I know it's already very late to say this but I know all of you think that Ayumu and Hiyono is very OOC in my story but that's the changes in them that I stated in my summary. Pretty shallow isn't it? My summary must've misled you all because I really don't know what to put in the summary so I just wrote that. And because of that, I really want to apologize if you have expected something different from my story.

This story of mine is just really my own version of Ayumu and Hiyono's lovestory after solving the mysteries of the blade children. And I also changed some of their characteristics and feelings because I don't want Hiyono to always chase and carry the torch for Ayumu so I changed their situation where Ayumu is the one who has to make an effort for Hiyono. That's why I entitled it New Ayumu and Hiyono (im sorry, I sucked at titles too) but I know all of you have already got my point if you have been following my story.

I'm sorry for the long note, I just want to clear things out and I'm really sorry if I've only realized this now. But I still hope that you'll still continue to read my story. Thank you very much everyone and I apologize for the really really late update. Lots and I mean LOTS of schoolwork to be done.


So on with the story! Chapter 22

The brunette unknowingly and sluggishly woke up with a heady head and body. He let out a groan when he tried to get up from his comfortable bed. He massaged his throbbing head and when he finally got the whole picture on where he is now, his sight revealed that he is already in his own room. He furrowed his brows in wonderment on how the hell did he got into his room. He remembered that he is in Eyes' place last night.

Last night? Yeah, he was definitely at Eyes' last night, it's his birthday remember? But besides that, he can't recall anything else, on when did they got home or when did he got in his own room.

He slowly got up from his bed and looked at himself at the mirror. He's still wearing the same clothes he wore last night. And he can also smell the faint smell of alcohol from his breath. Kouseke…. Yeah he remembered Kouseke giving him a can of beer but after that, his memory got vague and all blurry again.

'Maybe I got drunk after…' he thought to himself. Right, someone who can't remember what had happened to himself after he's been given an alcoholic drink, naturally one would presume that he got drunk. You don't need to think that hard to figure that out. But the real question is, what had he done after getting drunk?

He intently looked at himself at the mirror and looked for an answer to that answer. He smirked. 'I could only think of one thing that I would do when I get myself drunk. Kissing that girl has the highest possibilities, but who knows…' he then quickly shrugged that thought out of his mind. He lazily grabbed his towel and treat himself a nice cold morning shower.

When he got out of the shower, his empty stomach already told him what to do next. On to the kitchen to eat breakfast. He just hoped that his brother had already prepared their breakfast to save himself from that task.

When he's nearing the kitchen, he heard some sizzling sounds and a delicious smelling aroma. He stepped "Hey aniki-" but he shut his mouth when he did not found his brother inside the kitchen room but instead, who he saw was the honey haired girl cooking in their kitchen.

"Hey." He called out to her.

"Oh is that you Madoka-nee—" the honey haired got frozen when she turned to face the person whom she had thought was Madoka. She stood there like a fish statue at Ayumu with her eyes wide open staring at the man. The instant she got a sight of him again, her emotions got stirred up, rampaging inside her and wants to get out so badly. But no, she has to control herself. She lectured herself. He has to, if she doesn't want to cause a problem like she did last night. She has to get a grip of herself even though she wants to slap the man in front of her so needily.

Slap? It wouldn't hurt anyone if she'd slap him right? Except of course for the person who will get slapped. But he deserved at least one good slap in the face so why hesitate? Just this once. Her hands were already aching for this.

"Oohh… it's you Ayumu." She said it with her sweetest voice that it made Ayumu's body shiver. She walked towards him with a sweet smile fastened on her cute face. And even though Ayumu was fascinated by this, he still can't help but to think that something was off about this girl today. Well, its' not like she had ever been normal high school girl, but this smile of her somehow holds a dark meaning behind.

She placed herself in front of Ayumu and looked up to him, still smiling. She readied her right hand to give him a nice memorable slap but the guy was quick to notice that she would do something to him so he rapidly catch and stopped Hiyono's hand from touching him. "What's your prob-"

"Your right cheek's wide open Ayumu." She said while maintaining her girly sweet voice. And with that, she managed to slap Ayumu with her left hand. After satisfying herself from the sound that transpired from Ayumu's face when she magnificently slapped him, she smiled up to him. He looked at her with half lidded eyes. They remained like that for a second.

"What are you smiling about?" he asked annoyed.

"Oh nothing. I'm just extremely happy." She said while rubbing Ayumu's cheeks. "Oh by the way, I know that you're already hungry so you should start cooking for yourself now." She snickered and turned her back on him, " Ah, I feel so refreshed."

'What a scary girl…' Ayumu thought while his gaze was still glued on Hiyono.


And after that incident, Hiyono would always try to do something bad to Ayumu and always making it look like an accident. She really enjoyed herself so much. They didn't have school this day so Ayumu has to face Hiyono's wrath the whole day..

"You sure are having a hard time otouto." Kiyotaka popped out of nowhere and snickered at his poor younger brother.

Ayumu looked at his brother and shrugged his shoulders, "What's wrong with that psychopath anyway." And turned his back on his brother.

The much older guy raised one eyebrow, "You mean, you don't remember what you did to her last night?" Ayumu turned to look at Kiyotaka again with his unexpressive brown chocolate eyes. Kiyotaka continued, "You know, at Eyes' place last night?"

The younger man tried not to laugh at his brother's statement for he remembered the thought that had dawned on him early this morning when he was woken up. He averted his head away from his brother and shrugged. "What? Did I kiss her or something last night?" he unintentionally got these words out from his mouth.

Surprised by what Ayumu had said, Kiyotaka wrinkled his forehead and raised yet another eyebrow. "So you did remember the things you did at Eyes' place."

Ayumu froze. What? Did his brother mean that? He studied his great brother's face and expression, searching for that irritating beam that he's usually showing him when he's teasing him to Hiyono. But he found none. Kiyotaka isn't joking then.

He remained stapled on his seat. Searching his memories again if he can found something that has to do with what had taken place last night. But unfortunately, he can't recall any damn thing! His thoughts wonder to Hiyono. 'I actually kissed her? No wonder she's being evil only to me.' That answers why the girl is acting like an antagonist towards him.

He tried to dissolve the matter and stood up from where he is seated to leave his brother's presence. But one question in his mind stopped him. He faced his brother and asked with a stone-faced façade, "What kind of kiss did I gave her?" this question has aroused his interest and curiosity in this matter.

Kiyotaka on the other hand, though he can read his little brother clearly like a book, didn't expected that question coming from him. He gathered his a little startled composure and answered his brother with the same expression. "Well, you used your tongue when you kissed her."

The brunette's eyes widen a little when he comprehended his brother's word.

Kiyotaka noticed his change in expression 'Hm? Is he regretting his actions now? He probably realized how big Hiyono-chan's wrath fo-' But his thoughts got disrupted when he heard Ayumu spoke like he's whispering to himself. "Damn! Why can't I remember anything?" he saw Ayumu putting his hand on his head as if trying to get what he wants to remember from his mind.

'Whoa, is he repenting for his sins now?' Kiyotaka thought, slightly feeling a little pity on Ayumu. He tried to reach for Ayumu's shoulder, but he was stopped when he heard Ayumu spoke with little sound again, "I should've remember it. I should've remember what it feels like!" and after saying that, Ayumu walked out of the living room, leaving his brother with hands slightly up and with an open mouth.

So that's what Ayumu is worried for. He's bothered because he can't remember anything. And worse, he can't even remember how it feels like to kiss Hiyono…

"That guy," Kiyotka muttered to himself, "really is my brother."