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40  2  Comics » W.I.T.C.H.
3WITCH - The Lost One » by markelsmith866 *Directly After Season 2* After a switch of powers between Will and Hay-Lin, a discovery and prophecy is clarified by the Oracle(Himerish) that sends Will on a quest of discovery of herself. But out of a desperate attempt to be leader once more, Will chooses the choice that tests friendships, sides, family, and the definition of what is wrong. And what is right.
T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 44, words: 214k+, favs: 10, follows: 11, updated: 4/19 published: 12/4/2018
1 the words to your favorite song by Jem Doe It's like an ache that never truly fades. The picture on her nightstand hurts to look at, so Cornelia makes the portrait face the wood. Not thinking about her helps: makes it duller, somehow. Makes it hurt less. Makes forgetting faster.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Angst, words: 1k+, 2/23
1Frozen Hazard - A Chykn Adventure » by EnnyMay A tale of Nerissa and how she fell into darkness: "When I was a girl, just on the edge of 16, I was chosen to achieve greatness. I was part of a team of 4 others who, like me, had only a vague idea of how destiny would twine their future. They called us guardians, protectors of the balance between worlds. We called us CHYKN and this is the tale of our biggest adventure."
T, English, Fantasy & Mystery, chapters: 2, words: 5k+, favs: 1, updated: 12/15/2019 published: 10/24/2019
White Light - Witch Sovereigns Spin-off by EnnyMay Last year I asked my followers what Halloween story I should write and this it was came out. A spin-off for my fan comic W.i.t.c.h. Sovereigns: Troublemaker Maze is sent off to live with his aunt in Heatherfield. But as his first day at school grows near, so does Halloween and this year it's gonna get real crazy out there. Witches, knights and white lights!
K+, English, Mystery & Adventure, words: 2k+, 10/24/2019
1 The Bloody Promise of a Future by AnneLaurant As she sleeps in Redstone Academy, Taranee's dreams get visited by Yan Lin and learns how corrupt Kandrakar truly is. Set in the third arc of the comics.
T, English, Tragedy, words: 1k+, favs: 1, 8/4/2019
1 NRDCS: The Champions of Arucar PILOT by AnneLaurant In a world not so different from that of Earth's, with a body similar with Kandrakar governing the universe, five special boys rise to the challenge of balancing a normal day-to-day high school life, and the heroic role of being a Champion of the Infinite Worlds. (A.K.A. a story about the guardians' nether-using male counterparts; pilot arc.)
T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, words: 4k+, 7/23/2019
A Little Meeting by AnneLaurant After the Oracle shows the guardians the history of Kandrakar and gives them a little test, Himerish is visited by a friend from Kandrakar's nether counterpart, Arucar.
K+, English, Fantasy, words: 1k+, 7/17/2019
2 Moon by AnneLaurant "Your beauty exceeds that of the moon and comes back down to Earth, to me." On the night of Valentine's, Cedric meets Orube outside the bookshop and asks her for a dance. (Inspired by Juan Karlos' "Buwan".)
T, English, Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 2, 2/13/2019
1 Phi by AnneLaurant Inside the Tower of Mists, the prisoner Phobos dreams of many things - one of which is another (yet successful and respected) version of himself.
T, English, Fantasy, words: 1k+, favs: 2, 2/5/2019
8 Elegies Under the Moon » by AnaWolf Phobos had won. He had the crown, Meridian, powers... And her. Cornelia resisted. But even angels could fall... And he would be there to catch her.
K, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 24k+, favs: 8, follows: 6, updated: 8/14/2018 published: 5/29/2018
2The Missing & The Lost » by PomApple An alternate take on the end of Issue #1. What if Irma and Hay Lin had been pulled through the portal, and what if, despite knowing that, Will still sealed it with them on the other side? How will she live with that decision? And how can she stop being a mess long enough for the residents of Heatherfield to stop suspecting she's involved with her classmates' disappearance?
K, English, Drama, chapters: 4, words: 10k+, follows: 1, updated: 1/27/2018 published: 12/4/2017
5Insomnia by epiphyte It is late, and Cedric cannot sleep. In spite of himself, he calls Orube.
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 6, follows: 1, 1/22/2018
16Dark Mirror » by yellow 14 When W.I.T.C.H are trapped in the Dark Mirror by Nerissa, Hay Lin is the only one who can save them. But does Hay Lin have the strength to defeat the Dark copies of her friends, or will she die trying?
T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 6k+, favs: 3, follows: 7, updated: 8/19/2017 published: 12/31/2009
2 Mais il l'aimait by Yrie Valk Cédric savait que sa prison n'était pas cette haute tour, ni cette vaste chambre au style dépouillé d'où il ne pouvait sortir, ni même ces chaînes qui lui entravaient les mains, non, la magie de ce lieu l'emprisonnait dans ses souvenirs. Il revivait sans cesse les bribes du passé.
K+, French, Romance, words: 640, favs: 1, 4/21/2017
42Five mages and five guardians » by yellow 14 When W.I.T.C.H were formed, they weren't the only ones with secrets and magic. What happens when the two sides meet.
K+, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 7, words: 13k+, favs: 13, follows: 20, updated: 1/3/2017 published: 8/3/2008
6WITCH - Genderbent Edition by Mland22 There is an alternate universe where a rebellion is taking place. The force of Good against an evil ruler. There are five teenage boys on earth who must stand united. Who must fight this evil… and who must win.
T, English, Fantasy & Friendship, words: 7k+, favs: 14, follows: 11, 4/27/2016
4 WITCH: The new evil » by storyteller316 A few months have past since Will and the others lost their powers, and now with a new enemy rising, they receive a new power in order to fight it. But, how will they fair when their own friends and families find out their secret.
K+, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 13, words: 7k+, favs: 8, follows: 6, updated: 4/14/2016 published: 3/26/2016
2 Cachorrita by Pajaros en la cabeza Martin está empeñado en ver cosas donde hay nada. Irma ya le ha dicho muchas veces que no está interesada en él pero Martin no es un chico que tire la toalla fácilmente. Oneshot. Martin/Irma
K, Spanish, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 11/26/2015
1WITCH Y LA VIAJERA DEL TIEMPO by sariah.romero ¿Que pasaría si un día, te encuentras con una chica que dice venir del futuro y además ser tu hija? La vida de la guardiana del corazón de kandrakar esta a punto de dar un giro inesperado y sus amigas están dispuestas a ayudar, aunque las cosas no serán tan sencillas como piensan...¿Cuantas cosas puede cambiar una niña de doce años? ¿quien es Nerissa? Y...
K, Spanish, Romance & Adventure, words: 1k+, follows: 1, 7/22/2015
2red crystal orb by TheFireStar Like w.i.t.c.h but only 4 guardians. 4 guardians and 1 special girl have to find a crystal orb to demolish an evil presence of magic, before it destroys them. Will they succeed or not? PLEASE READ.
K, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 2k+, 3/23/2015
1Il Giardino degli Elfi by silviainthesky Dopo la morte di Cedric, Orube cerca di riportare ordine nella propria vita, ma non è un'impresa semplice, soprattutto se si è ospiti in un mondo alieno e poco famigliare. Un visitatore inaspettato le offre però l'opportunità di rimettersi in gioco e di ritrovare sé stessa e il proprio valore... e forse anche qualcosa in più.
K+, Italian, Adventure & Fantasy, words: 2k+, 2/8/2015
3 Issue 128 Just one word » by Aria Morid A rewrite of the comic issue 128. Will is looking forward to the cruise she, her parents, Cornelia and Matt would go on. Finally some time with her boyfriend. But, when things don't go exactly as planned, a very surprising turn of events happens, giving Will a great time. Too bad not everything is meant to last. There will be a sequel after "Howling for fortune" is finished.
T, English, Humor, chapters: 2, words: 20k+, favs: 4, follows: 2, 10/31/2014
2Hydramnésie by Katsuyko Première étape, faire disparaître le mot rupture de tous les dictionnaires. Ensuite, comprendre où diable ont bien pu passer les souvenirs d'avant sa relation de couple. Oh, et éventuellement, réussir son bac. Mais ça, ça reste une option. [IrmaxJoel]
T, French, Romance, words: 2k+, 9/22/2014
10WITCH new generation » by Fairylover2095901 When W.I.T.C.H have finished their work saving Kandrakar, Meridian and Earth, a new generation of Guardians arise. But when Nerissa reruns with more power than ever, it's up to them to save everyone all over again. But it's not going to be easy.
T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 8, words: 6k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, updated: 9/3/2014 published: 8/4/2013
2How my life changed » by Mysteriouswitch I am not normal as the defination of everyone else's. I am smart and I would be popular but everyone thinks that I am a freak. Who cares I have something that they don't have. I juggle my life, my secret and school.
K, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 4, words: 363, follows: 1, updated: 7/2/2014 published: 6/12/2012
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