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My Stories 91
15Against All Orders » Seeing her new husband off at the station a week later, Margaret tells herself not to cry. Calling her father, she tells him she is going to apply as a M*A*S*H nurse again adding, "I just have one favor. I need you to make sure my husband is put in the same unit I am." Al ecstatically agrees before yelling, "Husband?" A retelling of Of All the Camps in All of Korea.
M*A*S*H, K+, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, chapters: 12, words: 16k+, favs: 24, follows: 46, updated: 5/15 published: 11/28/2018
84Chloe » As they near Mulder's hospital room, Maggie looks at her surrogate granddaughter stating, "When you see your dad, he won't speak to you. But, he can hear you okay?" The Final Installment in the Chloe Samantha Trilogy.
X-Files, K+, English, Angst, chapters: 25, words: 47k+, favs: 20, follows: 30, updated: 5/15 published: 5/17/2017, F. Mulder, D. Scully
52 Chances » Jack Sloane has secrets that may be hidden in plain sight.
NCIS, K, English, Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 7, words: 8k+, favs: 47, follows: 75, updated: 1/14 published: 1/10/2018, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Ellie B., J. Sloane
12 Daughters Always Need Their Fathers But sometimes, fathers need their daughters. In this follow up to 16x24 Daughters, Gibbs must make a decision. Spoilers for the episode.
NCIS, K, English, Family & Suspense, words: 594, favs: 22, follows: 24, 5/21/2019, Leroy Jethro Gibbs
6 Shocked and Elated "Tony!" McGee exclaims when he looks up at his friend stands unannounced with Tali beside him. Hugging, the men easily break away and Tony asks where the team is. "Nick and Ellie are following a lead, but Gibbs should be here at any time. What are you doing here?" Shrugging, Tony answers, "Thought I'd take the family to see my life before them."
NCIS, K, English, words: 1k+, favs: 29, follows: 18, 2/13/2019, Tony D., Tim M., Ellie B., Nick T.
14 Safety of my Family Knowing she cannot stay too long in case Ellie comes by, Ziva sends a simple text from her burner. Count to a million.
NCIS, K, English, words: 676, favs: 33, follows: 19, 2/12/2019, Tony D., Ziva D.
82 Of All the Camps in All of Korea » Finally taking in the scenery of Central Park, Margaret barely registers the wind take her hat off as she pulls her coat closer to her. "Penny for your thoughts?" A male voice asks her. She turns to find a pair of blue eyes staring down at her and a dazzling smile to match. Instantly, Margaret smiles back as she explains, "I was just admiring the park."
M*A*S*H, K+, English, Hurt/Comfort & Humor, chapters: 29, words: 46k+, favs: 19, follows: 21, updated: 11/9/2018 published: 7/6/2018, Frank B., Hawkeye P., Margaret H., Trapper M.
14Only Lie When Necessary » Margaret stares in horror at the letter she finds in her hand. A married General and former lover of hers is coming to visit and thinks he can rekindle something from almost ten years ago during the Second World War. Seeing him she introduces, "General, this is my boyfriend, Hawkeye Pierce. Hawkeye, this is General Roger Klemson."
M*A*S*H, K+, English, Humor & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 3, words: 8k+, favs: 21, follows: 29, updated: 11/9/2017 published: 10/19/2017, Hawkeye P., Margaret H.
4 Two Weeks to a Doctor "It's not the same as the actual exam. Actually, I stole this from my actual exam, so feel free to disregard some of the outdated information," Hawkeye added. With a flourish, the man handed over the test. "You have two hours," Margaret stated before she and Hawkeye proctored. - An addition to 8x17 "Nurse Doctor"-
M*A*S*H, K+, English, Friendship, words: 1k+, favs: 7, follows: 4, 9/19/2017, BJ H., F. Mulcahy, Hawkeye P., Margaret H.
4 Seeing Through Heading toward the showers for a much needed scrub, the major turns around when she hears commotion coming from her nurses. Noticing Hawkeye stumble out, she barely hides a smile, and he notices. They share eye contact for a moment as Hawkeye keeps walking, but she keeps staring and standing.
M*A*S*H, K+, English, Hurt/Comfort & Friendship, words: 2k+, favs: 10, follows: 7, 9/11/2017, BJ H., Hawkeye P., Margaret H.
34 An Upset » "No one else can make her see sense. Dot would encourage, Cec and Bert think it's a phase, and Mr. B," Phryne begins before collecting her words, "is not prone to too many heart to hearts. You're the only she can turn to." "Jane, or you? From where I stand Jane's made up her mind," Jack reasons.
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, K+, English, Family & Mystery, chapters: 7, words: 6k+, favs: 7, follows: 5, updated: 7/19/2017 published: 6/22/2017, Phryne F., Jack R., Jane
77But She Didn't Go Away » "Don't ever do that to me again, Rory. Okay? You scared Mommy to death," The woman stated as she lifted her daughter from the floor and the four year old wrapped her legs around the older woman's waist. Turning toward Luke, the mother smiled. "I'm Lorelai." "Well, I'm glad you found her safe, Lorelai," Luke commented as he filed the woman's name in his memory. AU
Gilmore Girls, K+, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 24, words: 40k+, favs: 72, follows: 157, updated: 6/2/2017 published: 7/21/2016
120Samantha » "Hey, Langly. It's me. Mulder's with his mom and wants me to take Chloe up to see her," Scully says as she drives to the hideout. "Yeah, we'll get her stuff ready," Langly answers after receiving a look from Byers that means they cannot keep her with them. The Sequel to Chloe Samantha
X-Files, K+, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 52, words: 108k+, favs: 34, follows: 46, updated: 4/30/2017 published: 1/8/2016, F. Mulder, D. Scully
138 Love Post War » He hears a few nurses gossip about a new nurse and shakes his head as he thought back to the 4077. . .The thought of the camp makes the man wonder about the other members of their unit. If Beej were around he would talk of Peg and Erin. Klinger would be talking about Soon Lee and Toledo. Then, Margaret would be— -In which Margaret and Hawkeye deal with the end of the war-
M*A*S*H, K+, English, Family, chapters: 48, words: 71k+, favs: 69, follows: 86, updated: 4/4/2017 published: 6/1/2015, D. Pierce, Hawkeye P., Margaret H.
206 Chloe Samantha » "I'll send the school a call to tell them you're picking her up," He tells her. Twenty minutes later, a confused nine year old stares at the woman in front of her. "Where's my dad?" She asks. -An AU in which Mulder has a daughter.-
X-Files, K+, English, Friendship & Family, chapters: 50, words: 112k+, favs: 76, follows: 75, updated: 1/5/2016 published: 6/26/2014, F. Mulder, D. Scully
7 Houghton "How'd you get your middle name?" Castle asks one night as he and Kate sit alone in the apartment one night. The woman laughs before biting her lip debating on telling him the real story or the one her friends actually believe. I don't own Katharine Hepburn.
Castle, K, English, Humor & Friendship, words: 374, favs: 7, follows: 2, 12/15/2015, Rick C., Kate B., Martha R.
2 Honesty is the Best Policy After watching Dupree ride on Potter's mare, Margaret gets ready for bed. Just as Margaret is about to turn out her light, the blonde says, "Lorraine, I wasn't entirely truthful about my having friends here." Her friend deserves to know the truth. After all Benjamin Franklin did say that "honesty is the best policy." A short one shot based on the episode "Temporary Duty".
M*A*S*H, K+, English, Friendship, words: 616, favs: 4, 11/4/2015
Need to Know After going undercover, Ellie has a question for McGee that she really needs to know.
NCIS, K+, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 563, favs: 7, follows: 4, 10/29/2015
28 Under Observation » "Is she human?" "Yes, but-" "Then I don't see what the problem is," Kirsten replies leaving the conference room and office to put on her wet suit. For Kirsten, this latest stitch is not like the rest, and everyone knows except her.
Stitchers, K+, English, Drama, chapters: 8, words: 5k+, favs: 26, follows: 57, updated: 9/21/2015 published: 7/5/2015
34 Papers » Being around one person for too long can cause some to become closer than they would like. Mulder and Scully are no different. Threeshot.
X-Files, K+, English, Humor, chapters: 8, words: 10k+, favs: 10, follows: 12, updated: 1/15/2015 published: 10/13/2014, F. Mulder, D. Scully
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