"Sage Haruno." I walked into the Hokage's office and bowed to him.


"I have a request of you. I want you to go with Kakashi and Team 7. They will be going to a small village to protect a bridge builder. I want you to report back to me everything you see." he told me. I bowed my head and walked out to get ready. My normal missions were a lot different than what was just given but I would follow orders. My hand wondered up to a locket I wore with a picture of my husband and children. When I arrived home I started packing my bag. It was a simple C rank mission, but why would they send me with them if they believed him?

"Mama? Are you going on a mission?" I looked down to see my daughter, Mizukii. Her black straight hair was getting in her green eyes.

"Yes, I'm going to go with Aunt Sakura and her team." I told her as my son, Nicolas, came in.

"Are you going to visit daddy?" I paused in my packing and looked at my children. They were twins and my husband never got to know them. No one outside my husband and myself knew we had married. Things would be a lot different now if they had.

"No, I'm not going to visit daddy." I finished my packing and closed my bag. I knelt down to my 5-year-old's level. "I'm going to be gone for a while so Grandma's going to take care of you, be good. okay?" They both nodded to me with smiles and together we walked out of my room and our house. I locked up and walked to my mother's house. I knocked on the door and she quickly answered the door. My father died long ago on a mission for the Hokage so it was just the five of us left.

"Sage, come in." She said with a smile on her face.

"I don't have time, would you mind watching them? I have to be leaving soon." She nodded her head, her smile dropping as she welcomed her grandchildren in. "Thank you."

"Be careful. I love you." I hugged her tightly.

"Love you." I bent down to Mizu and Nic's level. "Behave for Grandma, okay? Do what she says and take care of each other. I love you and I'll see you three as soon as I get back." I hugged them both tightly before kissing them each on the cheek. I smiled at all of them and turned and left towards the gate.

"Let's go!" I heard as I arrived at the gate. I looked to see Naruto looking at Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi and the client.

"What are you so excited about?" Sakura asked.

"Cause, I've never left the village before." he said excitedly, looking everywhere.

"Hey! Am I really going to be safe with this brat?" the client asked Kakashi.

"Hehe... Well, I am a Jounin, don't worry."

"And I'm an Anbu. My name's Sage Haruno and I'm going with you." I shook the clients hand with a small smile.


"Sage? Why are you coming with us?" Sakura asked me.

"Hokage's orders." I simply said.

"Hey, old man! Don't mess with Ninjas! I'm incredible!" Naruto yelled at the client. "One day I will take on the super elite ninja title Hokage! My name is Naruto Izumaki! Remember it!"

"Hokage is the village's #1 ninja, right? I doubt someone like you could become it..." the client told him.

"Shut up! I am prepared to do anything to become Hokage! Once I become Hokage you will acknowledge me!" the client simply took a drink from his bottle.

"No I won't, you brat. Even if you did become Hokage." Naruto's anger grew quickly. Kakashi grabbed a hold of Naruto's pack before he could attack the man.


"I said stop, moron." Kakashi said. When Naruto calmed down we started on our way in silence. I watched the trees carefully. Someone was following us.

"Umm... Tazuna?"


"You're from the Wave Country, right?" Sakura asked.

"What about it?"

"Umm.. Kakashi-sensei? Sage?" I looked at Sakura.

"Do they have ninjas in that country too?" I smiled at her. She always wanted to learn something to help people.

"No, not in the Wave Country. But, in most other countries, the culture and customs may be different, but hidden villages exist, and so do ninjas. To the many countries of the continent, the existence of a Shinobi Village means military power. This is how they hold and maintain advantages over each other. But, it's not that the Villages rule the countries, they merely stand equally with the country's government. A small island country like the Wave Country doesn't receive much interference from the larger countries and may not need a Shinobi Village. Within the many Shinobi Villages, Leaf, Mist, Cloud, Sand, and Stone are large and powerful and thus are referred to as The Great Five Shinobi Countries. And, these are the only countries whose leader receives the name "Kage." The "Five Kages", Hokage, Mizukage, Raikage, Kazekage, and Tsuchikage, they reign over the thousands of ninjas in the world." I explained to her.

"Wow! The Hokage is the best!" I raised my eyebrow at her statement.

"You guys just doubted the Hokage, didn't you?" Kakashi asked them. "But don't worry, there won't be any ninja combat in a C-ranked mission.

"Then, we won't come in contact with foreign ninja's?" Sakura asked.

"Of course not! Hahahaha!" Kakashi told them laughing as we walked by a water puddle. I walked closer to Kakashi and we slowed as we spoke quietly. I hadn't rained in many days and was very hot. I sensed other enemies behind me and made a clone then jumped into the trees while they attacked. I watched as the clones of Kakashi and I were wrapped up in chains by two ninja.

"What?!" the Kakashi cloned said in surprise while my clone struggled slightly. The other four turned around quickly.


"What's this?!" Naruto asked. The enemy ninja pulled on the chain holding the clones.

"Two down." The clones were torn into small pieces. Sakura and Naruto screamed.

"Kakashi-sensei! Sage!" The ninja appeared behind Naruto.

"Three down."