Just In
the flame sorcerer PM
My Stories 3
garras friend oc became garres friend but leaves and cant return for awhile
Naruto, T, English, words: 1k+, 6/24
1seven deadly sins 8th sin the scorpion sin of betrayal a demon betrays his clan and joins the sins
Seven Deadly Sins/七つの大罪, T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, words: 1k+, favs: 5, follows: 5, 12/19/2019, OC, Meliodas, Elizabeth L.
1jaden the flightless angel jaden a aghel that cant fly gets fond in a ingerd state lets see how he go in the story
Kid Icarus, T, English, Fantasy & Friendship, words: 955, favs: 2, follows: 2, 9/13/2019
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