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My Stories 18
7Tomb Raider: El Legado » Anna, hija de Lara Croft y Kurtis Trent, ha manifestado de forma inesperada el legado de los Lux Veritatis por vía paterna. Nacida en un mundo libre de los enemigos y amenazas que atormentaron a sus padres, no tendría por qué haber heredado el Don. ¿O sí? Post-TRAOD. Secuela de El Despertar. LCxKT.
Tomb Raider, T, Spanish, Drama & Humor, chapters: 26, words: 137k+, favs: 6, follows: 5, updated: 2/9 published: 12/27/2016, Lara Croft, Zip, Kurtis, Lady Croft
71Tomb Raider: The Legacy » Anna, daughter of Lara Croft and Kurtis Trent, has unexpectedly manifested the Lux Veritatis' legacy. Born into a world free from the enemies and threats that tormented her parents, there's no reason why she would inherit the Gift. Or maybe there is, after all? Post-TRAOD. Sequel to The Awakening. LCxKT.
Tomb Raider, T, English, Drama & Humor, chapters: 26, words: 137k+, favs: 21, follows: 20, updated: 2/9 published: 12/27/2016, Lara Croft, Zip, Kurtis, Lady Croft
2 Hija (Tomb Raider One-Shot 5) Lara recibe una incómoda visita en la mansión Croft, a pocos días de Navidad, que traerá de vuelta viejos pesares del pasado. LaraxKurtis. Oneshot navideño.
Tomb Raider, T, Spanish, Hurt/Comfort & Family, words: 4k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 12/27/2017, Lara Croft, Winston the butler, Verner Von Croy, Kurtis
4 Daughter (Tomb Raider One-Shot 5) Lara receives a major uncomfortable visit in Croft Manor by Christmas time that will uncover again an old sorrow from the past. LaraxKurtis. Christmas oneshot.
Tomb Raider, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, words: 4k+, favs: 4, follows: 4, 12/27/2017, Lara Croft, Winston the butler, Verner Von Croy, Kurtis
1 El affair del Louvre (Tomb Raider One-shot 4) Lara ha conseguido por fin la Pintura Obscura oculta bajo los cimientos del Louvre. Pero cuando cree que por fin va a lograr escapar de los hombres de Gunderson con su preciado botín, un inesperado intruso se interpondrá en su camino.
Tomb Raider, K, Spanish, Adventure & Suspense, words: 1k+, 1/1/2017, Lara Croft, Kurtis
4 The Louvre Affair (Tomb Raider One-shot 4) Lara has finally retrieved the Obscura Painting hidden beneath the foundations of the Louvre. But when she thinks she's finally going to escape Gunderson's men with her precious booty, an unexpected intruder will stand in her way.
Tomb Raider, K, English, Adventure & Suspense, words: 1k+, favs: 4, follows: 2, 12/31/2016, Lara Croft, Kurtis
Sr Vance Renner (Tomb Raider Oneshot 3) En una lujosa velada que prometía ser tan larga como aburrida, Lara descubre de pronto un rostro familiar entre la multitud. ¿Familiar? ¿Cuál es la verdadera identidad del extraño que la sigue? NSFW one-shot. LCxKT. Post-AOD.
Tomb Raider, M, Spanish, Romance & Humor, words: 5k+, favs: 2, 12/4/2016, Lara Croft, Kurtis, OC
10 Mr Vance Renner (Tomb Raider One-shot 3) In a luxurious evening that promised to be as long as boring, Lara suddenly notices a familiar face among the crowd. Familiar? What's the true identity of the stranger coming after her? NSFW one-shot. LCxKT. Post-AOD.
Tomb Raider, M, English, Romance & Humor, words: 5k+, favs: 10, follows: 3, 12/4/2016, Lara Croft, Kurtis, OC
6 The Good In Him (Tomb Raider One-shot 1) After surviving the terrible accident in Egypt, Lara Croft returns to Surrey. But what's left of the woman she used to be? Oneshot pre-TRAOD.
Tomb Raider, K, English, Drama & Friendship, words: 1k+, favs: 5, follows: 2, 11/29/2016, Lara Croft, Winston the butler, Verner Von Croy, Lady Croft
21 Tomb Raider: The Awakening » The rebels have risen against the government of Sri Lanka and Lara is trapped, along with Anna, in a sacred area surrounded by jungle. The only way is the flight, but then a terrible incident unleashes a latent force. Post Lilith's Scepter. LCxKT. Introducing Anna Croft.
Tomb Raider, M, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 6, words: 21k+, favs: 10, follows: 6, updated: 9/17/2016 published: 4/28/2016, Lara Croft, Kurtis, OC
3 Tomb Raider: El Despertar » La guerrilla se ha alzado contra del gobierno de Sri Lanka y Lara se encuentra atrapada, junto con Anna, en una área de templos rodeada de jungla. La única vía de escape es la huida, pero entonces sucede un terrible altercado que desatará, de forma imprevista, una fuerza latente. Post El Cetro de Lilith. LCxKT. Presentando a Anna Croft.
Tomb Raider, M, Spanish, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 6, words: 22k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, updated: 9/16/2016 published: 4/28/2016, Lara Croft, Kurtis, OC
Un Puñado de Fotos (Tomb Raider One-shot 2) Lara Croft es citada por un destacado magnate de Shanghai con una oferta muy especial. Cuando ésta la rechaza, él la amenaza atacando directamente a su punto débil, o eso cree él...
Tomb Raider, M, Spanish, Adventure & Suspense, words: 3k+, 3/31/2016, Lara Croft, Kurtis, OC
3 A Stack of Photos (Tomb Raider One-shot 2) Lara Croft is summoned by a wealthy businessman in Shanghai with a special offer. When she refuses the deal, he threatens her taking advantage of a particular weakspot of hers, or so he thinks. But, what does a lioness when you threaten her cub?
Tomb Raider, M, English, Adventure & Suspense, words: 3k+, favs: 7, follows: 3, 3/31/2016, Lara Croft, Kurtis, OC
14 Tomb Raider: El Cetro de Lilith » Después de dos años, Lara Croft ha perdido la esperanza de volver a ver a Kurtis Trent, a quien parece que se lo haya tragado la Tierra. Pero la desaparición del Orbe y de los Fragmentos la forzarán a ponerse en camino de nuevo...
Tomb Raider, M, Spanish, Adventure & Supernatural, chapters: 52, words: 227k+, favs: 9, follows: 5, updated: 8/19/2015 published: 10/1/2011, Lara Croft, Zip, Winston the butler, Kurtis
113 Tomb Raider: Lilith's Scepter » After two years, Lara Croft has lost hope of ever seeing Kurtis Trent, who seems to have been swallowed by earth. But the disappearance of the Periapt and the Shards will force her to set out again...
Tomb Raider, M, English, Adventure & Supernatural, chapters: 52, words: 220k+, favs: 33, follows: 16, updated: 8/19/2015 published: 10/1/2011, Lara Croft, Kurtis
56 Tomb Raider: The Golden Seal » After her return of Prague, Lara Croft receives a visit. Is it possible that Kurtis Trent is not dead? Don't miss this sequel to the unfinished videogame Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness. TRAOD sequel. LCxKT.
Tomb Raider, T, English, Adventure & Supernatural, chapters: 29, words: 62k+, favs: 25, follows: 9, updated: 9/30/2011 published: 3/10/2006, Lara Croft, Kurtis, J. Karel
16 Tomb Raider: El Sello Áureo » Después de su retorno de Praga, Lara Croft recibe una visita. ¿Es posible que Kurtis Trent no esté muerto? No te pierdas esta secuela del videojuego inacabado Tomb Raider: El Ángel de la Oscuridad. LCxKT.
Tomb Raider, T, Spanish, Adventure & Supernatural, chapters: 29, words: 64k+, favs: 13, follows: 7, updated: 9/30/2011 published: 4/8/2011, Lara Croft, Kurtis, J. Karel
1 Lo bueno que hay en él (Tomb Raider One-shot 1) Después de sobrevivir al terrible accidente en Egipto, Lara Croft regresa a Surrey. Pero, ¿qué ha quedado de la mujer que fue? Oneshot pre-TRAOD.
Tomb Raider, T, Spanish, Friendship & Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, 4/7/2011, Lara Croft, Winston the butler, Verner Von Croy
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