Title: Wicked Purse of the East

Summary: Selva Chopper was wicked. She was wicked, and she was cruel, and while it is albeit a very cheap way of getting accessories, turning people into purses and shoes and hats and boxes for those hats and other such things is really no way to make friends.

Word Count: 507

Characters: Selva Chopper. Mentions of Emma, Agha, Scarecrow, hercilia, and Warrick.

Notes: This royally sucks ass. I just felt obligated to help fill up this awesomecomics ff page so wrote this crap. Also why did Selva stay a purse so long. That was what this was supposed to be exploring. Ha.

Selva Chopper was wicked.

She was wicked, and she was cruel, and while it is albeit a very cheap way of getting accessories, turning people into purses and shoes and hats and boxes for those hats and other such things is really no way to make friends. Or get the reputation of good.

So of course, it's just perfectly ironic when she herself is turned into a purse. By a Dorothy, nonetheless. It is the Dorothy's job to defeat the wicked, after all, but that wasn't really why she hated Dorothy's. It was probably because her brother was lost to her through the death of a Dorothy, but that's quite a long story and we're focusing on Selva, anyway.

Selva, who was now a purse.

It was undoubtedly quite humiliating. And uncomfortable. And honestly, she would have turned herself right back into a person if it wasn't for the poppy-zombie Anlise. Who the Dorothy proceeded to save her from. Oh well. Selva had said she disliked Dorothy's. Not that they weren't ever useful. Even this confusing one. Who by all character traits should have handed her right over the secretly-wicked good witch. But anyway. Once again, getting off track.

And then, after that whole ordeal, she really just couldn't be bothered. Or actually, if she was being honest, she wanted to see what was going to happen. Because this Dorothy was odd – yes, even more odd than being a purse – plus the annoying munchkin had hitched along. And Hercilia. Did she forget to mention that? Honestly, being a purse really scramble's one's brains. Anyway. Hercilia the footwear.

Her resolve to remain a purse hardened even more when the Dorothy saved her Uncle (yes, yes, saved. Once again. This Dorothy was doing nothing to help keep Selva's bad image of them. Selva, who was actually quite surprised. For a second time. In one day. By a Dorothy. God, what was happening to her? Beyond being a purse, of course.)

And then her brother had to drop in. (Literally. Or at least from what she could tell.
Because, obviously, being a purse she didn't have eyes…but wait, she could hear? Never mind, thinking too much about it would surely result in nothing but a headache…purse ache…whatever). Making for a real swell family reunion. The heartless, the previously-brainless, and the body-less. Fun.

And now, of course she couldn't turn back into a person. She was supposed to be avoiding her brother, and she imagined that avoiding him in purse form was better than not avoiding him in person form.

So she'd just wait it out (oh yes, perfect plan, wait it out, wait it out, wait it out, that seemed to be all she was doing).

Hopefully there would be some point when she could discreetly turn back into a person and hightail it out of this merry band of people she wished to avoid (huh. That sounded better in her head. Or what was left of her head. Honestly, this whole purse thing was starting to royally confuse her.)