Dilbert was shopping thru teh drama oz was tjonking up lies bout his eye cancer bc he baby prego "omg gilbart I thunk my belly is swollen like a rock because my cancer is so gettin worse " oz was clever like a scientest and there was smoke cuming out of his bears

Gilvert was sad and so scare that he lose Oz and started researcign eye cancer on his phone. "First thing's first" he sayd "no more sex for us tonite. He put the food away, much to Oxz's dismay. "What a boner killer! It wont hurt me gil I promise!1!" but nobotdy contradics gil, so that was that. Ozzie pouted.

"Next, Vincent os goint to examine you every week to see if your eye will explode" Oz wondered where the hell Gilbert was getting this info bc it sounded like bullshit to him, but he didn't sy nothig else be get caugth about eyes.

Gilbert smized. "And mist importantly, you need lots of rest!" He tucked Oz in and started reading him his favorite bedtime story, The Littlest Shark That Could, about a tiny shark with a big heart and lots of teeth to bite. Just then, Reim wakled in. "Dinner service-"

"I SAID LOTS OF REST" GFilert bansheed. Reim left the food and cart there and ranned off.

So meanwhale Elliot was a nocking on Ada's door he was dressed his best suitty suit

Ada opened tha door and was like heelo lol but looked at him like he had no nose or somethan and then he realised he forget a glove "I'm not mikey jackson so we can bang" he used a pick up line

but Lil did he know ada was a domenatrix. She was dressed in a leather bikini with tassels on her nipples and there was a crotch hole. She had a whip and gas mask on. "Um thats 300 an hour and I dont think u can affort dat" she said.

"OMG you are so rude" Elliot grrred "Anyways that's not why I'm here. I'm here because yur retarded brother is being a homo and lying to everyone."
"Well that s kinda this thing, I think he geets off to it or smthing idk" she said. "Whats he doing now?"

"He telling everyone he has eye cancer, but I know he's a fake! He even killed Sharon just so he won't caught!" Elliot was tearing up at the thought, Sharon was his BFF and Leo and XZo and everyine was being so insentitive! "And now he's faking a pregnant just to keep Gilbert under his thumbleina"

"Wtf does Gilbert not know boys cant be pregnant?" Ada loled. "Okay well I'll hel you stop him… but I need a fuge gavor from you first."

"OK wat is it" smelliot asked her

Ada was is like "well u have to kill Emily in the like most crayola way everl!

Elliot wasnt sure what that meant but damn it, he was gonna try. "Ok but I need some supplies." Ada gave him $200 and off he went to the store to buy his supplues: trash bags, rubbler gloves, lint rollers, luminol, masking take nd sleeping pills. He pocketed the rest and planned his revenge..,.,