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A Photo In New York by RBDECEPTICON17 Story Summary: An anthropomorphic cat and an anthropomorphic wolf take a trip to New York together. (Inspired by the art of black-owo on Tumblr.)
K+, English, Romance & Fantasy, words: 1k+, 2/25, [H. Jekyll, E. Hyde]
The Immediate Aftermath Of Sir Danvers Death » by 1prittypony1 I thought someone should write a mature fic of what happens after Sir Danvers's death and how both Lanyon and Jekyll feel and deal with it. It happens just a few seconds afterward. There is no blood mentioned but it is implied. I hope i did this moment justice in writing this.
K+, English, Drama & Angst, chapters: 2, words: 616, updated: 12/17/2019 published: 10/2/2019
Hyde Ask's For Help by 1prittypony1 Hyde has to ask Fake Lanyon for help to get Henry's nightmares back in his mind where they belong.
K, English, words: 426, 12/13/2019, E. Hyde
Helping With Tummy Troubles by 1prittypony1 Hyde eats too much at a party that the lodgers have. Herny soothes his stomachache.
K, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 568, 12/9/2019
Acceptance by 1prittypony1 Lanyon stays and waits for Hyde. He has something he wants to know.
K, English, Romance, words: 1k+, 12/2/2019, E. Hyde, R. Lanyon, H. Jekyll
The Monopoly Ghost by 1prittypony1 A nameless ghost tries to save a man he doesn't know. This is based on the one panel back in chapter 4 where the ghost looks scared. I did a fanfic based on it. (Fake Lanyon, Edward Hyde, Monopoly Ghost)
K, English, Drama & Angst, words: 339, 11/18/2019, E. Hyde
1A Comfort In Weakness by 1prittypony1 Henry's running from the nightmares that have invaded. Hyde offers some comfort.
K, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 804, 11/6/2019, E. Hyde, H. Jekyll
1A Spectrum of Stories by RBDECEPTICON17 These are all stories surrounding Edward Hyde and how he goes through life as a boy, and as a man, on the autistic spectrum. (Requests for installments in this series are greatly appreciated.)
K, English, words: 2k+, favs: 6, follows: 2, 6/17/2019, E. Hyde, H. Jekyll
The Wolf and The Cat (German) by professionalprimadonna Edward ist hier ein Kätzchen, das sich im Wald verlaufen hat und von einem Wolf namens Henry aufgelesen wird. Es wird niedlich. Dies ist die Übersetzung einer Fanfic von RBDECEPTICON17, mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Autorin. (Das hier ist wohl die kinderfreundlichste Story, die ich bislang hochgeladen hab, lol)
K, German, Hurt/Comfort & Friendship, words: 3k+, 3/8/2019, E. Hyde, H. Jekyll
The Mistletoe Drabble Collection (German) » by professionalprimadonna Eine gelangweilte Sexologin. Ein festliches Experiment innerhalb der Gesellschaft für Geheime Wissenschaften. Mit seltsamen Resultaten. Diese Geschichte ist eine weitere Übersetzung einer Fanfic von RBDECEPTICON17, mit freundlicher Genehmigung. Hier gibt es Crack-Pairings und Knutschen unterm Mistelzweig. Ich habe euch gewarnt. XD
K+, German, Romance, chapters: 6, words: 2k+, 3/5/2019
1 The Wolf and The Cat by RBDECEPTICON17 Story Summary: The rain came down heavier, its horrible noise growing louder and more violent in Edward's ears, and with the drumming of his pounding heart added to it, a frightening tune filled his sensitive ears. He hastily covered them, shut his eyes as tightly as possible and trembled in fear beneath the uprooted tree leg. Edward then once again attempted to cry out for help...
K+, English, Hurt/Comfort & Friendship, words: 3k+, favs: 1, 2/23/2019, E. Hyde, H. Jekyll
The Mistletoe Drabble Collection » by RBDECEPTICON17 Story Summary: A bored sexologist. A festive little experiment inside The Society For Arcane Sciences. Now here are the end results of her experiment.
T, English, Romance, chapters: 6, words: 2k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 12/24/2018 published: 12/17/2018
A moment untold (german) by professionalprimadonna Manche Gedanken bleiben besser unausgesprochen. Aber Hyde will sich die Gelegenheit auf keinen Fall entgehen lassen. Übersetzung einer Fanfic von RBDECEPTICON. Bisschen sentimental, aber nicht ganz so wie die, die ich bisher übersetzt habe.
K+, German, Drama, words: 976, 11/30/2018, E. Hyde, H. Jekyll
knife by deanpala "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THE KNIFE WAS REAL!"
K, English, Humor, words: 220, follows: 1, 10/31/2018, E. Hyde, Rachel P., R. Lanyon
1This isn't wine, is it? by deanpala Lanyon is a vampire and Jekyll is caring
K, English, words: 445, favs: 1, 10/31/2018
1 This isn't wine is it? by deanpala Lanyon is a vampire and Jekyll is caring.
K, English, words: 445, favs: 3, follows: 1, 10/31/2018, R. Lanyon, H. Jekyll
bakeneko by deanpala Hyde is no ordinary cat
K+, English, words: 418, favs: 1, 10/31/2018, E. Hyde, R. Lanyon, H. Jekyll
Two for one by deanpala Henry Jekyll has a split personality
K+, English, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 10/31/2018, E. Hyde, R. Lanyon, H. Jekyll
Second chance by deanpala Jekyll didn't believe in second chances, but then again he doesn't believe in zombies either. (NOT an apocalypse au)
K+, English, words: 689, follows: 1, 10/31/2018, R. Lanyon, H. Jekyll
Two men of two worlds by deanpala They are different, and have no hope of understanding each other. And in that fact, they both do. Fae au. Hyde is a changeling and Jekyll was the one replaced.
K, English, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 10/31/2018, E. Hyde, Rachel P., R. Lanyon, H. Jekyll
1 Almost enough by deanpala Jekyll is Lanyons soulmate. Lanyon isn't his.
K, English, words: 1k+, 10/31/2018, R. Lanyon, H. Jekyll
Obey by deanpala Hyde finds himself having to do what Rachel tells him, and she has some questions. Sex references.
K+, English, Humor, words: 333, 10/31/2018, E. Hyde, Rachel P., H. Jekyll
Like the sea dances with the shore by deanpala Jekyll is a marine biologist and Lanyon is a Selkie
K, English, words: 1k+, 10/31/2018, R. Lanyon, H. Jekyll
A change within my heart (german) by professionalprimadonna Übersetzung einer Fanfic von RBDECEPTICON17 (mit freundlicher Genehmigung): Fortsetzung von 'Help from an unexpected place'. Jetzt ist es an Jekyll, für Hyde da zu sein. Schon wieder ein Haufen Feels. Und es wird extrem OOC, aber wie schon erwähnt, diese Fic ist nicht von mir. PG-13, wegen roher Gewalt natürlich. Weitere Warnungen sind in der Story über der Überschrift.
T, German, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, words: 9k+, 10/29/2018, [E. Hyde, H. Jekyll]
Help from an unexpected place (german) by professionalprimadonna Übersetzung einer Fanfic von RBDECEPTICON17 (mit freundlicher Genehmigung): Dr. Jekyll kann nicht mehr. Aber Hyde hat keinen Bock zu sterben. Eine Menge Feels, spezifisch Fluff und Angst. Das hier ist nur eine Übersetzung, es ist also nicht mein Schreibstil. Rated PG-13 wegen Selbstverletzung und versuchten Selbstmordes.
T, German, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, words: 1k+, 10/26/2018, E. Hyde, H. Jekyll
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