Author: *cough* Yes, I still live and write this from time to time.

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me.

Chapter 11

Dais was amused to discover that Hardrock hated mornings just as much as he did. The young man was basically non-verbal until he had his first 'coffee,' and Dais was happy to stay out of his way, silently watching. Hardrock was apparently wise enough to not comment on Dais' bed-hair, which was particularly bad given that his 'bed' had been a sofa. Either that, or he was pointedly ignoring Dais' presence. Either way, the morning went suspiciously well.

Once Hardrock was gone, Dais was left to his own devices. The Ronin hadn't explicitly forbidden him from going anywhere or doing anything, which meant that he had free reign to figure out how to use the electronics; of course, it also meant that he could dig deeper into the Ronin's life than Hardrock probably wanted. Still, if Dais left everything as he had found it, how would the young man know?

He didn't want to use the phone, mostly out of suspicion that his activity would somehow be traceable. That didn't stop him from examining it, although he couldn't quite understand the symbols.

Probably some kind of foreign script, he thought as he returned it to the position he found it in. I have a feeling I'm going to need to learn more about foreign societies and countries than I would like.

He mapped out the placement of everything in Hardrock's apartment, and decided that where he was temporarily living either wasn't large enough or high-end enough to have its own washing machine, dryer, or dishwashing machine, which were all modern conveniences that Dais cared for, based on his reading.

Still, he was happy with the in-unit bathroom. He'd just have to eventually explore the surrounding area for the washing machine and dryer…if he ever managed to get clothes of his own.

Dais tugged at the T-shirt hem and sighed.

Although that will require traveling outside and converting my gold into modern money. I'm sure I can…convince…either the Ronin, that woman, or both to assist me.

Dais rifled through the cabinets, examining the spices, herbs, and dry foods. He recognized enough that he felt he would be able to make himself something,if necessary. A check of the refrigerator (he was pretty sure that was what it was called) showed more food, and of different variety than Dais was entirely familiar with. He put everything back how he found it, then turned his attention to the living area.

If he was going to be spending any amount of time anywhere, he needed to know how people could infiltrate it and how to prevent that from happening. Thankfully, there weren't too many points of exit/entrance. He played with the locks and latches on the doors and windows, figured out how difficult or easy it was to open them, and where they opened onto.

I suppose the question now is how to secure them properly, Dais mused. Putting an alarm on them is pointless, since if they are already this close, there is no preparing. There are also too many people passing around to set it out further.

As Dais pondered how he could possibly work out something, he meandered into Hardrock's room.

It was cleaner than he expected.

Pictures of friends and family were the main decorations, although there were also trophies and certificates of skill and schooling. Leisurely perusing Hardrock's room gave him more insight than talking to him ever had, as a man's possessions and how he displayed them said something of his state of mind and personality. That Hardrock favored the color orange was slightly obnoxious, but the man himself was slightly obnoxious, so it was fitting.

He walked out of Hardrock's room and went back to the living room. After some confusion and frustration, he figured out how to turn on the TV, and pressed buttons on the remote until he found a channel that reported the news.

He listened to the domestic news, then fiddled until he found an international news station. That was spoken in a language Dais had never heard before, and the writing on the screen was completely foreign, so he switched back to the national news. The language was slightly more formal, so it was easier to understand, although it was modern enough to force his brain to work, which was good practice. The news eventually began repeating itself, so he turned to the international news station again. He knew he wouldn't be able to understand that language itself at all, but pictures were at least vaguely universal.

The problem of how to secure the apartment still plagued Dais, and he wasn't able to relax until he had figured out how to prevent forced entry via the windows; he wasn't sure how he would manage the doors when Hardrock was living with him. Illusions weren't an option, since he would likely be caught every time.

Unless he learns how to see through them, Dais thought. I don't like training an enemy to defeat my particular specialty, but I prefer being safe, and he will never be able to see through my illusions when at my full power once I retrieve my armor. Very well. I suppose I will have to start helping him see past my minor illusions so that he'll be able to not get caught when another would be fooled. Well, no time like the present to start training him.

Dais opened the door enough to look at the front, then placed an illusion on it so it looked like the lock and door handle were on the opposite side.

That should not be too difficult, Dais decided. And if it is, well...I know that I have my work cut out for me.

Dais stood and looked around the apartment for a long moment before sighing. I suppose I can use the news to try to figure out where the strikes have been, just so I have at least a starting point when discussing strategy with the Ronin.

In his exploration of the small abode, Dais managed to dredge up a world map, although it was dusty and creased. It was nonetheless serviceable, and he spread it out on the coffee table.

Dais paid as close attention as he could to the Japanese news for knowledge of were Crusader strikes had been in Japan, and marked off all the points with a marker he had found. Once he was sure he had a passing understanding of the attacks, he turned to the international news station. Videos and pictures were of some help, but he wished he could understand what was being said as well for context, as he didn't doubt that he was missing important information.

Dais grimaced in frustration. So little to go off of, he grumbled internally. And if I want to go out into the world, I need a little more than borrowed clothing. I can't speak modern Japanese, however, and it is much harder to trick people with what little power I have now. I have my gold, but the monetary systems are no longer the same—they'd have to be sold and converted into modern money.

He felt helpless, and he hated it.

I'm at least literate in modern Japanese, he thought and found a pad of paper and a writing device. It will take longer, but I may be able to communicate with Hardrock enough to stay in touch with that woman. Damn, I should have asked for her—what's the word?—phone number. I would not have to involve the Ronin that way. That may be the next step. All the Ronin seem to trust her implicitly, and she is by far the most intelligent among them.

Dais was pleased when Hardrock returned with Mia, although the turn of luck made him cautious. Good luck in the present meant bad luck in the future. Hearing Hardrock struggle a little with Dais illusory lock was oddly gratifying, although he didn't seem to blame it on Dais.

"What the hell is that?" Hardrock muttered as he caught sight of the map on the coffee table.

"What is the map for?" Mia asked Dais directly.

"It is meant to assist in decoding the Crusaders' movements in the Human world," Dais said. "Mia—that is your name, correct?—I need you to tell me everything you know. I cannot help if the exchange of information is not mutual."

Mia looked between Dais and the map, then said, "I'm sorry I didn't offer sooner. You just know so much and we know so little, that I may have gotten carried away."

Dais shrugged. "We both know different things. Tell me of the Crusaders' movements here. Where have they struck? How were they rebuffed, if at all? How did various governments respond to them? What forces were part of the offensive? Their strikes cannot be random."

Mia's eyebrows had slowly crept upward, whether in surprise or some other emotion, Dais didn't bother to interpret.

"You're asking for quite a lot, you know," she told him.

"Without that information, what do you expect me to do? If you truly want to defeat the Crusaders, knowing who they are is only the beginning."

"You have a point," Mia said after a moment.

"Of course I do," Dais drawled. "So, shall we coordinate?"

Mia stared at him for a long moment before nodding, the motion decisive. "Fine. As a compromise, you'll have to learn how to speak modern Japanese. It will be easier to communicate and coordinate that way."

"Then give me resources to learn the language that this foreign news channel is using as well."

Mia frowned and looked at the TV that was still playing in the background. "English? You want to learn English?" she asked, incredulous.

"The more you know the less often you can be taken by surprise," Dais said.

That earned him a small, wry smile. "I'll see what I resources I can find for you."

"Good. Now, tell me. Is my understanding of at least the Japanese strike points correct?"

Mia looked at the map, then gave him an accusatory look. "You're literate in modern Japanese."

"Am I correct or not?"

She stared at Dais, who merely waited. He'd had 400 years to learn patience. A human woman would never be able to outlast him.

"I suppose the symbols haven't changed that much and that it would be a puzzle to solve," Mia eventually said, once the conversation lagged for too long. "Yes, you're correct."

"Good. Now, tell me what I need to know so we can send the Crusaders retreating. Please."

Mia smiled faintly at Dais' attempt at civility and said, "Very well."

Mia took a seat on the couch next to Dais. "I work for the United Nations, so I know more than most. I'd normally ask you to not tell anyone, but I don't think you'd tell if you could."

"I understand the need for secrecy and confidentiality," Dais said.

"Where to start…" Mia murmured in modern Japanese. "Well, might as well go in depth with the Japanese attacks. This country has been the focal point of most of the attacks, after all."

She looked expectantly at Dais, who waited. He was too smart to be fooled that easily.

"Do you have any information to provide or not? This 'United Nations' sounds important," Dais said, his voice bland.

"I do," Mia affirmed, this time in archaic Japanese. "Japan has been the focal point of most of the attacks, although there have been other sorties throughout the world. Not all of them are similar to the Dynasty's usual methods, however. My hypothesis is that when the Netherworld attempted to merge with the Human world, it thinned the barrier separating the two."

Dais nodded slightly. "I think so as well. Will you be telling me about these other conflicts as well, or will we be focusing on Japan?"

"Japan for now. There are only a few other spots that have any kind of unusually high supernatural activity."

Dais gestured to the map. "If you would."

"Tokyo has seen the majority of the attacks, but that makes sense—it is the most populace city in Japan. There have been other conflicts in Yokohama, Osaka, Kyoto, and Nagoya, too, but those are much rarer. It's amazing that people still come to Tokyo at all. Then again, the attacks are spaced out enough that there is probably the selective memory loss of 'It hasn't happened in a while, maybe it won't ever happen again.'"

Dais rolled his eye. It was a very human sentiment and one of the primary reasons why the Dynasty had been so successful.

"What was government's reaction?" Dais inquired. "Did they send troops? If so, how many? What kind? What did the Crusaders and Army do in response?"

"The first time, the government did respond, not much unlike when the Dynasty first attempted to take over. However, as the world has a slightly better understanding of alternate dimensions from my testimony, the response was slightly more appropriate."

"In that they didn't go charging in with, what's the phrase, guns blazing?"

Mia chuckled. "Not quite."

As they discussed the presence of the Crusaders and Knights in the human world, Dais was careful to play stupid through the few times that Mia attempted to catch him up on his understanding of modern Japanese; Mia was less than opaque with her frustration.

Once Dais had a full understanding of what the Crusaders had wrought, he looked at Mia and thought: If we had killed her, the Dynasty would be ruling the Human World.

Mia said a phrase in a language Dais didn't understand, so he waited for her to translate.

"I was asking what you were thinking," Mia said.

"I do not have to explain myself to you," Dais said.

Mia frowned. "What exactly do you plan on doing with all this information?"

Dais traced his fingers across lines of the map, then said, "As I said yesterday—predict the Crusader's movements and defeat them."

"And you think you can do that with only what I've shared?"

"Have faith in my desire for vengeance."

Mia's expression faltered slightly before she nodded. "Very well."

Dais looked back at the map.

It likely won't take long for Talpa to strong-arm them into invading the Human World more aggressively. The Knights were more occupied with the Dynasty, as we were the more pressing concern. Now that I am gone, that will change. I wonder…how they will react to both this world and the Ronin.

"He's a bit of a dick, isn't he?" Hardrock commented.

"He's not that different from some of the politicians I've come across," Mia said as she stood and walked over to Hardrock, leaving Dais alone. "He does lack some of their tact, but I suppose that comes from spending time in the Dynasty. It seems to sap politeness from anyone who lives there."

I suppose I have to remember some social niceties in order to maneuver in this world, he thought and turned a yen he had been using to demarcate one of the attack points in his fingers. I am no longer in a position of power, at least for now. Doable, if annoying.

"I think he's more than who he says he is," Mia told Hardrock, which caught Dais' attention.

"Oh, yeah? Like, what? Think he's actually one of the Warlords or somethin'?"

"Maybe not that," Mia said. "He seems too…smart to be a Warlord."

Her statement stung, but he'd been called much worse than stupid.

There has to be a pattern, Dais thought, turning his attention back to the map. Random strikes will only net a random number of humans. To optimize, they have to know where and when to strike. If there is a pattern, there has to be an informant. If there is an informant, who are they and why are they helping? Dais thought as he ran his fingers over the map. He took off his sunglasses and rubbed his eyes. I need eyes and ears of my own, but I can't trust humans to know what to look for when it comes to Netherworld activity. Damn.

Dais put his sunglasses back on and stared at the map and his notes for a moment longer before an idea slowly formed.

Just because I can't get into the Netherworld doesn't mean I'm incapable of sensing the fluctuation in energy caused by preternatural activity.

Dais sat back in the couch and closed his eyes, blocking out Hardrock and Mia's idle banter.

He indeed was able to feel the barrier. His range was more limited, but he could at least feel Tokyo proper. Given the high concentration of humanity, it wasn't surprising that the Crusaders often turned to Tokyo for their resources.

If I can sense the fluctuations, I can find out where the barrier is weaker, where they would be more likely able to puncture a hole between the two realms. There is a degree of fluctuation, of course, but nothing that can't be accounted for.

Dais found one extremely weak spot in Tokyo, and after a brief consultation with the map, determined that it was within Tokyo Station. He looked at the times and dates of previous attacks, and his eyes narrowed.

Oddly, there seems to be a spike in sorties on Fridays. He looked at the calendar on the wall nearby and smiled wryly. Which is tomorrow. With the extent of the damage done to the Capital as well as the losses in life and resources, I wouldn't be surprised if the Crusaders turned to the Human World for manpower.

Dais stood with the intent to make his way to Tokyo Station to examine the weak point, but was quickly brought up short when his armor was no longer a thought away. He swore internally, and ran a hand through his slightly-tangled hair. He wouldn't be able to confirm his suspicions on his own anymore. He'd have to learn how to work with the Ronin, at least temporarily.

"Rajura?" Mia asked.

"If my guess is correct and based off the information you have gathered and analyzed, there is a good possibility that the Crusaders will attack Tokyo either today or tomorrow, with a focal point of Tokyo station," he said and turned to face her. "Under normal circumstances, I would go to observe myself; however, I no longer have that capability. Do you know if any of the Ronin will be or are in the area?"

"How are you so sure?"

Dais struggled with himself. In order to gain their trust, in order to have them work with me, I need to selectively reveal some secrets.

"I can sense the boundary between the Human and Nether worlds," Dais said, "and it seems particularly vulnerable in Tokyo station right now. Given that the Crusaders have a history of attacking on Fridays—which is tomorrow—they might focus there. They are probably also hurting for resources and manpower right now, and humans are cheap and plentiful labor. As they might need more humans than usual, they might even send a Knight to ensure that their haul is maximized."

"You can sense the boundary between the worlds," Mia said slowly.

"How do you think we knew where to open Gates?" Dais responded.

"Point," Mia conceded. "Well, I believe Rowen is in the area. We'll see if they attack today. If not, Ryo and I are running errands in Tokyo tomorrow, so we'll see if you're right; even if you aren't, I'll have gotten something done."

Dais felt his bag digging at his hip and pulled it out. "While I strongly appreciate the Ronin providing me with modern clothing and a place to live, I do not like living on another's charity. I do have some gold, but my negotiating skills are currently…lacking."

Mia looked surprised. "You have gold with you?"

"I plan for contingencies," Dais said.

"When the Dynasty attempted to possess the human world, everything seemed to be turned to gold but it was merely glamour," Mia commented.

"That was due to the Dynasty's temporary influence. These, I assure you, are not glamoured stones." Dais walked over to her and Hardrock. He dredged up what little etiquette he remembered and said, "If possible, I would like to ask a favor. Could you please exchange this gold for modern currency for me? You can keep a portion."

Mia fought a smile, but didn't succeed. "Well, I have a better idea. Why don't you come with us?"

"Come with you," Dais repeated slowly. Is she trying to get me killed so I won't be a problem? If the Crusaders do attack, I will be useless.

"Don't look so suspicious!" Mia laughed. "It will let you adapt at least a little to modern society, and once we exchange your gold for money, we can go shopping for you and get you a halfway decent wardrobe."

"You're sounding suspiciously enthusiastic," Hardrock commented, a sentiment Dais echoed.

Mia gave Hardrock a smile and responded in modern Japanese: "He might know a lot about what we're facing in terms of mystical battles, but he knows next to nothing about the Human World. And now, I'm going to be dragging him into the middle of Tokyo."

Hardrock snickered. "I'm coming along."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," Hardrock said. "I mean, I don't entirely trust him, either. I'd rather someone always be with you."

"That's sweet of you," Mia said, smiling. "I don't mind having another man to carry my bags."

Hardrock laughed, although the sound was uncertain.

Mia turned to Dais. "So, you will come along with us. Tomorrow, I'm going to pick up Ryo and then we'll go to Tokyo."

Dais had lived with Kayura for centuries, so he knew he was willingly walking into a treacherous situation. Still, what choice did he have? He needed money, and he needed to blend in. It would make people look less closely at him, and, given that he didn't have his armor, such was critical.

"Very well," Dais said after an uncomfortable silence. "I am sure that the excursion will be...interesting."

Mia simply smiled.

After riding in a bus and a train, a car was not half as intimidating as it could be. It was slower and far less crowded than the train, and less jerky than the bus. That he had more space to himself was a relief. It wasn't much, but he felt less claustrophobic, and, after spending a terse, tense evening in close quarters with Hardrock, privacy, even a faint glimmer of one, was appreciated.

Hardrock seemed content to keep up a dialogue with Mia, as he took the front seat, delegating Dais to the back. Dais made himself as comfortable as possible in his seat and listened; he knew about the Ronin, but he didn't know them.

After a while, Dais decided that Hardrock wasn't a particularly interesting human. He was impulsive, emotional, and stubborn. He, unsurprisingly, also possessed a strong sense of justice that appeared to guide his actions and decisions. He was as direct a person as Dais remembered and time hadn't tempered how his mouth moved before his brain could catch up. He wasn't particularly intelligent, nor did he seem to possess any amount of common sense. He appeared to get through life through a combination of guts, luck, and a bizarre form of charisma. He clearly could be easily manipulated, and while that could prove useful, it would just be too easy. He might be good practice in refreshing his control of the minor illusions that came to him naturally, but he seemed to forget that Dais was present, even without Dais trying.

I sincerely hope the other Ronin are more interesting than Hardrock, Dais thought as he watched the scenery pass. I never truly interacted with any of the others.

Given how frustratingly plebeian Kento was, he turned his attention to Mia. He already knew she was intelligent enough to pose a threat to Dais, but listening to her responses and how she guided the conversation was fascinating. She was older and more mature, even from when he had interacted with her last during his confrontation with Anubis.

It...might be nice to coordinate a plan of attack with someone who is actually intelligent and competent, Dais mused. It will most certainly be a change of pace.

Mia pulled up in front of what Dais recognized as an apartment complex. Wildfire trotted over to the car, and balked when he opened the door to reveal Dais in the back seat. Dais didn't stop himself from sneering at the Robin before dismissing him and turning to look back out the window.

"What's he doing here?" Wildfire demanded.

Mia looked over the seat and said, "I'm taking him shopping with us."

Wildfire looked between Dais and Mia and drew out, "Okay."

After a second's hesitation, he took a seat next to Dais.

Dais had to concentrate, but he eventually managed to nudge Wildfire's mind enough to influence the Ronin to ignore him. It was a simple trick, one that had saved Dais' life more often than he would like to admit, particularly before he signed on with Talpa.

Dais eventually concluded that Wildfire was also uninteresting. He was at least slightly more intelligent than Hardrock, but his mind was just as disorganized. He possessed a quiet intensity, although it overlaid a remaining childish sense of…not quite entitlement, but a belief that he alone knew what was right. What charisma he had came more in the form of unflappable conviction than charm. He had at least learned to keep his mouth shut.

Watching the two Ronin interact without the looming threat of a Dynasty takeover was much more interesting than examining them alone.

Dais' long life had been full of violence, subterfuge, and suspicion. He had betrayed the only people he had remotely cared for as a human and given up any chance at redemption by selling his soul to a demon. He had a consistently antagonistic relationship with the people he was arguably closest to, and regarded his subordinates to be resources more than beings. So watching Mia, Hardrock, and Wildfire interact was…strange. He recognized their dynamic on an intellectual level, but simply couldn't understand. He watched them anyway out of pure curiosity. It managed to distract him from how unnerving it was to enter Tokyo via automobile.

How? Dais wondered as the colors swirled around them. How can they simply… he sighed silently and shook his head. It matters not. They are means to an end, nothing more. I shouldn't become too involved.

Tokyo was as overwhelming as he remembered, particularly since he was no longer deathly exhausted. The noise was even more unbearable now that he could actually understand what was being said; however, the lack of his armor seemed to dull all his senses slightly, which made everything else slightly more tolerable.

Both Wildfire and Hardrock startled when Dais stepped out of the car with them.

"Damn he's creepy," Hardrock grumbled. "With us the entire time and didn't say a thing!"

"He probably couldn't understand us," Wildfire pointed out. "And I still don't get why you brought him along. How can he possibly be useful shopping?"

Mia's gave Dais a suspicious look, but she said, "I wanted to observe him. He also told me that there is a chance of these 'Crusaders' attacking today. I want to see how he reacts if they do."

Dais wasn't surprised by her reasoning. He was surprised that she had said so out loud where he could hear.

Dais attempted to hang back, but Mia hooked her arm through his and kept him beside her.

"You seem remarkable relaxed for being in a modern city," Mia commented as they exited the garage and onto street level. "Particularly given the culture and structure of the Dynasty."

"Adaptability is necessary for survival," Dais responded. "What has you so interested in me?"

"What makes you think I'm interested in you?"

"Why bring me along if you were not? You could have left me back at Hardrock's place."

"You seem remarkably individualized for a Dynasty denizen," Mia eventually said. "You're most definitely not a grunt, and you also seem to be more independent than the other commanders that the Ronin ran across who worked for the Dynasty—even moreso than the Dark Warlords."

Dais bit his tongue. Perhaps we were less…cognizant…when we were under Talpa's direct control.

"That alone would make you interesting," Mia continued. "But you are also human. Not just humanoid, but actually human."

Dais declined to comment.

"And more closed-lipped than any Dynasty warrior I've come across!" she laughed.

Her attention shifted quickly from Dais as Strata joined them, although Mia didn't let him go.

Strata's pleasant expression faltered into confusion upon seeing Mia holding on to Dais.

"Uh, hi," Strata said, looking between Mia and the other Ronin. "So, he's…?"

"Coming with us," Mia said. "C'mon, I've got a number of errands that need running."

Dais was dragged all across the city, although he didn't mind—it allowed him to refresh his mental map of Tokyo. People watching and observing what Mia and Ronin were drawn to or interacted with helped him piece together more of modern Japanese culture. He was still wary of electricity and technology and how easily modern humans manipulated them, but he was quickly gaining a grasp on the cultural elements. He knew that time and exposure would inure him to the rest.

"It's so weird to see him just chillin' with us and knowing that he's from the Dynasty. Aside from speaking in really old-fashioned Japanese, he seems, I dunno…normal?" Hardrock said when they were all waiting around as Mia browsed a clearance clothing rack in a 'department store.'

Hardrock was already heavily laden with bags from numerous shops, and Wildfire had two bags to carry as well. Strata had thus far avoided becoming a pack mule, and Dais had transferred off the one bag he had been made to carry onto Hardrock.

"I know," Wildfire agreed, giving Dais a quick look. "I don't like how quiet he is, though. It makes me nervous."

"He's quiet because he literally can't communicate with us," Strata pointed out. "And he seems 'normal' because he doesn't look like he's from the Dynasty—he just looks like another foreigner. I guess the Dynasty does weird things to your appearance, since I doubt Talpa would recruit outside of Japan."

I am going to enjoy grinding all of the Ronin into the dirt once I get my armor back, Dais grumbled internally.

It was only once Mia was done her personal shopping that they got around to exchanging Dais' gold.

Dais wasn't stupid and refused to be conned, so while Mia did the talking, Dais cast small illusions that confused the person behind the counter; he received an amount in return that was fairly close to the actual exchange rate.

Dais was smug as they exited the store, although Mia was suspicious.

"What did you do in there?" Mia demanded.

"What makes you think I did anything?" Dais asked. "I believe that will be enough for any purchases I will need for some time."

Mia just watched him for a while before she said, "I mustn't forget that you're not human."

"See that you don't," Dais responded, smirking slightly.

Before they could reach a store where Dais could finally get clothes for himself, he felt a shudder in the boundary between the Human and Netherworld. Shortly after, the air not far from them shimmered, and a Netherworld gate erupted into existence.

"Shit," Wildfire swore as the humans began to scatter. "Mia! Get to safety!"

Mia remained exactly where she was, and Dais didn't bother to move either. The three Ronin took off, calling their armor to them.

"I'm not sure to be impressed or suspicious," Mia told Dais.

Dais shrugged as a combination of Crusaders and Army goons came spilling out of the open gate. "I'm more interested in seeing if a Knight makes an appearance."

"You think one will?"

"Perhaps," Dais murmured. I have no doubt that they need the resources.

It appeared that all the Ronin had received new armor, and Dais felt a spike of loathing and jealousy run through him. It didn't help that they now seemed stronger than they had been before.

I have to recruit them now, Dais thought as he watched them, his jealousy turning into something closer to arousal. With their strength, it will be easy to drive the Crusaders back to their home world.

The sheer power in the air took his breath away. If he could bring that power to heel, if he could mold it and control it…no one and nothing could stand in his way. Hardrock and Wildfire he wasn't concerned about. Strata's intelligence could be worked around, although Halo possessed far too much poise and aplomb to be easily manipulated. As for Torrent, well, if he managed to get the other Ronin on board with his plans, it most likely wouldn't be too hard to seduce him into doing Dais' bidding.

They will be mine, Dais promised himself. No matter how long it takes, no matter what I have to do.

Two Army peons noticed his and Mia's presence and ran towards them. Dais grabbed the chain of the kusurigama that was sent his way, wrapped it around his wrist and yanked on it. The weapon came flying out of the soldier's hands and Dais caught it effortlessly.

Sure, it wasn't his weapon of choice, but it would do. It also kept the soldiers at a distance, and Dais didn't want to test how much damage his body could take before death claimed him.

It felt good to have a weapon in his hand, and even better to take down two of the Army soldiers. They clearly didn't expect a normal human to be capable of any kind of resistance. The battle reminded Dais why he had enjoyed occasionally making forays into the field—combat was fun. While he didn't have the same kind of speed or strength that his armor afforded him, he was still skilled. The small illusions that cloaked where the blade actually was helped immensely, particularly when a group of Crusaders came for him and Mia.

It felt amazing to watch them die, and even better when he got close enough to feel the life drain from them before they vanished in a puff of smoke. The violence was intoxicating, and the more he fought, the more he remembered how to use what illusions he had left to wreck havoc. His excellence drew more Army grunts to him, but they were easier to dispatch than the Crusaders, as he already knew where all their weaknesses were. He kept his laughter quiet enough to be concealed by the clash of battle, but couldn't entirely hold it back; the violence was intoxicating. That he didn't care what happened to Mia confused the Crusaders long enough for Dais to completely clear the area around them.

However, the combat came to a halt when five figures stepped out of the Gate.

The Knight of Spirit took point, while Kayura, Sekhmet, and Kale spread out behind him, the Knight of Metal bringing up the rear. Each armor's virtue burned brightly on the Warlords' and Kayura's foreheads, and all of them looked utterly disgusted.

The Ronin came to a stop in front of the group, and Dais could read their suspicion and confusion even from a distance.

"That man in the front—is he a Knight?" Mia asked, although she stood a respectable distance away, as Dais was still lightly twirling the chain of the kusurigama.

"As is the one in the back," Dais replied.

"The Warlords…?"

"It will require explanation at a time where we are not a wrong move away from death."

Dais couldn't understand what the Knight of Spirit was saying without his armor to translate, and was too far away to catch the Ronin's half. Still, from how tense and unhappy everyone appeared, Dais doubted it was a pleasant chat.

Kayura caught sight of him, and after a moment's confusion a tiny, smug smirk formed on her face. She looked pointedly away from him after that, but the set of her shoulders indicated that she trusted him to make life hell for the Crusaders from the Human World.

And I will, Lady, Dais thought as the Knight of Spirit and his entourage returned to the Netherworld through the Gate, the structure closing behind them with a resounding thud prior to vanishing. Although I expect you to make life just as difficult now that you know I live.

Once the Ronin were sure the supernatural threat had passed, they all ran over to Mia; while Wildfire and Strata let go of their armor, Hardrock didn't. He approached Dais while the other two Ronin were busy fussing over the woman, who was perfectly unharmed, even if she was watching him closely.

"You're dangerous," Hardrock told him, his mein serious and solemn. "You enjoyed fighting. Enjoyed killing those soldiers. But, you also protected Mia, and I think I speak for all the guys when I say we're at least thankful for that."

"Do no thank me; she was smart enough to stay out of the way, since I would have had no remorse if she was an accidental casualty," Dais said. Dais knew that the presence of the armor of Hardrock negated the language barrier, and rather enjoyed being able to communicate directly with the Ronin.

There was an uncomfortable pause before Hardrock said, "Look. Now I know you ain't lyin' about these Knights. If he's managed to get all the…surviving…Warlords under his control, that means he's both powerful and dangerous. You know what we're up against. And in order to defeat them, we actually do need what you know."

To Dais' complete surprise, Hardrock extended a hand to him. "Based on what he said, I bet you're mad as a hornet over what happened in the Dynasty. I believe you now. And I promise that I'll help you once you've fulfilled your part of the bargain."

Dais looked between Hardrock's hand and his face, and brushed lightly against his mind.

The Ronin was serious in his offer. Stranger than that, though, was that he was angry. A darker part of Hardrock wanted to see the Crusaders crushed in retribution.

But, for what? Dais wondered.

Still, the offer of help coming from Hardrock was genuine, and having even one Ronin on his side meant that it would be easier to seduce the rest of them into working for him.

He clasped hands with Hardrock. "I look forward to you humiliating the Knights."

"They sound pretty strong, so I'm not sure I'll be able to humiliate them, but I'm looking forward to knocking their heads together, that's for sure," Hardrock told Dais with a lop-sided smile. "Let's get you some new clothes. Those are going in the trash as soon as possible."

Hardrock released Dais' hand, and with that, the armor dissipated. After a moment's hesitation, Hardrock carefully patted Dais' shoulder before walking past him.

Dais watched him for a moment before tossing the kusurigama aside, which evaporated once it was out of his hands.

Today has been…enlightening, Dais thought as he watched the Ronin and Mia interact. He made his way leisurely over to the Ronin, mulling over the events of the afternoon as blood dried on his skin.