sorry l haven't written in a pretty long while.

lm pretty sure this shall be my last chapter.

Ayumo didn't know what to say, what to think. his mind consertrated on the person he saw in front of him.

Hiyono was suprised to see him. she never expected to him to show up at her apartment.

she wasn't happy, sad, or angry to see him. she was just a bit suprised.

"who is this guy." poblo asked as they both stared at each other for a long time.

then Aymo smiled. as if he knew something like this was bound to happen. he started walking away, when Hiyono ran up to him and grabbed his hand.

"l've waited for you 2 years and when you fanilly show up, you see me with some other guy you run away."

"lm not running away, l see lm not needed here."

"don't give me that. you haven't called me once, haven't even bothered to think asking how was l doing. l thought you were angry at me, for not telling you the truth, l regretted everything. do you know how it was like going though everyday waiting someone, regreeting your mistake beating yourself up for it. and now when you fanilly show up, your running away." she spoke in a voice Ayumo thought was ever possible for her. her eyes were ragged.

"you dont know what l had to go though."she calmed herself down.

"l have waited for you 2 years, but now l moved on." she looked at poblo. then back at Ayumo.

"so what have you come here to tell me." he looked at poblo.

"this is kinda a personal matter." Hiyono looked at him as if she wanted to really knock some sence into him.

"what ever you have to say to me, you can say it infront of him." she fanilly let go of his hand, and walked up to pablo.

"l came back here a half a year ago." Hiyono gasped.

"l just felt guilty for leaving you, without saying anything, l thought you would be angry at me. so l didn't know how to aproch you."

"l can't belive it, did Midoka know about this."

"she knew nothing."

"and why are you telling me this?"

"l see that your happy now, belive me l want you to be happy. the reason l came back was to ask you this." Hiyono felt tears coming, but she forced them back.

"would you like to go to America with me." right then she just broke, she let all her tears escape. she was happy to hear this from him, she expected something like this all along, but the thought of it, she had fanilly learned to accept what had happneded and move on. but now the past come's and hits her in the face. she know's her answer but she dosn't want to respond back.

"lm sorry, l guess l would have to say no. you see l have been living with this gult for such a long time that l probaly have forgotten how to feel, how to be happy. but then l met pablo, l know its been a few days since we started going out, but l never been so happy with him, you see l begune to feel again, and that alone made me so happy. l waited for you too long, now l moved on." Ayumo looked upset , but he smiled at Hiyono.

"l understand." and he turned and walked away, with a smile.

l want you to be happy, Hiyono.

will there it is, the ending did you expect something like this would happen. will l fanilly finished my first fanfic.