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126Azazel's Plan B Part 2: Friends » With Dean safe and finally released from the hospital despite his still precarious health, the family heads for South Dakota. Dean, however, does not seem to want to fall in with Dad's plans to keep him safe, and Sam won't let their father force him into anything. A brief stop turns into an extended stay partway along their journey. Sam's dreams haven't stopped. #Winchester Life
Supernatural, T, English, Supernatural & Suspense, chapters: 23, words: 70k+, favs: 53, follows: 96, updated: 9/4/2019 published: 5/4/2018
176Season of the Witch » It's the freakin' Apocalypse, they're searching for the Colt, and Sam catches ... the swine flu. Dean goes off with Castiel to follow a lead on the Colt and finds a case instead. Gay men are dying in Salt Lake, and Dean sets himself up as bait. Danger follows. Will they stop the bad guy? Will they be able to keep Dean safe?
Supernatural, M, English, Supernatural & Crime, chapters: 59, words: 173k+, favs: 45, follows: 79, updated: 7/27/2019 published: 7/18/2017, Sam W., Dean W., Ellen H., Castiel
115Peter » When Tony fails to show up for work one morning, Gibbs is mildly worried. Then DiNozzo Sr. calls, angry about a "ransom demand" prank. Forced by Tony's father's indifference to take action on his own, Gibbs calls Fornell and they begin to investigate together. Meanwhile, Tony is finding one of his kidnappers deeply creepy.
NCIS, T, English, Suspense & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 20, words: 51k+, favs: 54, follows: 124, updated: 6/4/2018 published: 12/16/2017
216 Azazel's Plan B Part 1: Family » A week after Halloween 2005, Sam comes home prepared to propose to Jessica. Dad is there and wants his help. Dean is missing. Suddenly the brother that Sam has been so glad not to see is just gone, and Sam finds he can't deal with that hole in his life. And those horrible stress dreams that he's been having for months ... those may not be as unreal as he thought. Limp!Dean
Supernatural, M, English, Suspense & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 31, words: 96k+, favs: 157, follows: 178, updated: 5/4/2018 published: 7/6/2016, Sam W., Dean W., John W., Bobby S.
12 Flatmates on Parade » When Mycroft "abducts" John, it's a smooth, practised operation. Has he done this before? This is an imagining of how that might have happened. Written between Series 1 & 2 and during the fad for "5 times x happened and 1 time y happened instead."
Sherlock, T, English, Humor, chapters: 7, words: 12k+, favs: 13, follows: 10, updated: 2/4/2018 published: 12/20/2017
6 Eyes Only » Logan's initial encounter with an unusually perceptive autistic girl is unsettling though not alarming, but when she eludes an attempted abduction and comes to him for help, Logan may not escape the danger she brings with her. Will Max find him in time? Set early Season 1.
Dark Angel, T, English, Adventure & Suspense, chapters: 16, words: 45k+, favs: 7, follows: 7, updated: 12/3/2017 published: 7/28/2017
239 Bound and Rebound » A late-night phone call from DiNozzo's phone - placed by ex-girlfriend, ex-accuser Jeanne Benoit, to alert him to a strange man attacking his agent outside a downtown bar - tells Gibbs that DiNozzo's life has become more complicated than usual. DiNozzo's not talking, Benoit won't leave, Jenny is angry, Ziva is furious, McGee is lost, and a hulking figure lurks in the shadows.
NCIS, T, English, Angst & Mystery, chapters: 33, words: 131k+, favs: 84, follows: 131, updated: 7/24/2017 published: 9/5/2016
86 Once a Cop » When Tony arrives early and alone to a crime scene, he's confronted by a pair of fake FBI agents and a ghostly woman who instantly targets him. The 'agents,' Sam and Dean Winchester, get him out of there, and it seems like the trouble is over. When the ghost follows Tony to DC, Gibbs must join forces with the brothers to protect Tony and vanquish the threat. NCIS S5, SPN S2
NCIS & Supernatural, T, English, Horror & Mystery, chapters: 12, words: 28k+, favs: 128, follows: 162, updated: 11/4/2016 published: 8/27/2016
386 Rebound » Following his reluctant betrayal and subsequent loss of Jeanne Benoit, Agent Tony DiNozzo rebounds into a relationship that just might be the end of him – unless Agent Gibbs can stop it. Not for the squeamish. M for adult themes and sexual content.
NCIS, M, English, Drama & Angst, chapters: 32, words: 119k+, favs: 224, follows: 399, updated: 8/30/2016 published: 11/20/2010, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tony D.
147 Bird Dog » Gibbs' team is assigned a case to bring down a criminal network and a high-ranking Marine, and Tony goes undercover to get the evidence they need. The situation changes rapidly, bringing Gibbs undercover to protect Tony, while Kate listens in, forced to remain an observer on the sidelines while her boss and her partner risk life, limb . . . and virtue. Season 1. Sexual situations.
NCIS, M, English, Suspense & Crime, chapters: 24, words: 70k+, favs: 73, follows: 47, updated: 8/23/2016 published: 4/12/2016, Kate T., Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tony D., Tim M.
1 A Thorn by Any Other Name Brenda hadn't been back to visit her old squad since she'd left to join the DA's investigation unit. Silly old nerves are troubling her till she comes face to face with an unexpected old acquaintance. ... Episode Tag MC S1E4 The Ecstasy and the Agony ... This tale will not make sense if you haven't seen the episode's final scene with Thorn Woodson. Frivolous head canon.
NCIS & Major Crimes, K, English, words: 424, favs: 2, follows: 2, 8/11/2016
1 Just Plain Bill Bill Croelick was a serial killer . . . or was he? ... Episode tag for S1E12 Fatal Retraction ... This is an exploration of one version of my beta's and my head canon for Bill. ... NO characters from Supernatural.
Supernatural & Closer, K, English, words: 779, 8/11/2016, Brenda L.J.
766 Left Turn of Fate » When Dean meets Azazel in 1973, the timeline is altered forever in ways that no one could have foreseen. Sammy embraces the hunting life, Dean ends up on a milk carton and John gets a new set of priorities, and an unexpected partner on the hunt.
Supernatural, T, English, Drama & Mystery, chapters: 36, words: 144k+, favs: 772, follows: 869, updated: 6/30/2016 published: 3/8/2010, Sam W., Dean W.
10 Gone Too Long When John's taillights fade in the distance, leaving his young sons alone, there's never any way of knowing when he'll be back. He leaves them money, a paid-for motel room, and weapons with which to defend themselves, but between the dangers and logistics of hunting, not to mention the ever-present threat of social services, sometimes he's gone too long.
Supernatural, T, English, Suspense & Family, words: 1k+, favs: 15, follows: 5, 4/5/2016
58A Good Man's Friend » Sequel to The Great Game. Another one. I won't declare myself awesome as my good friend has, but I do invite you to read. Being Sherlock's friend can be hazardous to one's health. Being his closest friend can be downright terminally dangerous.
Sherlock, T, English, Friendship & Drama, chapters: 3, words: 13k+, favs: 38, follows: 111, updated: 12/23/2010 published: 11/21/2010, Sherlock H., John W.
318Highest Bidder » Captured by Skeletor and auctioned off to the highest bidder, Prince Adam stumbles upon an unknown and perverse evil, and quickly discovers that death is not the worst thing that can befall him.
He-Man, M, English, Drama & Suspense, chapters: 58, words: 293k+, favs: 59, follows: 73, updated: 7/5/2009 published: 2/26/2006
31Elemental Needs » Sequel to Invisible Chains. Skeletor kidnaps Duncan to help him carry out the ferret's plan. Adam's sword is lost in the fight. Without He-Man, how can they stop the Lord of Snake Mountain . . . and an evil that dates back millennia? Rated for adult sits.
He-Man, M, English, Fantasy, chapters: 9, words: 40k+, favs: 15, follows: 17, updated: 7/3/2009 published: 1/29/2009
254Revelations & Regrets » Three years have passed since Skeletor's forces broke free from the Mystic Wall . . . not much has changed, except that everyone is three years older, and Adam has reached his breaking point. Only Teela seems to see . . . (2002 Series., first season only)
He-Man, T, English, Angst & Romance, chapters: 20, words: 74k+, favs: 118, follows: 112, updated: 6/27/2009 published: 5/9/2004
26 WireTap Tony is summoned alone to the director's office for an unexpected reason. Set Season 6, minor spoilers for season 4 and the beginning of Season 5. One-shot at this time.
NCIS, K, English, words: 2k+, favs: 59, follows: 27, 1/25/2009, Tony D.
106Starquest » Crossover Stargate SG1. Jonny, Hadji & Benton have been taken prisoner again, with one difference. This time it's a real alien. Can Jonny, with the help of SG1, save them before it's too late?
Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, T, English, Drama & Suspense, chapters: 23, words: 116k+, favs: 41, follows: 48, updated: 6/28/2008 published: 9/7/2007
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