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My Stories 7
Breath of Fire: The Twin Prophecies Garr, one of the remaining members of the Guardian Clan, is entrusted to take care of a young boy named Ryu, also titled "The Last." He meets Nina, the exiled Princess of Wyndia due to her black wings. Unbeknownst to both, these two prophecies tie the two together toward a destiny they could not have ever imagined. And on their path, they will be watched over by Garr himself.
Breath of Fire, T, English, Fantasy & Romance, words: 734, follows: 1, 3/24, Garr, Ryu, Nina
113 Rydia: Heart and Heartache » Rydia of Mist starts a school for summoners to restore the lost bloodline of summoners. Two years since Cecil and Rosa's marriage have passed, and suddenly Rydia finds Kain on the mountainside of Mist. Coercing him into returning to Baron, an adventure of love and shattered dreams follows the summoner-adding a new tale to the earth's history.
Final Fantasy I-VI, T, English, Fantasy & Romance, chapters: 39, words: 137k+, favs: 64, follows: 55, updated: 7/25/2019 published: 7/25/2012, Cecil, Edge, Kain, Rydia
12 Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Kiss Your Blade Rex takes Pyra out for a night stroll. Little does he know his allies are planning to help him get closer to her than he originally anticipated.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2, T, English, Romance & Humor, words: 2k+, favs: 40, follows: 11, 1/26/2018, Nia, Pyra/Mythra, Rex, Zeke
145 The Legend of Zelda: A Storm of Wind and Time » A young boy sets off from his home to go the annual Swordsman Tournament in Hyrule. A gang of pirates are planning to steal the Ocarina of Time and the boy gets caught up in it. But, who is the real enemy? The pirates... or someone behind the King?
Legend of Zelda, T, English, Adventure & Humor, chapters: 44, words: 227k+, favs: 143, follows: 126, updated: 6/19/2016 published: 2/22/2007, Link, Tetra
7The Assassin of Rata Sum » Vini, a young asura thief, aspires to be much more than others. Charming, and brilliant, she leaves either a bad taste or a succulent one in another's mouth. However, as the Inquest steal her inventions and try to frame her, a greater threat overshadows them. Will Vini be able to stop the Inquest before the Elder Dragons destroy all of Tyria? This is Vini's story.
Guild Wars, T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 13, words: 46k+, favs: 9, follows: 9, updated: 1/17/2016 published: 9/25/2014, Asura, Kudu, Zojja
A Merry Wintersday for Vini - A Guild Wars 2 Short Story WARNING: This contains minor spoilers for The Assassin of Rata Sum. Taking place three years after the events of The Shadows of Rata Sum, Vini finally gets to participate in the Wintersday events. However, when she asks for a present from Toymaker Tixx, she discovers she's on the naughty list, and cannot receive a gift. However, Tixx gives her a chance to get off the list.
Guild Wars, T, English, Fantasy & Humor, words: 6k+, 1/3/2016, Asura, Tixx
11 Oboro Muramasa: A Shattered Past » After leaving her grandparents behind, a young girl named Oboro sets out to find her identity, and the being named 'Jinkuro,' Haunted by nightmares, Oboro seeks her answers from a god who resides on the top of Mount Fuji. However, her quest has just begun as she discovers that her mind is too fragile to receive all the answers at once.
Muramasa: The Demon Blade, T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 8, words: 33k+, favs: 24, follows: 13, 5/11/2013, Kisuke, Momohime, Jinkuro, Yuzuruha
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