This is my first fanfiction. will not first, but my first posting it and letting people read it.

when your done please let me know how l did, and if you have any information for me to improve it please let me know.

all comments are welcomed.

l did not make up these characters.

The wind grew cold. Freezing her movements, turning her tears into iciculs. Cold. Not holding a bit of heat in the air. Her foot steps shattered her rhythm, when she began running. Running up to the train grabbing his hand and pulling him back to her. But she had told him everything, the hole truth. And as much as she wished it wasn't true. It was. He would never come back to her. She stopped in her tracks, and only watched the train leave his back turned to her.

Her emotions exploded and she fell to her knees, sobbing. Her hands covering her face. Her thick brads embracing her. To him she was only a school girl. In his eyes he only saw her. The one and only Hiyono, and no one else. Even through she lied to him, didn't tell him the truth. He still belived in her. Still counted her as the girl he met before all this happened.

"lm sorry Ayumo" she whisper.

"lm so sorry." exploding into more sobs. Braking down like a little girl. Tears ran down her checks and she couldn't forgive herself what she did. She lied to him. She wouldn't blame him if he never wanted to see her again. But she wanted to see him. As much as she knew it was wrong she still wanted to see him. Her sobs quited down, and only a few tears remained. People stopped and stared at her, some asked what was the matter. But she only got up, grabbed her bag and walked out of the train stash on.

The cold air blew. She shivered as she walked to her apartment. She looked at her right hand and at a finger where a ring was placed. Memoirs came flashing in her head, as she sadly smiled. And then those memoirs evaporated as she tried to focus on the present and not dwell on the past.

She knew she wasn't supposed to keep the ring. Because this ring was meant for Hiyono. The Hiyono he met and became friends. The Hiyono she made a lie out off. Still she felt as if he wanted her to keep it. To never forget the memoirs they both experienced. Tears appeared in her eyes, and she wiped them away.

As she reached into her pocket to pull out the key. Turning the Nob Hiyono entered the apartment. Only to be surrounded by the sent of lreses and guilt. Hiyono remembered before he left. Before he knew the truth. He had given her a bukay of irreses. The day before he was supposed to leave. A small smile grew. Walking into the apartment she noticed their where two roses on each side of her kitchen table.

Then the melody came. Freezing her. Making her widen her eyes. Putting her into a trance, paralyzing her. The piece was so beautiful that she smiles. The tenderness of the song spoke. All her unsaid words, all her undone actions. Untouched emotions embracing her and filled her heart.

She music stopped and she stood there frozen. Who was it that was playing this song? Who was it that filled her heart with emotion? Touching her, feeling her, embracing her. All of her words, all of her actions were put in the music. The piano song she knew and loved, yet threaten to take her breath away.

She walked into her living room. Where she heard the music play again. But no one was there. And she remembered that she never owned a piano in the first place. But a C.D. Player stood next to the door leading to her bedroom. A note was taped. Hiyono ran up to the music box tacking the note in her shacking hands. She was afraid to read it. Afraid to process the words. Yet she hoped it was from him.

Unfolding the note. she begun to read slowly. Her voice sank, and her tone changed. Tears threaten to escape but Hiyono forced them back. It was from him. The one person she wished to hear from. He did all this for her.

Dear Hiyono,

by the time you'll be reading this. I'll be on the train and gone. You may be upset about what happened. But l wanted to make sure you knew what l thought about you, even if its not in person.

Hot tears ran down her checks as she covered her mouth with her hand. Reading a few more lines she felt herself crumbling the note. Thowing it across the room without finishing it. Feeling the pain In her chest.

She did nothing for him. She lied to him. He told her what she was to him. What he saw about her that made her special. What Would he say now. Knowing the truth would he still think of her the same. The person he thought was Hiyono wasn't Hiyono. She was a character made up. All a lie. Her grasp on her shirt tightened as she felt the throbbing pain. She fell to her knees. Breathing heavily.

Then she heard a familiar voice. A voice she knew to well. It came from the C.D. Player.

Hiyono l know you might think this is the end. But l can assure it is not. Someday we will meet again. Soon the voice ended. Hiyono grabbed her door Nob and pushed the door open. Pulling herself up. She crawled to her bed. Tacking the little bird Ayumo had given to her on Christmas last year. She pulled it close to her. Grasping it tighter and tighter every second.

After a few hour sitting in the dark. Crying to herself. She drifted of to sleep. Only closing her eyes and getting ready for what the next day had to bring.