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fringeperson PM
My Stories 340
89 Off With The Costume, On With The New Life Harleen decides that it's time to move on. If that means moving out, then that's what she'll do: move out of Gotham altogether. College is the place to go for rediscovering yourself, and if she happens to change her name? Well, it makes getting a job easier, not having a criminal record attached to your name. Oneshot, complete, don't own. A Harley-is-Darcy Fic. Mentions past trauma
Batman & Thor, K+, English, words: 4k+, favs: 343, follows: 202, 5/30, Harley Q., Darcy L.
11 Ante Up It was an uncomfortable conversation to be having with his commanders, but it was nevertheless one that Dom agreed needed to happen. That was the problem when politics and compromise and consequences started landing on sergeants. Post-Lady Knight. Oneshot Drabble. Complete. Don't Own. Gen.
Protector of the Small Quartet, K+, English, words: 1k+, favs: 50, follows: 14, 4/18/2019, Domitan
72 Mary Me She was adjusted to being a fictional character. Or being a real person who also existed as a fictional character, and had somehow acquired knowledge of... Oh well. Pre-book. Mary SI. Complete, Don't Own, Oneshot.
Pride and Prejudice, K+, English, words: 7k+, favs: 374, follows: 152, 4/11/2019, Mary
78 A Bird of a Different Feather » Hrafn doesn't exactly have a destiny. Or maybe he's got two. It's hard to tell. One thing is for sure though, he's going to do things his way. Well, just as soon as he figures out what that is. Don't Own. Multiple Pairings. Genderswap. Complete.
Ever After High, T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 22, words: 89k+, favs: 188, follows: 126, updated: 4/4/2019 published: 11/9/2018
20 Selfish Isn't Evil, Exactly A slightly better articulated Raven Queen, who has a few more people in her corner from the beginning, and who is faced with figuring out just what kind of Evil Queen she will or won't be. Gen. Oneshot, Complete, Don't Own.
Ever After High, K+, English, Friendship & Drama, words: 10k+, favs: 226, follows: 87, 10/25/2018, Raven Queen
23 Who is More Foolish? The fool? The fool who leads him? The fool who follows him? The fool who tries to teach him? Includes Old!Han, implied time-travel, and Young!Obi. Also, another of my really terrible not-endings. No pairings. I don't own Star Wars. Drabble. COMPLETE.
Star Wars, K+, English, Sci-Fi, words: 603, favs: 117, follows: 49, 10/11/2018, Han S., Obi-Wan K.
167 A Woman's Touch » Obi-Wan liked to think that she was a sensible sort of Jedi. Her master's ever-perfect hair pissed her off occasionally though, and maybe she wasn't exactly conventional. King Amidala hoped that he was doing the right thing by his people. He was very conscious of his youth, and the pretty Jedi didn't help with his feeling young at all. Fem!Obi-Wan, Male!Padme. Don't own. Complete.
Star Wars, M, English, Sci-Fi, chapters: 17, words: 65k+, favs: 490, follows: 346, updated: 8/2/2018 published: 4/12/2018, Obi-Wan K., Qui-Gon J., Padmé Amidala
15 Blind Assassin There are more secret societies in Avatar than just the White Lotus... Oneshot. Do Not Own. Complete. Genfic. Also posted on my tumblr
Avatar: Last Airbender & Assassin's Creed, T, English, Suspense, words: 1k+, favs: 124, follows: 45, 6/21/2018, Zuko, Toph
113 Potter? Black? Lokison Sirius took his godsons from the wreckage, saw the mark on Harry's face, and sought a way to make the boys identical once again. Yet another take on the twin-fic trope. Heavily-implied Sirius/Loki slash. Oneshot, complete, don't own.
Harry Potter & Thor, T, English, Supernatural & Family, words: 7k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 473, 4/5/2018, Harry P., Sirius B., Loki
9 A Strange Creature Rumplestiltskin and Belle aren't quite sure what to make of each other, but Belle gets some advice - some of it bad, but some of it... Some of it good. Oneshot, complete, don't own, pre-Rumbelle.
Once Upon a Time, K+, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 86, follows: 17, 3/29/2018, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold, Belle/Lacey
18 Brand New Day A girl with thick auburn hair and a nice voice sits in front of Trent in Mr DiMartino's class. Oneshot, Complete, Don't Own.
Daria, K, English, words: 2k+, favs: 96, follows: 30, 3/22/2018, Daria M., Trent L.
36 Vergance "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Obi-Wan said. Someone decided to see to it that he could deliver. Oneshot, drabble, complete, don't own.
Star Wars, K+, English, Supernatural, words: 1k+, favs: 227, follows: 162, 3/15/2018, Obi-Wan K.
28 A Proposition A walk in the park turns into a meet-cute with a guy who just to happens to tick all of Darcy's boxes. pre-DxB, Wintershock, Oneshot, don't own, complete.
Avengers, K+, English, Romance & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 292, follows: 106, 3/8/2018, [Darcy L., Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier]
9 Gotta Be Somewhere Someone from Riddick's past shows up while they're on that planet. Drabble set in Pitch Black. Oneshot, Complete, Don't Own. Gen, but with swearing and references to sex.
Pitch Black / Riddick & X-Men: The Movie, T, English, Family & Humor, words: 433, favs: 96, follows: 45, 3/1/2018, Riddick, Logan/Wolverine
16 The Hat She broke up mobs, told people to go home and cool off, she arrested people for breaking the law, and sometimes she even got to return stolen property. Like magical, portal-creating hats. Dealing with magical disasters was Gold's shtick, not hers. Though, maybe she could convince Jefferson to teach her a thing or two about magic... Oneshot, Complete, Don't Own, Gen fic.
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Fantasy, words: 3k+, favs: 171, follows: 50, 2/22/2018, Emma S., Jefferson/Mad Hatter
7 Just a Little Off-Course Toph was determined that the Gaang were completely, totally, and irrevocably lost. Everybody else thought they were just a bit off course. They all agreed that they needed to ask for directions, but Toph also likes to be proven right - even if she would rather, just this once, that she wasn't. Drabble Oneshot. Complete. Don't Own.
One Piece & Avatar: Last Airbender, K, English, Humor, words: 391, favs: 62, follows: 37, 2/15/2018, Toph
238 The Dark One's Keeper » Belle, rather than her father, contacts the Dark One to rid her home of the ogres - and she does it years earlier. Naturally, this changes things. Them included. Eventual Rumbelle. Don't own. Complete.
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 15, words: 93k+, favs: 569, follows: 321, updated: 2/8/2018 published: 11/2/2017, [Belle/Lacey, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold]
28 Lost Uzumaki In the fall of Uzushio, the future of the hidden village is being scattered - anywhere but there - for safety. One young Uzushio citizen sets sail and finds a familiar mane of hair in unfamiliar surroundings. Oneshot. Don't Own. Complete. Gen.
Naruto & One Piece, K+, English, Adventure, words: 3k+, favs: 280, follows: 147, 10/26/2017, OC, Shanks, Gol D. Roger, S. Rayleigh
33 Yeah, No Thanks Just a conversation between Loki and Darcy. About sex. Gen. Drabble Oneshot. Complete. Jane/Thor mentioned.
Thor, T, English, words: 534, favs: 150, follows: 55, 10/19/2017, Darcy L., Loki
271 Green Eyes and Red Hair » He was a practical joker with messy black hair. She was a talented woman with bright red hair. It turned out that they both had green eyes. Their daughter, when she came, was untouchable for more reasons than one. Loki-is-James, Natasha-is-Lily, Rogue-is-Fem!Harry. Don't own. Complete.
Harry Potter & Avengers, T, English, chapters: 4, words: 26k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 10/12/2017 published: 9/21/2017, [Lily Evans P., James P.] [Black Widow/Natasha R., Loki]
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