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21Wrong place, Right Time » by Trait0r A crashed vertibird, a fake name and a chance encounter. What could go wrong? [Maxon/F!SS/Danse]
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 10, words: 17k+, favs: 1, follows: 4, updated: 1h published: 4/26, Paladin Danse, Arthur Maxson
393War Never Ends » by Kirbilius Clausius The Sole Survivor unifies the wasteland under the banner of the Commonwealth until a Lone Wanderer stands in her way. Peace was never in the cards, no matter how hard we bluff. In need of a beta.
T, English, Sci-Fi & Horror, chapters: 140, words: 193k+, favs: 214, follows: 265, updated: 6h published: 3/28/2016, Lone Wanderer, Sole Survivor
4The New West » by Interfectorem A no-name drifter from California lands himself in the Sonoran Wasteland and finds himself caught in the middle of a conflict between the defenders of an Arizona oasis and a monolithic northern war tribe with eyes on the south. Based on the New Vegas Legion's Lore as well as cut lore from Van Buren.
T, English, Western & Tragedy, chapters: 23, words: 35k+, favs: 7, follows: 9, updated: 16h published: 4/10, Caesar, Joshua Graham
Atom Bomb Baby by Trait0r If there was one thing that Lara believed, it was that there was no such thing as coincidences. [Maxson/F!SS/Danse] [Slow-burn/Love-triangle]
T, English, Romance & Adventure, words: 2k+, 4/29, Paladin Danse, Arthur Maxson
3A new lease on Life » by Principe2014 Lily Tourette wakes up outside Beantown Brewery with no recollection of how she got there. Meanwhile, the Minutemen have launched a new campaign throughout the Commonwealth, taking control of settlements and enforcing their General's laws. Follow Lily's harrowing journey North to reunite with her sister.
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 13, words: 26k+, favs: 3, follows: 5, updated: 4/29 published: 4/15
To Live and Die In The Wastes » by John Bromin It's an age of change. The world is on the brink of total nuclear Armageddon. The year is 2077, and the American dream is teetering on the edge. Two thieves get more then they bargain for when breaking into a secure military facility, in town celebrations on the eve of a commonwealths freedom are cut violently short. It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
T, English, chapters: 6, words: 22k+, updated: 4/28 published: 4/22
39The Rising Flag » by ripntear Two centuries passed after the Great War. Amanda Amani. A wife and mother awokened from cryogenic sleep on vault 111, as the sole survivor. That is until, she discovers a secret part of the vault containing remnants of the extinct US military in cryogenic sleep. (My take on how Fallout 4 would happen with the Enclave as one of the factions the Sole Survivor can choose to join)
T, English, Horror, chapters: 19, words: 138k+, favs: 29, follows: 31, updated: 4/27 published: 3/7, Piper W., Sole Survivor, Preston G., Nick Valentine
12Dispatches from the United Commonwealth » by Cupcakedoll A few years after Sole Survivor Em set up a truce between the powers in the Commonwealth, a brotherhood scribe has come to report on how things are going.
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 27, words: 33k+, favs: 11, follows: 8, updated: 4/26 published: 2/22
38BOS Legacy Archive Terminal » by Interfectorem Learn where the hearts and minds of the Brotherhood's members lie through individual accounts from BOS personnel across the series. Shown in a fun "Terminal style" format, each entry will offer an immersive take on game events, influenced loosely by my own military upbringing. Chapters go by: Name-Rank-Game of reference (Example: Danse-Paladin-FO4)
T, English, Adventure & Humor, chapters: 32, words: 51k+, favs: 13, follows: 10, updated: 4/25 published: 2/26, Christine, Father Elijah, Marcus, Arthur Maxson
1 This Old World Wall by Mushroomian Lieutenant Darryl Faroe holds out against the Legion in the Dam. These are his final thoughts. This is his story.
T, English, Drama & Suspense, words: 1k+, favs: 1, 4/24
3I Could Make You Care » by girl-like-substance You'd give your last breath to keep the Mojave alive, and another one after that to reunite Veronica and Christine. You were not anticipating that this would turn out to be so literal. [A novella in four parts. Updates every two weeks.]
T, English, Drama, chapters: 3, words: 24k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 4/24 published: 3/24, Courier, Christine, Veronica S., Ulysses
113Fallout: Called to Rise Again » by andyg590 "Nothing that was worthy in the past departs; no truth or goodness realized by man ever dies, or can die" -Thomas Carlyle
T, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 69, words: 357k+, favs: 131, follows: 143, updated: 4/23 published: 11/6/2015, [Lone Wanderer, Amata Almodovar]
Unification At Last, But At What Cost? by Anon226 The Sole Survivor, after defeating the Institute, moves to reclaim Quincy for the Commonwealth. The blood price will be high. Is he willing to pay it? One shot until further notice.
T, English, words: 4k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 4/22
2Something to Fight For » by Trick7 Jillian Sawyer was a no-name scavver in the Wasteland until she was found by Paladin Danse and the Brotherhood of Steel. Now an Initiate, she has to decide what is truly worth fighting for, and whether or not the Brotherhood falls into that category. (Slow-burn romance, T for graphic descriptions, language, and other content.)
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 4, words: 19k+, favs: 4, follows: 6, updated: 4/21 published: 12/18/2019, OC, Paladin Danse, Arthur Maxson, Scribe Haylen
32Fall of the Commonwealth: The Raiders of Nuka World » by JanetheWriter After her family was killed by the Institute lead by the Sole Survivor, Lizette swore she would have revenge. She turned to the last army strong enough to get her what she wanted; Raiders. Now, she must take control of the Raiders of Nuka World and lead them to victory over the Commonwealth at any cost. This story takes place after Fallout 4 and includes many familiar faces.
T, English, Drama & Tragedy, chapters: 18, words: 70k+, favs: 38, follows: 59, updated: 4/21 published: 3/4/2017, Sole Survivor, Sturges, Porter Gage
Desert Trails by AmiTamago Join the unlikely pair of freelancers, a suave gunslinger with a busted arm and a troubled young girl who has seen far too much for her age in their adventures through the wastes in the search of profit.
T, English, Adventure & Drama, words: 3k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 4/21
Freed and Bound » by TheTardyOwl Ahzrukhal never intended to let Charon go, but even he couldn't turn down 2,000 caps. Now, Charon's contract belongs to a Vault Dweller and he hates the Smoothskin girl automatically. However, things are different from the start and he starts to wonder if perhaps his initial opinion of her was unfair, even wrong.
T, English, Friendship & Adventure, chapters: 3, words: 3k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, updated: 4/19 published: 3/24, Lone Wanderer, Charon, OC
1Groundwork » by Daybraver Violence is the question and also the solution.
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 4k+, updated: 4/18 published: 4/10
1Beautiful Dreamer » by banannabread A father scours the Commonwealth for his missing son. As summer comes, the leaves dry out, the trees shrink, and the land dies again like it did two hundred years ago. Nate doesn't recognize Massachusetts anymore. (M!SS/Hancock, slow burn.)
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 13, words: 42k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 4/18 published: 1/13, [Sole Survivor, J. Hancock] Paladin Danse, Deacon
11The Veroni-Chronicles » by Caccus Veronica narrates her adventures traveling the Mojave Wasteland using an old-prewar tape recorder; chronicling her story of a Californian Free Spirit with stars in her eyes who met a Courier in need of an extra hand to make a delivery run down to New Vegas. This is her tale of everything she experienced with the man who would go on to become the Third Legend of the West.
T, English, Humor & Adventure, chapters: 5, words: 26k+, favs: 10, follows: 14, updated: 4/16 published: 7/11/2019, Courier, Veronica S.
Fallout 3 - The true ending by AnotherShinji The Lone Wanderer reflects on his life six years after the events of the game, then takes a radical decision. * I was very disappointed with the endings Bethesda left us, so I wrote this out of nostalgia, and love for some fictional characters.
T, English, Romance & Humor, words: 2k+, favs: 1, 4/14, Lone Wanderer, Amata Almodovar, Fawkes, Father
41Two Sides of the Same Coin » by Tesla.Cannon He really didn't know what to think about her after that... Except, she definitely wasn't what he was expecting. (MacCready/F. Sole Survivor)
T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 6, words: 35k+, favs: 77, follows: 105, updated: 4/13 published: 11/16/2015, MacCready, Sole Survivor
2You Go To My Head » by reticentwanderess A Hancock x Nora romance. Hancock, Goodneighbor's most eligible bachelor, is disenchanted with love after his first marriage ends poorly. And after Nate's untimely death and Shaun's kidnapping, Nora is left resentful and bitter. They both thought that they were too broken to love or be loved ever again. But they were wrong. Love will always find a way to bring torn souls together.
T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 12, words: 57k+, favs: 7, follows: 15, updated: 4/13 published: 8/14/2019, Sole Survivor, J. Hancock
25Reconstructive Efforts » by Daybraver They might hate her guts but they're still her brothers, figuratively of course, so if preventing their slaughter at the hands of an angry, angry wasteland was possible than she was going to damn well try. (forgot to add this but there will be Fallout 4 spoilers, lots of them)
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 22, words: 83k+, favs: 18, follows: 18, updated: 4/10 published: 12/10/2015, Lone Wanderer, Sole Survivor
1 Romans 5:3 by AcidKraken After James' death, the Lone Wanderer finds solace in her mother's old bible. Charon thinks it does more harm than good.
T, English, Angst, words: 2k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 4/9, Lone Wanderer, Charon
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