Hey every one! Just a funny little oneshot I thought I'd post.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything.


Kousuke sat at his computer, messing around when he came across an interesting one with the words 'lemon and lime'. So Kousuke clicked on it. 5 minuets later Kousuke sat there just starring at his computer, eyes wide, mouth slightly open.

"... OH MY GOD!" Kousuke yelled.

"Kousuke!" Eyes shouted from down the stairs of the two story house the blade children shared. "We're going to the farmers market, want to come?"

"S-sure!" Kousuke called back, and walked out of his room, and down the stairs. The blade children all piled into Kanon's truck. Eyes rode shot gun, Ryoko rode behind Kanon, Rio sat next to her, and a very shaken Kousuke rode behind Eyes.

"I hope I can get a really big fresh melon!" Rio squealed.

"And maybe some home made bread." Ryoko said dreamily.

"Maybe we can get some lemons," Kanon stated. Kousuke twitched.

"And some limes!" Eyes said, thinking about how yummy the steaks Kanon was going to grill tonight would taste when they were grilled with the slices of the said citrus would be. And Kousuke's eye twitched.

"Hey, Kousuke? Are you okay?" Rio asked, worried.

"Never been better!" He lied. (Need to get filter on computer.)

Once they finally arrived, Rio and Ryoko went off in search of their prizes. Kousuke went with Eyes and Kanon to get some fresh produce.

They walked for a few minuets when they came upon a farmer selling Kousuke finally noticed the limes, he screamed.

"Ahhhh!" He screamed as he pointed at the foul lime.

"Kousuke? Are you okay?" Eyes asked, leaning foreword slightly in order to look at Kousuke.

"Never better!" He lied with a phony smile on.

"If you say so. But, um..." Eyes said, getting a little embarrassed.

"Yes?" Kousuke urged him on.

"Could you not scream at the limes?" He asked looking him dead in the eyes.

"Oh." His face turned bright red.

Kanon bought the limes and walked up to Eyes and the really red Kousuke.

"Ready to go find the lemons?"

Kanon asked, receiving a nod from Eyes, and a twitch from Kousuke. "Are you okay Kousuke?"

"Peachy." He said, his voice resembling his dread.

"Okay." With that, Kanon turned and lead the younger two blade children to a farmer selling lemons.

Kousuke turned his attention from the pineapple stand right across the walk way and saw the evil lemons. And Kousuke made a fool of himself.

"Ahhhh!" He screamed as he picked the horrid fruit up and threw it on the ground, and began to stomp it.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Kanon yelled at him. Kanon was mad. His eyes foretold Kousuke's death, his fists were clenched. Kousuke took a few steps back, his hands held up in front of him, as if to ward of danger. Neither said anything.

"Hey, Brother! Look!" Eyes ran over, grabbed Kanon's hand, and spun him around. All anger left him and he looked at what Eyes was showing him. It was a flute player and 5 dancing kittens. Kanon forgot completely about Kousuke.

Kousuke sighed. And one thought ran threw his head right then. (I have been ruined by a stinkin lemon.)


How was that for humor? Review! Will add more chapters if requested!

Over and out!