Disclaimer: I do not own fallout.

They say there's a monster that lives in the capital wasteland. It feasts on blood, rends apart flesh, and breaks bones open for marrow.

With that kind of description, I can already guess what you're thinking. "Oh, those vampires down in Arefu finally went crazy, didn't they? Everyone's heard of them. I always thought they ought to be put down."

It's the more likely explanation, from your perspective, but believe me when I say it's not one anyone *there* would jump to. We all know that if those blood drinkers ever really do go wild, they'll be hunted down just the same.

To that monster, everything is just food. Even deathclaws are just meat to be torn apart with bloodstained hands.

It's a frightful thought, isn't it? -That something out there can eat deathclaws for breakfast. Frightful enough to be all but unbelievable -but I swear it's just the truth. If you want proof, then just ask yourself this. When was the last time you even *saw* a deathclaw in D.C? I'd gather that it's been a while -a year at the least.

That was when it raided their nests, understand? Ripped their horns out and smashed their eggs to scrap. Not even a kid made it out of there! -but you can hardly call those things kids, I suppose. If they grow up into killers, then to that monster, all they are is prey.

Ah, I almost wish I'd been there to see it. I was there the first time, you know, the very first time she fought a deathclaw. Let me tell you, it wasn't nearly so pretty! Then again, she wasn't nearly so much of a machine back then, either. I suppose killing your way across the wasteland twice a month will do that to you.

See, back at D.C. they don't have turrets, but they sure as hell have that thing, and as long as that's the case, that waste is the safest place in the world. No raider's going to step foot in there, not with that monster around, because they know that if they do, then they'll be dead within the week, exterminated like radroaches.

I wonder what kind of death they earn these days -for the crime of trespassing in its territory? Do they still get shot to pieces, like when I was there? Or would it dig into their jaw and rip it off? Maybe it'd stick a knife so far down their neck it'd come out the other side, or maybe, these days, it'd just break their spine. I hear it's been practicing unarmed, recently.

Just imagine that -an unarmed monster slaughtering their way through the Capital wasteland. It sounds crazy, but to me, it's just the logical conclusion for such a monster. Casings fall empty, knives rust, bats break, swords snap -but even if their hands were worn down to the bloody bone, it'd still be able to use them the next day.

That kind of robotic efficiency… -it's exactly what that monster needs. For the life she leads, where she can't walk without stepping over a corpse, and can't see the sky through the blood in her eyes, the only way she can survive is by the skin of her teeth and the blood in her veins. Reliance on technology is just a weakness -and one that'll get her killed one day, but even if the best gun can jam, if she's strong enough, then her fists will never break.

Maybe then, once she's left all her guns, knives, and humanity behind, she'll finally discard her last nagging weakness.

Cause you see, there's just *one* time where you can kill that monster, and that's when she's crying. Her eyes fill with tears till she can't see the horizon lines, and her screams drown out any sound that'd reach her ears. In times like that, you could sneak up behind her, gently pull her head down, and slit her throat with one false kind gesture.

But more likely you'll die. Whichever it is, it doesn't matter to me. If it were anything other than that monster, I might be worried to betray them so easily. With her, though, I know that if you don't end it in one shot, you won't be able to tell her about me through the blood in your lungs. Either way, I'll win.

-And yet for what it's worth, I'll hope for your success, because there's a monster in the capital wasteland. An endless lonely wanderer who walks a trail of blood. They feast on blood, because bullets are more valuable than water, and the only food they get is the meat their fangs rip off the moment when they kill. They break open bones, howling, and hope with desperation that one day, the world will be terrified, and change.

But it never will, and so, abandoned by everyone, she passes each day in a daze as black as night.

So go, do your mercy.

If anyone reads this, I hope it brings you joy, but also foreboding! Chap 2 is also up!