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27  8  2  Games » Ragnarok Online
Lost Spirits by chiyouki An Arch Bishop and a Guillotine Cross on a journey to discover the mystery behind the lost spirits in an unknown land.
K+, English, Adventure & Romance, words: 1k+, 4/14, Arc Bishop, Guillotine Cross
1Sorry, I'm Late » by Lexendria Have you ever heard of "Rebirth"? They said that if you die, you'll have one more chance to live as the soldiers of Valhalla. But... - AU. Crossover between various quests, mainly the Schwartzvalt ones. Bromances and toxic relationships alert.
T, English, Fantasy & Drama, chapters: 15, words: 35k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, updated: 3/23 published: 6/24/2013, Soul Linker, Mastersmith, High Priest, Stalker
Fresh Scars and Old Wounds by notsoevilweasel She witnessed Satan Morroc rise and all she got was this beat up old Divine Cross. Silvase is left to her own devices after the death of her longterm mentor and the abolishing of the third jobs, trying to forget. Yet something keeps drawing her back to the place it all happened. The final day is approaching and with it will come Ragnarok.
T, English, Adventure & Friendship, words: 919, 1/22
Ragnarok Chronicles: Where Hunters Tread by Thiji Higuri Chapter 6 of my remastered Ragnarok Online story series. A homesick Elua reminisces on her upbringing as an Archer, which tips her and her sisters off towards the next stage in the Emperium Frontier. The Battle Vixens' eastern flight alerts their rivals, enticing them to pursue, but other dangerous threats loom on the horizon, raising the stakes in Schwarzwald's first battle!
T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 22k+, 12/12/2019, [Lord Knight, Sniper] Priest, High Wizard
Ragnarok Online the Book » by CentarPede1 In the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom, located somewhere in the Ragnarok world, a young boy and girl set out on an adventure.
K, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 3, words: 3k+, 8/29/2019, Novice, Acolyte
Ragnarok Online: A Valkyrie's Oath » by Little Dragon Girl Tracy, a college student laid comatose after a fatal car crash, finds herself awaken in her swordsman character's consciousness - Leya, within the world of Rune-Midgard. Shocked by the event, she frantically searching for ways to return to her world. But does it comes easy? Does her presence there welcomed by others? Dimension-travelling, 'isekai' story alert!
T, English, Drama & Fantasy, chapters: 8, words: 29k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 5/13/2019 published: 5/8/2018, Assassin, Crusader, Assassin Cross, Paladin
Ragnarok Chronicles: Interview with A Trinity by Thiji Higuri Chapter 5.5 of my remastered Ragnarok Online story series. The dangerous dogfight between the Vixens and the Saviors above the skies of Midgard had been avoided through the clever efforts of White Trinity. A grateful member of Nora's Kafra Krew formulates a plan that would help White Trinity gain some prestige in the Schwarzwald Republic as the Frontier resumes!
T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 7k+, 2/8/2019
Las Crónicas de Taurielo by Taurielo Devirche Amnell Drumiere Historia tipo novela sobre el Novicio Taurielo, en el universo de Ragnarok Online. Ragnarok Online es un juego J-RPG free to play tipo MMORPG disponible gratis en Steam. Los personajes de esta novela son inventados. Esta historia tiene finalidad de divulgar las historias de Taurielo en Midgard.
K, Spanish, Adventure & Fantasy, words: 372, 8/12/2018
Returning Bonds » by examon01 The Tale of Wilson, the Knight of Rune Midgart who dreamt to find someone important in his life.
T, English, Friendship & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 3k+, updated: 8/12/2018 published: 8/1/2018
Relato de un valiente » by Christopher Stark Merphel, el protagonista de estas escrituras, muestra aquellas aventuras que inicio desde una edad temprana, transformándose poco a poco en alguien reconocido, demostrando los retos que tuvo que pasar para convertirse en lo que hoy es llamado "héroe".
K, Spanish, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, updated: 8/8/2018 published: 12/23/2015, Archer
The Story of 2B » by alligoriaennoia Semua berawal dari suatu pertemuan yang tak terduga.
K, Indonesian, Humor & Friendship, chapters: 2, words: 7k+, 4/29/2018, Assassin Cross, High Priest
2 Dancing by magiarok "one, two and three, and now they're dancing together. how does she do it?" or - trentini shares her graceful movements with flamel.
K, English, Romance, words: 387, favs: 2, follows: 2, 2/12/2018, [Gypsy, Biochemist]
Naive Heart: Love Letter for Unknown by TsukasaAkabane Astrild was a young dancer from Comodo who had a quest. A quest to find and deliver the love letter her late grandmother had written as a young woman to a mystery man. With no idea who was the man or where he was, she decided to do something that a normal sane person wouldn't do. And that was to ask a help of an incubus. What was going to happen to her quest?
T, English, Romance & Adventure, words: 478, favs: 2, follows: 1, 2/12/2018, Dancer, OC
4 Ragnarok Chronicles: The Rise of White Trinity & The Emperium Frontier » by Thiji Higuri Chapter 1 of remastered story series based off of the popular MMORPG Ragnarok Online (coming soon to RoyalRoad!). The Kafra Corporation has revealed a brand new event known as the Emperium Frontier, where the strongest of guilds compete for fame and glory. Thiji and Raien, brothers from another world, team up with others to form the White Trinity guild to take on the Frontier.
T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 6, words: 96k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, updated: 11/9/2017 published: 6/2/2013, Ninja, Knight, Wizard, Monk
1Ragnarok Chronicles: Journey to the Schwarzwald Republic by Thiji Higuri Chapter 5 of my remastered Ragnarok Online story series. After an entire year had passed as the Kafra Corporation predicted, each of the three famous guilds have trained relentlessly in their own ways to acquire newfound strength and skill. The Emperium Frontier will test them like never before as they venture into a region completely foreign to them: The Schwarzwald Republic.
T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, words: 15k+, 11/9/2017, Lord Knight, High Wizard, Paladin, Champion
Ragnarok Chronicles by rassmert El viaje de Rohan comienza cuando él apenas tiene 15 años. Él, y su amiga de toda la infancia, Marian, han vivido en un pequeño poblado llamado Prontera. Ambos deben pasar por una prueba que dictaminará si tienen lo necesario para convertirse en soldados del reino. Para ello, deberán elegir una guild a la cual pertenecer...
T, Spanish, Adventure & Fantasy, words: 3k+, 11/8/2017, Swordman, Magician
The Black Sky » by Manihot esculenta The Dark Lord has always been the prime evil responsible for ravaging much of Rune Midgard, until he was vanquished into the depths of Hel. Unknown to most, the Dark Lord never left, the Dark Lord never died, his soul still haunts the kingdom, searching for a viable host in order to physically manifest himself once more. Fortunately, he is not the only one searching for a vessel.
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 3, words: 5k+, 8/22/2017, Sage
1Diamonds and Coal » by UnderRepair The sweetest things, they burn before they shine. *In progress*
K+, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, 7/9/2017
1Las historia jamás contadas by Cleiona 1. Payon. La historia detrás del pueblo. El pueblo que se esconde en el bosque tiene mucho más para contar de lo que jamás imaginaste. Existió un tiempo en que la deidad y los humanos caminaron juntos. Un tiempo donde aquellas casas en lo profundo de la montaña estuvieron habitadas. [Introducción]
K+, Spanish, Adventure & Tragedy, words: 677, 6/22/2017
19 RoChronicles » by Zira Vinova Everything fell apart when a dark cloud descended over Rune-Midgard. Will Shujiri, Zira & co be able to stop the evil Satan Morroc and pick up the pieces or are they doomed to fail? More importantly, can they remember who they were along the way? m/m, m/f COMPLETE
T, English, Humor & Adventure, chapters: 153, words: 484k+, favs: 10, follows: 12, updated: 1/4/2017 published: 9/19/2009, Assassin Cross, High Priest
1Tales of Rune-Midgarts IX: Raien & Thiji's Tale - Intelligent Boys by Thiji Higuri The ninth and final chapter in the transitory series detailing the events of the 12 characters' individual adventures. After the Battle of Britoniah, Thiji & Raien of White Trinity recall their past exploits during the Frontier, but had fallen behind on their mission. With Kafra Nora's aid, they return to the place where it all started, and learn of a new land far to the North...
T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 4k+, 9/7/2016, Ninja, Wizard, OC
Tales of Rune-Midgarts VIII: Ray & Lee's Tale - Bonds by Thiji Higuri The eighth chapter in the transitory series which details the events of the 12 characters' individual adventures. Within the satellite city of Izlude, Ray Kaza and his brother Lee compete in a competition hosted by the Kafra Corporation. Both begin battling for the title of Izlude Master whilst remembering why they fight, and becoming stronger from a brotherhood forged in fire.
T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, words: 8k+, 8/19/2016, Gunslinger, Knight, Crusader, Monk
Tales of Rune-Midgarts VII: Heal-Do's Tale - The Waves of Change by Thiji Higuri The seventh chapter in the transitory series which details the events of the 12 characters' individual adventures. Now that a relative calm has washed over the land, Heal-Do begins to reflect on her sisters' deeds that led to them attaining newfound strength. The Assassin now struggles to accept a simple yet incredibly daunting task in order to achieve this end...
T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 2k+, 6/28/2016, Knight, Hunter, Blacksmith, Assassin
127 The way of the fist » by CrazedBanana Raised since she was 5 to become a priest, Verica's life is shaken when she meets Kenneth; a champion who will show her the way of the fist as a monk. Between the threat of a great demon awakening, trouble with the assassin's guild and the heartache her mundane love problems are causing her, she'll will have to take her fate into her own hands and fight against destiny.
T, English, Romance, chapters: 48, words: 279k+, favs: 18, follows: 20, updated: 5/24/2016 published: 3/1/2012, Monk, Assassin Cross, Champion
Tales of Rune-Midgarts VI: Aege's Tale - When Storm meets Stone by Thiji Higuri The sixth chapter in the transitory series which details the events of the 12 characters' individual adventures. Both happy and jealous of her sisters' developing powers, Aege seems dejected and feels she is falling behind in her training. Spotting something in the distance, Aege pursues it led by the belief that she will find what is needed to tap into her inner strength.
T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 4k+, 3/21/2016, Knight, Hunter, Blacksmith, Assassin
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