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2Firefly Origins » by zzetta13 After the war Malcolm Reynolds & Zoe begin their journey of resettling and reorganizing their lives, which ain't so easy. Jobs are scarce and work hard to come by. People are known to turn to crime before they let themselves starve. Why in the future should things be different?
T, English, Sci-Fi & Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 4k+, follows: 3, updated: 23h published: 9/1/2018
75Hide and Seek » by Lizzie Foster Malcolm Reynolds can't find the largest member of his crew, Jayne, and that makes him nervous. He's not worried about Jayne, he's worried about his boat. Eventually the reason Jayne is hiding is found out and relationships are tested.
K+, English, Drama & Humor, chapters: 22, words: 20k+, favs: 43, follows: 68, updated: 4/14 published: 7/11/2009, Jayne
1A la dérive » by Eilisande Simon a échoué. Il n'a pas réussir à sauver River et la croit morte dans sa tentative de la sauver. Désormais fugitif, recherché par l'alliance, il se contente de survivre au jour le jour. Le Firefly tombe sur lui et Mal voit un reflet de lui-même dans cet homme à qui l'Alliance a tout volé...
K+, French, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 7, words: 50k+, favs: 1, follows: 3, updated: 4/7 published: 9/20/2018, [Simon, Mal]
19Can't Take The Sky From Us » by BitterSweetTeller In late 2002, Fox cancelled Firefly. We the Browncoats held on to that show come rain or shine, and that makes us mighty. But, what if Firefly was never cancelled? Well, in the spirit of the show... Welcome to my try at keeping Serenity flying. Welcome to my Firefly episode collection. Rated Teen for strong language, at least some strong suggestive content, drama, and action.
T, English, Drama & Sci-Fi, chapters: 23, words: 234k+, favs: 17, follows: 19, updated: 3/24 published: 9/5/2017
1Unexpected Heroes by LionPr1de When the crew of Serenity is chased to the distant planet Muir, they didn't know what to expect, but it definitely wasn't to find themselves face to face with Alliance soldiers.
K+, English, Sci-Fi & Adventure, words: 1k+, 3/4
Bon Voyage by BrowncoatWhit After surviving the firefight on Deadwood, Sully is concerned about what he and the rest of the new crew may have stumbled into aboard the iJin Dui.../i
T, English, Sci-Fi, words: 8k+, 2/10, OC
Good To Go by BrowncoatWhit Hoss and Cooper prepare the iJin-Dui/i for new hire interviews
T, English, Sci-Fi & Friendship, words: 2k+, 2/10
If You Call by BrowncoatWhit Almost three years after the Battle of Serenity Valley, Hoss reunites with Cooper on Deadwood in the Blue Cluster, after she makes the big mechanic an offer he cannot refuse...
T, English, Sci-Fi & Friendship, words: 3k+, 2/10, OC
1 River Pranks Mal by NoApollonia Just River messing with people as usual, just a humorous one-shot.
K, English, words: 285, favs: 1, 2/6, Mal, Jayne, Simon, River
99 Dagger of the Mind » by Ella Greggs Pre-series. A vengeful enemy from the war forces Mal and Zoe to revisit an unpleasant past. Zoe must confront choices she made as a soldier, and Wash will have to step far outside his comfort zone if he hopes to save her. Consider it AU, if you prefer.
T, English, Drama & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 13, words: 26k+, favs: 34, follows: 14, updated: 1/25 published: 2/7/2010, [Zoe W., Wash] Mal, OC
The Sting: The Better Days Cut » by BitterSweetTeller Kaylee, Inara, River, and Zoe have been enjoying a day at the spa. But, when a very familiar face comes in with a big gorram job to offer...the day is completely turned upside down. A alternate take on the graphic novel The Sting and tie-in to a Can't Take the Sky From Us episode. Rated Teen for some strong language, at least some strong suggestive content, drama, and action.
T, English, Friendship & Crime, chapters: 8, words: 38k+, 1/22
1 Twelve Days of Christmas: In Heavenly Peace by Brightness Wordweaver Tensions arise on Serenity when an attempt at Christmas festivities brings back old memories for Mal.
K+, English, Family & Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 6, follows: 2, 12/16/2019, Mal, Inara, Zoe W., Book
4Present » by Rosaroma Simon deals with his past whilst living on Serenity.
K+, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 2, words: 1k+, 12/9/2019
3Names and Titles by Jesusrocks Short introspective as Inara contemplates the names and titles she's held over the years. After Miranda, one title means the most. / Takes place about 2 years after Serenity. Established MalxInara, but not the main focus.
K+, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, 12/9/2019, [Inara, Mal]
1Daisies by Rosaroma Just after Zoe picks Wash to save from Niska and Mal makes it back too. Fluffy Serenity time for the whole crew. Simon/Kaylee established. River shenanigans to be had.
K+, English, Romance & Humor, words: 1k+, 12/7/2019
7 A Firefly Christmas Miracle by Ultrawoman One-Shot. Post-Serenity. All the crew of Serenity want is a happy Christmas and the chance to be at peace a while. Jayne thought the worst he had to deal with was River getting moony-eyed in his direction, but returning enemies threaten to ruin more than just Christmas and even River can't be sure everyone will make it this time... (9th in the multi-fandom Christmas Miracle series)
T, English, Drama & Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 7, follows: 5, 12/1/2019, [Jayne, River] Kaylee, Simon
MUS 1 – Galaxyliner by perdixpartridge What's the story with that guy who tries to recruit Shepherd Book to his crew in Firefly?
T, English, Sci-Fi & Adventure, words: 3k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 11/10/2019
32Never alone » by Idgit313 River Tam was never the only one. Now see what happens when another of her kind finds her, who is he, and more importantly what does he want from her?
T, English, Sci-Fi & Suspense, chapters: 33, words: 116k+, favs: 32, follows: 46, updated: 11/7/2019 published: 10/5/2014, R. Tam, OC
3 Firefly: These Bloody Hands by Hawki Oneshot: When you join the Independents, turns out you're expected to know how to use a rifle. Who'd have thought?
K+, English, Sci-Fi & Friendship, words: 3k+, favs: 4, follows: 1, 11/3/2019, Mal, Zoe W., OC
3Sunlight by Out of Options The Companions run an underground railway to rescue vulnerable women. Firefly accepts a runaway but how vulnerable is she really?
T, English, Drama & Romance, words: 1k+, follows: 5, 10/25/2019
Underneath by Madman007 After a smuggling mission to a place called Ghost, the Serenity crew experience strange happenings on All Hallows Eve.
K+, English, Horror, words: 4k+, favs: 1, 10/24/2019
4 Planet of Love by Hawki Oneshot: Earth's attempt to terraform Venus and Mars ended in 2047. If humanity had a future beyond their dying world, it would have to be in the 34 Tauri star cluster.
K+, English, Sci-Fi, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 10/18/2019, OC
5Serenity 2:Back on the Path » by zzetta13 A new look at what has gone on after the BDM. Just my take on what I would like to see. A new job comes up, but is it really one that the crew of Serenity should take? There are less of them now. And even though Captain Mal thinks that getting back to work will be good for them, some jobs you just need to shy away from. Seems like there are more questions than answers.
T, English, Sci-Fi & Adventure, chapters: 6, words: 7k+, follows: 3, updated: 8/7/2019 published: 7/14/2019
3 Who would have tought » by Anakin David Set five years after the events of the Comic book "No power in the verse", a chance encounter disrupts the lives of some of Serenity's crew
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 13, words: 19k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, 7/28/2019, Mal, Inara, OC
5Firefly: Unknown » by MBP40 One Serenity crew member begins a quest for redemption. (Written by a Firefly fan for Firefly fans. Full of callbacks, easter eggs, and homages. I apologize in advance for the introduction of original characters. I will add more chapters if there is interest. This is the first I've ever written, so all advice is welcome.)
T, English, Sci-Fi & Western, chapters: 15, words: 30k+, follows: 5, updated: 7/4/2019 published: 6/25/2018
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