I'm baaack! Miss me? No? Well fine then! Have a update anyways.

DISCLAIMER: No, stop asking!

Kousuke looks in bathroom after classroom, after office, after locker. He was about to give up, when he came across a locked janitors closet.

"Bingo," Kousuke said in a hushed tone. He quickly picked the lock and entered. "Eyes?" He said as he entered.

Eyes sat in the corner of the shelves. His body trembling slightly. Kousuke knelt down next to Eyes, placing his hand on the latter's back. Eyes jumped a little and looks up, his blue eyes red and puffy from crying, the tears still streaming down his face. Kousuke felt a tinge of grief in seeing Eyes like this. Eyes looked away quickly, tears still sliding down his cheeks.

"What do you want?" Eyes asked, hurt evident in his voice.

"Seeing how you're holding up." Kousuke replied, leaning closer to Eyes.

"I'm fine." Eyes lied. He was anything but fine.

"I don't think you are," Kousuke said as he pulled Eyes into his chest. "I think that you're rather broken."

Eyes sniffled a little and tilts his head down. "Well- I-I'm sorry you have to see-"

"I think that it's okay if you cry." Kousuke interrupted him. "And I don't mind holding you while you cry, if you need to cry."

Suddenly Eyes can't control his emotions and breaks down crying completely. And Kousuke held him close, silently comforting him.

Yep, lets leave off here. Review or no update!

Over and out!