It was a hot summary day and everone was swatting real bad. "I can't take this heat!" shouted Gilbert, he was so miserable in his black clothes. "Just take them off" said Break. "No I don't want you looking at me, perv" Gil was very unconsious about hsi body. "Its not like I can see!" Brek was blined afterall. But Gil was stubborn and didnt want too. "Wall we should do someting to cool off," he thought of an idea... "I know! Lets go swamming!" Errone agree and they all pack up the things they need for the pool and drove off.

When they got to the pool, they let Alice off her haltie and they all jumped in exept Emily. She didn't want to becuz she was a doll and would get vary soaked and could drown so she just sat in Gillies hat instead. "C'mon emily it not so bad. Aren't you hot?" Break pleaded, he really wanted to see her in her swimmie suit. "Ya nd if you are scared of downing you can just ride on Gil!" Oz preassured her. "Just don't get caught in the seaweed" Alice said, that stuff was sticky and hard to remove off doll clothes. Everyone is confused now because they are in a pool! But Alice wans't stupied, because there really was seepwaed in Gilbert's hair!

"wtf" Elliot sed "this is pool not ocean" "No if it were teh ocean there wood be sharks" Gilbert smarted, "and th e only shark here is this inflateable shark toy here. It's my favorite toy!" "Ya ya we knoe Galbert stfu about sharks." Elliot was sick of sharks, Gilbert loved sharfs and since last week was Shark Week Gilbert woundn't go to fucging bed and was really annoying. Giblert took tha seedweed, "I will maek sushi lunch with this later!" and then let Emily ride on his back and wrent udner water. Sharon scrammed. "THERE IS A SHARK!" Gil had told her that sharks could come get her if she bleedi n the water so she was scarred. "No Sharon that's just Gil's floaties" Break laffed. So she clamed down a bit, "Buit be careful of bandaids gays, Uncle Oscar seid you can catch rabiex and stuff from it." "Omg Sharon just let us swim okay jfc?" Break was getting pissed, just because she was on her pariod don't mean they can't have fun!

L8trr on that night, Gil woke up and herd Oz thowing up. "omg my bf isd sick!" "I touched a bandaid Gil. I think I got rabiex or soemting." "Omg arf you sure? Mabbey it just the sushi?" He didn't wnant his lover to be sick, he was scared he wood die. "No, I threw tat up hours ago. It sokay, I just go back ti bed." Gil started to cry, "Nooooooo. Oz pls lat me halp you." An idear poppes in his head. "Will if you insist... I suppose you can make me grill cheeses." So gil got up and make grill cheeses for Oz. It woke up Leo who was like "Wtf Gil we are slapping. Don't tell me another SHarkwweek marathon is on?" "no, this is for Ozzie cause he sick. I think we all shod halp him feel better!" Leo nodded, he was worreid about his frand too now that he knew. "Tomroow I will buy lots of meds and shit for him and do my bets, but farst I must sleep." He went back to bed with Elliot. Gill fed Oz his sammich and then watched animey all night with him to make him feel better. But little did thay know that Oz was plotting something...