on, Luigi, you have to rescue the princesses" –he said as he continued running.

Luigi: "I'm running at your own pace, Mario" –he said as he ran to his brother's side.

Mario and Luigi started running as fast as they could and the first realized they were coming to Bowser's castle.

Mario: "I'm looking at the castle, let's hurry up and save at ..."

However, Mario and Luigi stopped running after seeing that something was falling to the sky and after falling to the ground, it was Bowser's son: Bowser Jr.

Bowser Jr.: "Mario, green man, don't interfere with my dad's plans" –he said riding in his Junior Clown Car.

Luigi: "My name is Luigi ..."

Mario: "We only want the princesses, then we can leave" –he said.

Bowser Jr.: "As if I obeyed you, my father ordered me to have you out of here with the green man" –he said.

Luigi: "I repeat, my name is Luigi" –he said in a sigh mode.

Bowser Jr.: "And to make sure things don't get complicated ..."

From there, Mario observed some Koopas that were arriving just where Bowser Jr. was, but those Koopas were not just anyone, it was about the Koopalings: Larry, Roy, Wendy, Iggy, Morton, Lemmy and Ludwig.

Luigi: "Oh-oh, this won't be easy, Mario" –he said as he watched the Koopalings.

Mario: "I know, but I won't give up so easy" –he said as he prepared for the fight.

-Space/Super Mario-

Somewhere in the galaxy was the Comet Observatory, where Rosalina was with the Lumas. She was watching the galaxy while her Lumas was around while she relaxed a little after knowing that the galaxy was at peace.

Rosalina: "Ahh, everything looks so peaceful and peaceful" –she said.

Hence, Rosalina observed a planet that became very familiar to her since she observed it, the planet earth. She remembered the memories with the planet and especially a short man with a mustache and a red cap.

Rosalina: "It's been a good time since I saw Mario and company, I wonder what he is doing" –she said to herself.

Hence, her friend Luma appeared and watched the planet earth while making sounds in himself, Rosalina looked at him with a smile.

Rosalina: "I know, Luma, I would like to visit it at the moment, but I have to watch the ..."

However, the tranquility was over when Rosalina and Luma felt a small tremor in the galaxy, causing the Lumas to stop for the moment and know what was happening.

Rosalina: "Don't worry, my Lumas, nothing bad is happening"

Luma observed in the sky of the galaxy a crack that was suddenly opening, the little star called Rosalina's attention and she turned to see what was happening.

Rosalina: "But ... What's that thing?"

The crack was growing even more and the place where it was the planet earth, something that Rosalina rolled her eyes.

Rosalina: "Oh-oh"

-Mushroom Kingdom/Super Mario-

Mario was running while dodging the guns that Morton's Junior Clown Car was throwing while Luigi ran as fast as not to be hit by the hammers of Iggy's Junior Clown Car.

Mario: "Enough, I didn't want to get to this, but they don't let me have another option" –he said.

After saying that, Mario hit Morton's Junior Clown Car and made him collide with Wendy's. Luigi jumped back while holding onto Iggy's Junior Clown Car.

Iggy: "Hey, what do you think you do?" –He said.

Luigi began to control the Junior Clown Car and began to shake him in a crazy way, causing them both to get dizzy instantly and the Junior Clown Car to fall to the ground.

Mario: "Luigi!" –he shout for his brother.

Luigi: "I'm ... I'm fine" –he said a little dizzy.

From there, Mario observed that someone was about to land on the ground and that someone was about Bowser himself.

Bowser: "Mario, we see each other again" –he said angrily in his voice.

Mario stood firm while confronting the king of the Koopas while Luigi simply watched the tense scene.

Mario: "Bowser, where are the princesses?" –He said.

Bowser: "The Princesses Peach and Daisy are currently in a peaceful place where they can't do anything"

Luigi: "Do you mean some cages?"

Bowser: "Yes ..." –he said in a bored tone.

Bowser Jr. approached where his father and the Koopalings did the same, Mario and Luigi went into combat mode, although the latter a little nervous, and they expected any movement of the Koopas.

Bowser: "I think I'll take care of Mario and you guys take care of Luigi"

Bowser Jr.: "As you say, dad"

Mario made an annoying gesture as he prepared to fight and when both sides prepared to attack, they felt that the ground was shaking slowly.

Bowser: "Eh? What's going on?" –He asked.

Bowser Jr.: "I'm not sure, dad" –he said confused.

Mario had to be firm and not try to fall and the same towards Luigi and the latter watched the sky and what he see next left him stunned.

Luigi: "Eh ... Mario, you have to see above" – he said to his brother.

Mario looked up and what he see left him totally stunned and not only him, but also the Koopas: in the sky was a crack that was opening and destroying some part of the sky while it golden glitters.

Mario: "But ... What is that?"

-End of the chapter-