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My Stories 66
I Can Feel you All Around Me (Alternate universe) What If FP left Gladys while she was pregnant but didn't know she was pregnant? What If Gladys was a horrible abusive mother? This Is the story of poor abused and neglected Jughead Jones and how he leaves Toledo to track down the only other parent he has, FP Jones. On top of being hurt, scared, and bullied can FP protect his son he didn't know he had?
Riverdale, M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, words: 8k+, favs: 1, 4/29, Jughead J., FP Jones II, Gladys J.
Wicked Little Town After Jug watches the creepy video of the masked people It becomes clear that whoever these people are that are making the video tapes are after him and have something to do with Stonewall Prep. Jug's theory Is right, someone who Is making these videos Is watching him perform at Pops with The Archies. Soon Jug Is kidnapped, raped, and tortured by a Stonewall Prep student.(Spoilers)
Riverdale, M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, words: 6k+, 4/21, Archie A., Jughead J., Hiram L., Bret W.W.
1 Breathe Me What If Chic wasn't The Gargoyle King, a camera porn star, or Involved with drug dealers? What If he really was a hurt scared to death kid In need of love, protection, and family? What If he really was Betty and Jughead's brother and Alice and FP's son? Everyone wants to welcome Chic and give him the love he deserves, but can they protect him from Hal AKA The Black Hood?
Riverdale, M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, words: 9k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 4/18, Archie A., Fred A., Hiram L., Chic
Things We Lose Come Back to us In the End Jug Is happy, his grandpa Is In town trying to make an effort with his son and trying to get to know his grandson. But they have not seen the last of Bret. Bret still wants to finish off Jug and with what FP did to his face he wants to make Jug suffer first and right In front of FP. Forsythe needs to prove to FP he changed. What better way than rescuing his son and grandson?
Riverdale, M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, words: 5k+, 4/3, Jughead J., FP Jones II, Bret W.W.
Secrets In the Walls Jug finds out Stonewalls secrets right when he joins the school but the dark findings lead to the knowledge that they don't kill all of their victims Some they hold hostage In a secret part of the school grounds to keep to rape and torture whenever they please And Jug Is under that part of the list Will someone be able to find this secret location and save him or Is this his life
Riverdale, M, English, Suspense & Drama, words: 6k+, favs: 1, 3/26, Jughead J., Fred A., FP Jones II, Bret W.W.
Call my Name and Save Me From the Dark There Is a new dangerous drug going around that makes you have sex with the first person you see whether that person wants It or not. Then It makes you hurt your victim more and eventually kill them. FP gets forced fed the drug and his victim ends up being his own son. Can FP snap out of It before he kills his son? If so can they both get through what happened to them?
Riverdale, M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Drama, words: 6k+, 3/18, Jughead J., FP Jones II, Chic, Penny P.
You Hide So Much What You Feel Inside When Jug followed Bret Into the woods he was gone by the time Betty got there. When they found Jugs body he was alive but In bad shape. What did Bret do to him and what will he do when he come back for Jug? Meanwhile after Hiram loses his daughter and wife to a murder he promises himself he would be a better man and now after he adopts a girl who lost everything a better dad.
Riverdale, M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Drama, words: 8k+, favs: 1, 3/8, Archie A., Jughead J., Hiram L.
1 Body Fantasies Veronica knew her dad Is sick and twisted. But she didn't know he was holding a girl hostage and soon Jug to gain money from sex slavery. Despite losing Betty to a new killer before he was captured Jug falls for the girl and vows to get them out of there and that they would have a life together. But can they be rescued? (Fred never dies just gets Injured)(My version of Season 4)
Riverdale, M, English, Adventure & Suspense, words: 9k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 3/2, Jughead J., Fred A., Hiram L.
Game on the Loose Gryphons and Gargoyles Is over but the game magically brings a girl back to life The girl remembers nothing but her name Archies mom adopts her but not only do they find out that the girl is Jugheads sister from another women but while the girl got brought back death took a life in exchange, Fred While this girl is Innocent someone wants to bring Fred back by sending the girl back
Riverdale, T, English, Adventure & Suspense, words: 12k+, 3/2, Archie A., Jughead J., Fred A., FP Jones II
Voldemort Takes Over What If Harry choose not to come back and moved on? What If there were 8 years at Hogwarts Instead of 7? What If Voldemort took over Hogwarts? How can they take back Hogwarts? Who can save everyone? Will everyone survive? Someone has to take over for Harry, but who? Is It Ginny who has to run from Hogwarts after Voldemort asks her to marry him? Maybe Ron who feels lost with no BF?
Harry Potter, T, English, Fantasy & Hurt/Comfort, words: 3k+, follows: 1, 3/1
The Girl Who Lived We all know if Harry had a sister it would change outcomes. Hermione wouldn't exist cause the sister would replace her. Snape wouldn't be afraid to show Harry and his sister that he loves them despite the dangers. Sirius would be framed for worst then just murder. This is the story of The Girl who Lived Rose Lily and how people can change the outcome of many people and their lives.
Harry Potter, T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 15k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, 1/19
Princess of Darkness Erika was truly evil and never loved Dracula. So he returned to the hotel without a Zing. But that all changes when Frank returns to the hotel with a human girl he rescued. But she's not out of danger yet. Being Lord Voldemort's daughter will do that to you. The girl/Dracula (Future generation/TikTok Harry Potter characters)
Harry Potter & Hotel Transylvania, T, English, Fantasy & Supernatural, words: 4k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 11/24/2019
The Lost Countess Anastasia Is really Countess Anastasia daughter of Dracula and Martha. Demetri knows this but he also knows he won't get any money from Dracula. Thankfully Anastasia has no memory and she looks exactly like the dead Duchess Ariel who everyone believes to be lost not dead. Anastasia/Johnny
Anastasia & Hotel Transylvania, T, English, Fantasy & Supernatural, words: 3k+, 11/16/2019
The Zinged Hunter Part 2 Centaurea and Dracula are now happily married enjoying time with their 5 year old daughter. Until a human hating monster named Frollo checks Into the hotel to ruin everything and destroy Centaurea despite her being a vampire now.
Hotel Transylvania, T, English, Fantasy & Supernatural, words: 3k+, 11/11/2019
1 The Zinged Hunter A human women who hunts and stops anti-monster people moves Into the hotel to protect the monsters but can they protect her? The Hunter/Dracula
Hotel Transylvania, T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 3k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 11/5/2019
The Little Mermaid of Hogwarts One of the mermaids of the Black Lake always wanted more she wanted to not only to be not ugly and vicious but to be human and a Hogwarts student Thanks to a witch she gets what she wants but there are two ways where she might get turned back If she doesn't receive true love kiss before shes done with school or dying. Will Hogwarts go after her and love her for her If that happens?
Harry Potter, T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 11k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 10/11/2019
The Finest Girl In Hogwarts When Esmeralda disappeared under the blanket her magic sent her to a place that she was meant to be, Hogwarts. She finds out she Is Hagrid's daughter and she was born In this world but then stolen and taken to Paris. She gets what she always needed freedom and a safe place to use her magic. But she still has to deal with an enemy who lusts for her that someone Is the new Dark Lord.
Harry Potter & Hunchback of Notre Dame, T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 8k+, 9/3/2019
A Magical Journey Awaits Lupin's daughter Is kidnapped by Voldemort after Lupin Is killed. When she escapes she makes It to the Auradon castle. She ends up going to that school now Instead of Hogwarts and becomes King Adam's daughter. But with Voldemort and his Death Eaters still determined to hurt her the Auradon School knows a battle Is coming. Uma/Lupin's daughter (RIP Cameron Boyce)
Harry Potter & Descendants, 2015, T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 5k+, favs: 8, follows: 5, 8/12/2019
Your Destiny Awaits Right after they open the barrier for good they soon have to deal with Drago Bludvist. Everyone agrees to close the barrier again. But will that stop Drago? Hades must show his true loving dad side not just to Mal but to Drago's daughter who Drago has been abusing since she was a little girl. Harry/Drago's daughter(RIP Cameron Boyce)
Descendants, 2015, T, English, Fantasy & Hurt/Comfort, words: 3k+, favs: 6, follows: 7, 8/8/2019
Rasputin's Amulet After the barrier came down and everyone was brought together Ben's father reveals that before sending Narissa to the Isle she gave birth. He sent the baby to the Isle too. Ben's father finds out how badly the consequences of his actions are when they find out Narissa never wanted the child and abandoned her on the streets. The baby was taken in and beaten by Rasputin ever since.
Descendants, 2015, T, English, Fantasy & Hurt/Comfort, words: 4k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, 8/8/2019
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