After watching the Naruto movie...I noticed I needed to change some things in my story.

Of course, I know I didn't have to go back in and change them (it's a fanfic ffs) BUT it just didn't sit right with me. I wanted this story to be as close to cannon as humanly possible! So yeah, I completely scraped my original idea and switched it up a bit.


Let's put it this way: The war was in June (idk if it really was but for this fic it will be in June) so that would mean, during the war, Sasuke & Hinata are 17. Hanabi is 14 (bday in March). In the first scene in this fic, Sasuke is 18 (his bday is July) & Hinata is still 17. The second scene is April of the next year, meaning Hanabi just turned 15 and Hinata is now 18.

The next chapter is two years (and 4 months) after the war so it's October and Hinata is 19 and Sasuke is 20.

This is important for the timeline of things so please read:

Each page break indicates a "time jump" in this chapter. I also write in the time that has passed but just to be very clear:
First scene- three months after the war.
Second scene - ten months after the war.

Disclaimer: I do not own NARUTO.


Chapter One


His piercing crimson eye zeroed in on his target as she cluelessly waltzed past him. The spinning of the infamous Sharingan shifted the atmosphere of the night only slightly, while the dull purple of his new Rinnegan lay hidden behind his hair.

Long dark locks rolled behind his target, kissing the wind in her wake. Her graceful movements and light steps reminded the lonely boy of a careful dancer, yet her smallest finger could bring death upon the largest man in the world. He supposed that she was a lethal kind of beauty. The kind to drive a man to insanity if she hadn't killed him by then.

The war had been over for three months now, and yet the village was slowly coming back to it's glory. He nearly scoffed, although had to keep up his cover. It wouldn't be good if the Byakugan princess caught him watching her walk home.

He felt a presence coming from the alley across from the one he was currently residing in. The chakra felt familiar in a sense, but he was positive he hadn't encountered this person in his life before.

Daringly, Uchiha Sasuke stepped from the inky shadows, regal features as cold as ice and eyes narrowed.

The other person stepped out of the shadows from across the street. Unnerving eyes of the Hyūga Clan stared back at his, and the old women merely smiled at him. She couldn't be more than sixty or even seventy.

A thin brow raised, although his guard was up, ever a reminder. What was an old hag doing out at this hour? Hinata slipped out from his view, rounding a corner that lead directly into the Hyūga district. The old lady's calculating eyes scanned him from head to toe, her expression giving away none of her thoughts. She must've caught him staring at one of her main house members. Obviously, she was also from the main house as well, if the unmarred forehead was anything to go by.

"I see you've taking a liking to my granddaughter."

Hyūga Akemi diligently looked for any reaction out of the ex-avenger. There was a slight twitch in his jaw, but that was it. It's alright, she thought to herself, it's enough. Her eyes brightened. For the last few weeks, she had personally watched the Uchiha almost stalk her oldest granddaughter. It took her awhile to figure out how to use it to her advantage, and soon, she would have a plan of action to make sure this would work in the Hyūga clan's best interest.

"She is of marrying age now. Perhaps you're thinking of reviving the Uchiha Clan? She would make a fine matriarch."

His color contrasting eyes narrowed dangerously on the Hyūga. A sense of fear washed over her, but she quietly pushed it to the side. "Soon, the council will marry her off to the most influential Lord in the Land of Fire...Maybe even beyond. If one of the heroes of the Fourth War were interested in our hime, however, then the Hyūga council will be foolish to deny his request in matrimony. Don't you agree, Uchiha-san?"

"Meddling in other's business could get you killed, old woman."

She hadn't realized he was gone until the threatening atmosphere disappeared with a strong gush of unnatural wind.

The faint rustle of the thick curtains and humming birds caused pearl colored eyes to crack open just a bit. The beholder of said eyes yawned and stretched, arms above her head before sighing and rolling to get out of bed. Walking across the wooden floor towards her bathroom, the eighteen year old Hyūga ran a hand threw her tangled mane of hair as it fell in knots down her back.

As she got ready for her day, she counted how long it's been. Ten months, a week and three days since the war had been over. Putting her toothbrush back, Hinata undressed and got in the shower for a much needed wash. Ever since Neji's death, the nightmares haunted her every dream. He always looked so peaceful as she held him in his last few minutes, and he died on Naruto's shoulder every time. Almost every night, she woke up sobbing. His face was burned into her memory, making it impossible to sleep after that.

Sighing, she let her thoughts go for now and focused on drying her body before throwing her clothes on. After drying her hair, she brushed it out, the locks falling all the way down her back. Idly, she fingered a piece of hair between her fingers, wondering if her mother would've liked how much she looked like her. When she was twelve, Neji had convinced her to grow it out, and she hadn't had the heart to cut it since his passing. Rubbing her eyes with the heel of her wrist, a knock broke her thoughts.

"Come in," she called, her voice matured but it still had a smooth ring to it.

Hyūga Hanabi strolled gracefully in and closed the door behind her. Hinata glanced up to see her baby sister, four years her junior, and offered her a smile, which was instantly returned. She looked like a female version of their father, much to his delight. Chestnut brown hair that was bluntly cut just below her shoulder blades, having grown since the war. A few stray long locks fell in her lilac eyes before pale fingers brushed them away. She had a skinny, slender body, which Hinata would chose over her own curvier figure any day. Bigger assets were helpful for seduction missions, but Hyūga females didn't go on those kinds of missions, so they were hindering Hinata in fights and spars. Hanabi had their father's sharp features, but her long eyelashes and full lips were something their father lacked. That trait was from their late mother.

"Good morning, Onee-chan." Hanabi leaned against the door and observed her sister as she sat on her vanity.

Hinata smiled. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" The two sisters only used the affectionate terms if their father or the clan elders weren't around to hear.

The younger nodded, a slight hum in her throat. "Yes. How about you?" She already knew the answer, but it was still polite to ask.

Remembering the nightmares from the night before, Hinata shook her head. "The same. Is there something you need?" Standing from her vanity, she made sure she had every thing with her before looking back up.

"Yes. Otou-sama wants to see us, in his office. He has important news for the both of us." With that being said, she opened the door and lead the way down the hall.

Not one to ask too many questions, Hinata followed her sister, noticing that she was getting taller. Then again, she was newly fifteen years old. She grew a lot faster than her older sister. Hinata had one, small, growth spurt and it was only a few inches. They walked silently through the maze of the halls before Hanabi knocked. After a moment of silence, they were granted entrance. Both sisters bowed before sitting down on the two mats next to each other.

Hyūga Hiashi never showed his emotions, unless they were anger or disappointment, openly. But, it didn't take a dōjutsu to see that their usually composed father was stressing over something. His body, draped in dark robes, was tense and uneasy. The sisters waited for him to say anything, but the room was eerily silent for another minute. Worry and dread crept in their bodies before he finally glanced at his daughters.

"Hinata." Said daughter sat up a little straighter, eyes more focused as she was addressed. "You haven't been my heir for years. The elders have forced my hand in this matter, though I would rather have left it up to you. And although you are a main house member, the second main house heir becomes the branch house heir. That comes as no surprise." His jaw clenched and suddenly, he wasn't looking at her but, somewhere far away. "Neji left no heir to the branch, and the elders ruled that you will take his place."

Two pairs of lilac eyes widened upon hearing the implication of his words. Hanabi glanced nervously at her sister. Hinata had told her, multiple times, that the title of Head belonged solely to Neji and Hanabi. Hinata wanted nothing to do with running the clan. She acknowledged that she was too nice and generous. She lacked the leadership and confidence to run a clan. Though, it hadn't occurred to them that the elders wanted to demote her from the main house to the branch. That would mean she would have to be sealed. By the empty look overtaking her older sister's eyes, Hanabi saw that she understood that last fact too.

Before Hanabi got to say anything to their father, he added, "I do not want to see you be given that fate. I've been looking through the laws of our clan, and there is two ways to get off a situation like this."

Hinata's fist tightened, her face now looked determined.

Seeing as both were going to remain silent and wait for him to continue, he did. "One, death." Both sisters tensed up. That was an obvious no. "Two, marry into another clan, with the approval of the council. Since the first option is out of the question, the second is your only chance."

Hinata nearly choked on her own saliva. Marriage? She was only eighteen! Granted, most traditional clans married their heirs in arranged marriages at their third birthday, the Hyūga had outlawed that well before her father's birth. Besides that, there were only a few clans that the Hyūga would deem acceptable of their genes.

She already knew how the elder's felt of her teammate's clans, and although there was respect in those feelings, there was also the feeling of being superior. Ever since that incident with Kiba and Shino breaking into the main house to sneak her out, she was positive they did not see them in the most flattering of lights. The elder's would not accept the Aburame or Inuzuka. On top of that, Kiba was smitten with that one girl, Tamaki? There were only two other males she was comfortable enough to get married to; and Shikamaru was already involved with that Sand kunochi and Choji was currently dating that loud redhead from the Cloud Village. The only other noble ninja clan that she could think of was the Uchiha, and they were long since gone, except for Sasuke.

She really didn't want to entertain the thought of being an Uchiha. Not that there was anything wrong with them, but she didn't know how well that would go with the council. A main house member being married to Konoha's traitor? Was he even considered a traitor, since he played a huge role in stopping and putting an end to the Fourth Shinobi War? The world saw him and Naruto as heroes.

Hiashi watched as his daughter struggled to think and process everything. She seemed to come to a terrifying realization. With a sigh, he handed her a paper with a list of surnames that were separated by village, "This is the council's list of approved clans." He stopped her thinking at that moment, "They are giving you until your twenty-first birthday to find a suitor. Less than a year and a half. If not, you will be branded and forced to the branch house. Both of you are dismissed."

They hastily stood, bowing quickly before turning out of the room.

Hiashi's voice stopped their feet dead in their tracks. "I am sorry, Hinata." For the first time in their lives, his voice sounded sincere.

With a barely audible sigh, she nodded, not feeling up to it to turn around. "I am sorry, for not being a stronger heir, father."

She brushed past her sister gracefully before walking down the hall. Hanabi worriedly followed.

For the next couple of minutes, their father sat quietly in his study. He heard shuffling around where his daughters' rooms where before there was the distinct sound of his oldest's graceful sprint. Her feet only lightly tapped on the wooden surface, something her brash younger sister couldn't replicate as she stormed after her and out of the compound all together.

Aging gray eyes turned to the right, to gaze at a picture of a long-haired young women, her large eyes closed and her lips in a full smile with pearly white teeth showing through. What would his late wife say if she were here to deal with this predicament with him? She would probably be furious with the council, if he were being honest with himself. He let his lips curl upwards at the thought.

His smile fell when the situation weighed heavily on his mind once more.

Forcing his eldest to either to be sealed or marry was not something he ever thought he'd have to go through. Fist gripping the handle of one of the mahogany drawers, Hiashi's teeth clenched. Kiyoshi was probably turning in her grave at the moment.

That damn council. They had to have been planning this for months, possibly just after the war ended. Those selfish bastards. He remembered back to the meeting he was in a day ago.

"Of course, Hinata-sama may be disqualified from the Head of Branch by marriage, as our old law states."

"Yes, she may. However, to a clan who is of our caliber. Not to those mutts or that damn Aburame Clan. Need I remind you of their rule-breaking tendencies. Bunch of hoodlums."

Hiashi's jaw clenched. Why did they sound so well versed in their speaking? It was incredibly suspicious.

His mother spoke up, her sharp eyes narrowing on his identical eyes. "Someone like Uchiha Sasuke."

At that, his brow raised as high as the heavens. The last Uchiha? She couldn't possibly be serious. He had to put a stop to this nonsense, "Hinata's well-being will also have to be considered in this as well. She will have the right to pick her own husband. He is far too mentally unstable for her. She needs someone who is worthy of her loyalty."

Her cold eyes wrinkled, "Who else would be more worthy if not the savior of the world?"

"Have you forgotten Uzumaki Naruto, whom also saved us all and who holds Hinata's affections?" He snapped back at her. One had to be truly blind as to not see the crush his daughter had on the jinchūriki had followed them into adulthood as well.

She waved an aged hand to him, "The Uchiha would be an ideal husband to Hinata. His genes are far more superior than Uzumaki Naruto's. We have to also think of our clan's legacy."

Finally understanding her general line of thinking, Hiashi breathed out of his nose in annoyance, "You will not force her hand in this matter. She is free to marry whomever she sees fit. That will be the end of this discussion."

He should've known his cunning mother would be behind something as low as this. She had tried to do the same thing to him when he was of age. His father, the Head of the Clan at the time, was not swayed by her words however, and denied the idea just as quickly as it formed. She left it alone for another year before trying once more, pushing different girls with influential fathers at him left and right. He had pushed them all aside for Kiyoshi, a servant for the Hyūga. To say the least, his mother was positively livid when she found out, and refused to talk to him until Hinata's birth, six years later.

But, to go as far as to suggest the Uchiha when Hinata's affections were so obviously with Uzumaki Naruto? If Hinata married Naruto, Hiashi would be happy for her, and so would the rest of the clan, but the way his mother suggested the Uchiha over him was suspicious. There was something deeper to this, hidden under all of the deception his mother was so well known for. There was something she knew that no one else did. Whatever it was, he was going to find out.

An hour had passed until Hanabi returned back into the compound. As a servant was walking down the corridor, he ordered her to send his heiress to the study.

Sitting in front of her father for a second time that morning, the normally regal fifteen year old sat with a stone-hard face and tense shoulders. She was understandably upset, not necessarily with him, but nonetheless. He couldn't say he blamed her; he was a bit upset with himself as well.

"Hanabi, I have an assignment for you. You are to tell no one of this, especially your sister or the council."